A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 857???? Because of Amu, Xinghe was in a breath

Chapter 857 Because of Amu, Xinghe was here in one breath

The sea, whirlpool.

Actually, Su Mo couldn't remember exactly how many times he saw such a sea vortex.However, each time is a little different.

Now, the sea in front of him is dark blue.

Moreover, there is no fragrance in this sea, nor are there many lotus flowers.It didn't seem like the kind of sea he'd seen before.However, the vortex is endless, and it also sucks water from all directions.

The vortex is like a bottomless black hole, devouring everything.

Su Mo's mood suddenly became a little depressed.

At this time, he suddenly found that everything around him seemed to have disappeared.

Dazed, all he could see was sea water.

In fact, he should be standing in the center of the galaxy world, but as far as he can see, there is only a little bit of unextinguished starlight on the edge of the extremely distant interstellar world.

That feeling is like being in the underworld, looking up at the lights of the world.Ethereal, not real.At the same time, Su Mo saw the streaks of white light floating among the stars just now, all flying into the black vortex.

They, one after another.

What the hell is that vortex?Su Mo had no answer in mind.


Above the sea, huge waves are rushing, and the waves are as high as a hundred feet.However, they will always merge into that vortex and cannot escape at all.


A gust of wind came, and looking not far in front of Su Mo, a figure gradually appeared.That was none other than the commoner nun who had been arranged earlier.

Her hair is still the same as before, but the hatchet at the waist is gone.

"Devil Lord, how are you?" the commoner nun asked.

"What's the matter?" Su Mo asked puzzled.

"How's the scenery here?" the commoner nun asked with a smile.

"What is this place?" Su Mo asked without answering.

"This is the place of reincarnation in the galaxy world, or some people call it the eye of the wind wheel!" the commoner nun replied.

"The eye of the wind wheel?" Su Mo couldn't help but think of the wind wheel and lotus world that the king in white told him.The white-clothed Dharma King said that each wind wheel and lotus circle is composed of a wind wheel, a sea of ​​perfume, and many lotus circles.

However, even the Dharma King in white at the beginning could not completely penetrate the Wind Wheel Lotus Realm.He said that his realm is too low.Su Mo thought about this in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"That's right!" The commoner female cultivator smiled faintly at this time, "Monarch, you have recovered to the third level of the Venerable in Yizang World. Although this is not your peak cultivation level back then, but the origins of many worlds, perhaps it should be Have some new acquaintances?"

"How do you say that?" Su Mo asked.

"You should know where many worlds come from and how they evolved from." The commoner nun said.

"All realms are evolved from Jielian. And Jielian is planted by Lianshi. I heard that Lianshi can plant lotus in the third stage, and then use lotus to cultivate his body and practice continuously. I don't know if this is right?"

"Probably not bad!" The commoner female cultivator nodded again, "However, not all lotus priests can grow lotus or will choose to grow lotus. Planting lotus is only the main way of our practice, but some lotus priests never plant lotus of!"

"Oh? They chose to capture another lotus?" Su Mo's mouth curled up, "The legendary purifier, right?"

"Hehe!" The commoner female cultivator couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she heard this, "Monarch, it seems that there are some things that you know. Indeed, purifiers do exist."

"Xinghe, was they purified?" Su Mo smiled coldly, "Who are they?"

"I can't answer this question for you!" The commoner nun shook her head, "Because those purifiers are above me. I am just an ordinary lotus priest! Purifiers are not something I can fight against."

"An ordinary lotus priest?" Su Mo smiled helplessly, "Senior, haven't you planted a lotus yet?"

"Soon!" The commoner female cultivator smiled, "I will be consummated after finishing your business!"

"Oh? Hehe!" Su Mo said, "Senior, then you lead me to see the galaxy world again, and see the eye of the wind wheel, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry! You will know right away." The commoner nun said, "When a lotus is born, a lotus is always destroyed. Our world is actually above the sea. That sea is called the Perfume Sea. It is said that there are The wind wheel. On the sea, there are countless lotuses that nourish countless realms. One lotus is one realm!"

Su Mo listened silently without speaking.

What the commoner nun said and what the white-clothed Dharma King said can confirm each other.

"Creation, living, bad space, endless reincarnation, all in the sea of ​​perfume. And when a lotus flower is really about to wither and perish, there will be such a black vortex!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Su Mo couldn't help but look at the black vortex again, "You mean, the former galaxy has been completely destroyed, right?"

"No!" The commoner female cultivator shook her head, "If the Galaxy is really destroyed, what you see will be a black sea. But now it's just dark blue. Yizang World can't completely swallow the Galaxy. But, Xinghe is already a withered lotus, it looks like a monk is dying!"

"Each Jielian has a so-called eye of the wind wheel. It is because it is said that the dead Jielian, except for a part of the world power will be absorbed, most of its power will be attributed to the wind wheel. Before you saw those Is there a streak of water vapor?" asked the commoner nun.

"I see!" Su Mo asked, "Those are all the soul energy of the galaxy world?"

"Come on! In fact, it's not just soul energy, but also some karma, boundary power, etc." The commoner nun said, "And what I'm showing you is actually just another level of the destruction of the galaxy back then. That's you once , An absolutely invisible situation. At that time, people in the entire galaxy world seemed to turn into streaks of white light, and then fell into the eyes of the wind wheel."

"What will happen if you fall into the Eye of the Wind Wheel?" Su Mo asked.

"Eternal death!" The commoner female cultivator smiled wryly and shook her head, "This is also the saddest aspect of Jielian. Once it is not fully mature, it will go to destruction one day. This kind of destruction is not reincarnation, but eternity. They , will not come again!"

"Oh?" Su Mo frowned again, "Then what is the solution?"

"That's exactly what I want to say!" said the commoner nun, "The reason why the galaxy has not been completely destroyed, and there are still many monks reincarnated in Yizang is because someone filled the sea with their bodies!"

"Fill the sea with your body?" Su Mo couldn't help being taken aback, "Who?"

"What do you think?" The commoner female cultivator looked at Su Mo with a half-smile.

"Amu!" Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he suddenly understood.

"Hehe, that's right!" The commoner female cultivator smiled, and then sighed again, "It is a great blessing to have a monk like Amu in the Galaxy world. If there is no Amu, Xinghe would have died long ago!"

"Amu, isn't it sealed in the Liuli world?" Su Mo questioned.

"That's right!" The commoner female cultivator nodded, "Because the Liuli Realm is the fusion place of Xinghe and Yizang. Amu, being sealed there, Xinghe is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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