A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 830??? Monarch, this is not the Three Realms, nor the Galaxy

Chapter 830 Demon Monarch, This Is Not the Three Realms, Nor the Galaxy

When the stars fall, the Dao disappears!
This was absolutely beyond everyone's expectations, not even Linglian.Xingluo was actually killed under his nose.

If this matter happened a moment ago, he wouldn't even think about it.

In the Prajna world, there are almost no such monks who want to kill a person he wants to protect in front of his eyes.However, the monk was standing not far in front of him now.


The sound waves of the Yin-Yang clock did not stop.At this time, layers of sound waves in the void have become tangible.Black and white sound waves alternate with each other and diffuse in all directions.

In an instant, the monks with a radius of ten miles began to suffer.

Because, just now, the white light of Linglian hit the Yin-Yang clock, it was like a heavy hammer.Its aftermath is an indiscriminate attack.

The aftermath of the lotus treasure is not something that ordinary monks can bear.A monk below the reincarnation level may be instantly killed by him.For the monks of Peacock Mountain, it will be another disaster.


But at this time, look at the bamboo flute in Linglian's hand directly sacrificed to the void.

When the wind comes, the flute moves.

A melodious flute sounded gradually.And with the sound of the flute, the sound wave just now gradually subsided.The bamboo flute was suspended in the air.

The distance between the bamboo flute and the yin and yang bell is no more than ten zhang.

One thick, one flexible.

The two lotus treasures have formed a delicate balance without the master's control.At this time, the breath of Xingluo had completely dissipated.

Starfall, dead.

Linglian's face was extremely ugly.Because, even for him, it is impossible for the resurrection star to fall again.

"Mojun, are you really brave?" Linglian looked at Su Mo closely.At the same time, the light of the lotus platform where he sat down faintly glowed.The milky white light seemed to approach Su Mo.

At that moment, other monks on Peacock Mountain were also watching.

If you challenge Lian Zun, you must die.

At this moment, Linglian's attitude is no longer as gentle as before.In his opinion, Su Mo has already made him lose face, and the prestige of Lianshi seems to be useless to Su Mo.

"Hehe! The galaxy is shattered, and the dead son lost his wife. I'm just a rootless duckweed floating around. Life and death, I don't know how many lives." Su Mo smiled coldly, "I don't know if I have the guts. But , I'm not afraid of death, so I don't want to go against my heart!"

"Xingluo is the person I must kill, and the person I can kill. I must kill and I can kill, why don't I kill?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Su Mo's words, Linglian laughed angrily, "Demon Monarch, do you think this is the Three Realms? Or, is it your galaxy? It must be killed, but it can be killed, how ridiculous? Today, I'll let you know how to respect Lian Zun and how to compromise!"


Look again, Linglian waved her hand.A lotus petal flew directly from its lotus platform.The lotus petals were half white and half red, and when they flew out, they were only about one foot seven eight long.

Yes, it instantly turned into a long sword.

That lotus sword is three feet three feet long.The awn tail it brings up is even more hundreds of feet long.It comes from the lotus platform, with the breath of the lotus statue.

Even though it is not a lotus treasure in the true sense, it still has the power of a lotus treasure.

The lotus sword is extremely fast.

In an instant, it arrived in front of Su Mo.In fact, Su Mo had already prepared, but even so, the speed of the lotus sword was far beyond his expectation.

For Su Mo, with a thought, the lotus vine had already flown out.

However, his speed is still relatively slow.


The lotus sword had already flown a hundred feet in front of Su Mo before his lotus vine hit him.If it was a moment later, the lotus sword might have pierced Su Mo.

Look again, the lotus sword was directly drawn away by the lotus vine.

"Hehe!" Linglian couldn't help sneering on the lotus platform, "As expected of the Dharma King's stuff, it's really powerful. Otherwise, why would you, a little Venerable, fight against me?"

The lotus sword was drawn away, Linglian didn't care at all.

Because, the moment the lotus sword shattered, it directly turned into thousands of lotus flowers.And every lotus flower is a flying sword.

Overwhelmed, he went straight to Su Mo.

At that moment, Su Mo's lotus vine was useless.It was too late for him to withdraw and defend.

The sky is full of flowers and rain, bursts of lotus fragrance.

Yu Luo frowned, just about to raise the original black and yellow umbrella.Although she wasn't sure if the Mysterious Umbrella could block those lotus swords, that seemed to be the best way.

However, looking at Su Mo's feet, thousands of red lights suddenly lit up.


Corresponding to those lotus flowers, Su Mo's bloody rose flew out directly.

The Flower of the Devil of the Three Realms.


In the void, there are countless lotus petals and demons.They collided with each other and instantly turned into green smoke.In fact, Linglian's lotus sword is far better than Su Mo's magic flower.

However, the lotus sword is limited, but the magic flower is endless.

The magic flowers under Su Mo's feet are endless.They are like brave warriors, regardless of life and death.Finally, ten feet in front of Su Mo, they blocked Linglian's lotus sword.

At the same time, a defense composed of blood roses has appeared around Su Mo.They floated up and down in the void, rising and falling, and the red light diffused, which was truly amazing.

When Linglian saw it, her expression was peaceful.

Because he didn't use his real ability at all.He sat firmly on the lotus platform, not even intending to get up.To him, fighting against Su Mo is like an old man playing with a baby.

He has too many ways to kill Su Mo, but he can't kill Su Mo even if he wants to.

However, he wanted to give Su Mo some color.

Looking again, Linglian exhaled lightly.He didn't even move his cheeks, he just took a breath normally.


Look again, a hurricane suddenly blew up on Peacock Mountain.

That gust of wind started from the mouth of Linglian, and in an instant it became hundreds or thousands of feet, covering all the peaks.The black hurricane connects the sky and the earth.

At that moment, the monks on the many ships outside the Peacock Mountain could not help but frown.In that way, it seems that the Peacock Mountain is about to be blown away by the hurricane.

It seems that if Lianzun wants to destroy a world, it will be effortless at all.


When the hurricane hit, the blood rose defense in front of Su Mo was blown to pieces in an instant.

That's really not a class fight.

In Su Mo's life, since he got the Blood Rose, he has never encountered such a situation.The devil's flower can't stop the black hurricane at all.

When the wind falls, the flowers scatter.

However, the hurricane did not hurt Su Mo.It just blew away the blood rose defense.Look again, the corner of Linglian's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his hand to hold the whisk behind him in his hand.

That dust whisk was a lotus treasure, and it was not of low grade.

At this moment, Su Mo's defense was completely lost.

Linglian just wanted to give Su Mo a sense of authority.He wanted Su Mo to understand that it would be easy for him to kill him.

Therefore, Linglian waved the whisk.

Look again, the whisk turned into hundreds of feet in an instant, like a long whip hitting Su Mo from top to bottom.

Linglian's speed is too fast.

He was so close that Su Mo had no chance to defend himself.The lotus can't come back at all, and the other lotus treasures can't be sacrificed.The speed of the whisk was faster than Su Mo's thoughts.

At this moment, Su Mo's defense was wide open.

In the final analysis, Su Mo is not Linglian's opponent at all.The dust whisk fell from the sky and struck Su Mo's head.

At that moment, a dark light flashed in Linglian's eyes.

He wanted to crush Su Mo's body.Only in that way can Su Mo know how to advance and retreat, and he also spared Su Mo's life.

"Su Mo-"

"The Lord of Demons—

Ye Wuhui and Yu Luo yelled almost simultaneously.However, they were powerless.The realm of Linglian is almost unimaginable to them.

No one can save Su Mo.


And at this moment, a ball of white light suddenly rose from Su Mo's body.

 I can’t access the background of the computer. After half an hour, I updated it with my mobile phone, and it worked.

(End of this chapter)

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