A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 849 ???? Goodbye Xingjun!1 Gateway to the Rift

Chapter 849 Goodbye Xingjun!A Gateway to the Secret Realm

Returning from a trip?

Su Mo couldn't help asking: "Where did you go to travel, sir? What kind of continent and what kind of stars are we here?"

"The name of this star is Huangliang." The middle-aged scribe spoke eloquently, "There are two continents in the entire Huangliang star. One is called Nanke, and the other is called Jiaolu. Between the two continents, there is a big river. The name is Yunhuan. We just came back from the Jiaolu Continent."

Banana deer?Unreal?
Hearing these names, Su Mo smiled wryly in his heart.

It seems that Lian Shi of that layout has completely adopted the name he gave to this star and continent before.Moreover, names such as Fuling and Yunhuan all represent illusory meanings.


Su Mo looked at the middle-aged scribe and the young man in admiration in his heart.Lianshi in that layout is really amazing.

"Haven't you asked your son's name?" the middle-aged scribe said.

"Under Su Mo!" Su Mo said.

"Master Su, I think you are also a great monk, where are you going?" The three of them chatted while walking, and the middle-aged scribe asked Su Mo.

"I'm going to find someone. Unfortunately, I don't know where she is yet?" Su Mo said disappointedly.

"Oh?" The middle-aged scribe smiled, "My lord, who are you looking for? Do you have some clues?"

"The person I'm looking for is my wife," Su Mo said. "She is a plum blossom elf who should be sealed in the territory of the Kundie family. However, the Kundie Xinghai shares 770 stars, and I don't I don't know where she is."

"Kundie family?" The middle-aged scribe was taken aback, then smiled, "That is the overlord of the Kundie star realm. How can your wife be in their hands?"

"Sir, that's hard to describe. However, I'm not very clear about the process." Su Mo smiled wryly.

"The center of Kundie Xinghai is a secret realm, named Kundie Secret Realm!" The middle-aged scribe thought for a while and said, "If Mr. Su's wife is really in the hands of the Kundie clan, then most likely she will be in the Kundie family's hands." In Butterfly Secret Realm."

"Kundie Secret Realm?" Su Mo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What kind of existence is that?"

"It is said that the real Kundie family has lived in the Kundie Secret Realm for generations. There are countless fairy palaces in the Kundie Secret Territory. For monks in the Kundie Star Realm, it is an absolute holy place!" said the middle-aged scribe.

"Oh?" Su Mo nodded silently, "Sir, how do I get to Kundie Secret Realm?"

"Then I don't know!" The middle-aged scribe shook his head and smiled, "I have never been to the Kundie Secret Realm. Because anyone who can enter the Kundie Secret Realm must be recognized by the Kundie clan. Before, we can arrive."

The middle-aged monk finally said a word of Zen, and then said no more.

Leaning on a cane, he strode forward in the rain.

The boy followed closely.

Su Mo looked at their backs, didn't ask any more questions, but also strode forward.

Butterfly Secret Realm!

This is useful news for Su Mo.

The rain gradually died down.

The three of them had reached the upper reaches of the great river.Someone is leading the way, so Su Mo doesn't have to think about it.After passing through a forest, they had already arrived outside a manor.

That mountain villa has a radius of about three miles.Su Mo's spiritual consciousness can basically cover everything.

The style of the villa is simple, solemn and elegant.

The gate of the villa is blue.

On the lintel, there is a horizontal plaque.Gold lettering on a black background, the inscription "Fuling Villa".On the left side of the gate, there is an ancient plum tree.Its branches are like a horned dragon, with a sense of antiquity, and the crown is several feet long, which is extremely beautiful.

"What a Fuling Villa! What an ancient plum tree!" Su Mo praised sincerely.

"Young Master, you have good eyesight!" The middle-aged scribe smiled, and then stretched out his hand to invite, "Master Su, please come inside!"

At this time, the gate of the villa was already wide open.

Look again, a white-clothed monk walked out directly from the villa.Behind him, followed by two followers.The friar in white has a good appearance.

In the pupils of the eyes, the star waves are slightly swaying, quite intoxicating.The most special is a pair of white eyebrows, curved like a cold moon.

His whole temperament is quite evil.

Seeing this monk, Su Mo's eyes froze.In his heart, there was a long sigh.At the same time, he set his eyes on the middle-aged scribe again.

One sleeve of the middle-aged monk was empty.

Because he is one-armed.

"My lord, Mr. Wen, you are finally back!" the monk in white smiled.

"Well! The banana deer has a dream, and there will always be a return day!" Mr. Wen laughed.

"Just come back!" The monk in white smiled.

"My lord, how was your trip this time?" The monk in white looked at the young man again.

"Mr. Tolian's blessing, not bad!" The boy responded.

"Haha!" Mr. Na Lian nodded and said, "It looks pretty good too. Young Master, you still recognize me? That's a good thing! I'm afraid that you will forget your true heart in the cycle of reincarnation!"

Hearing these words, Su Mo's body couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Who is this?" Mr. Bai Yilian looked at Su Mo again.

"Su Mo met Mr. Lian!" Su Mo hurried over and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Su is going to Kundie Secret Realm to find his wife. However, he lost his way around here. So, I invite him to sit in the villa." Mr. Wen said.

"Kundie Secret Realm?" Mr. Lian couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard it, and then took a deep look at Mr. Wen, but he hesitated to speak.

"Kundie Secret Realm, it's not easy to go!" Mr. Lian said lightly to Su Mo.

"I hope the two gentlemen will point out the maze!" Su Mo said.

"Let's go! We have something to do, let's talk about it in the village!" Mr. Wen said.

"Please!" Mr. Lian also said.

Su Mo nodded.

So, everyone entered Fuling Villa.The entire villa is filled with mist, like a fairyland.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Lian, are you the two who are the masters of Fuling Villa?" Su Mo asked tentatively.

"The others are not here for the time being, and now it's just us two!" Mr. Lian said, "Before my young master and Mr. Wen returned, I was the one who was in charge of the house, so I felt a little lonely!"

When Su Mo heard this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Wen Qu and Lian Zhen are both there, so he is afraid that there are several other Xingjun in this Fuling Villa.

Fuling Mountain Villa is a place where spirits gather.

Is this person with the layout actually so powerful?Lianshi, is it really possible to bring them back to the human world?All of this does not really exist.

At that moment, Su Mo's heart was quite complicated.

If everything is true, Su Mo would really like to see everyone.

"However, the other five of our brothers are all supernatural. Maybe they will appear in the villa the next moment, and maybe they will disappear again the next moment." Lian Zhen laughed.

Su Mo nodded in agreement, and followed the two gentlemen directly to the main hall.

That boy didn't come in directly.

Then, a servant offered fragrant tea.

"Mr. Su, have a cup of tea first!" Mr. Wen said, "I have been traveling through wind and rain, let me change my clothes, and then come to talk with you!"

"Sir, please go ahead!" Su Mo said.

Mr. Wen went out.

When Mr. Lian saw it, he also said goodbye: "My lord, sit down for a while, and come when you go down!"

Su Mo smiled.

In the main hall, only two servants were left.Su Mo took a sip of tea.The tea is not bad, and the mouth is fragrant.The two servants stood silently without saying a word.

Su Mo's consciousness spread out, but he happened to hear Mr. Lian asking Mr. Wen:

"Mr. Wen, why did you bring him back? Does he know that our place is a gateway to the Kundie Secret Realm? If he wants to enter the secret realm, we will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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