A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 867 Black-blind Master, 1 King Zun

Chapter 867

The black-clothed monk stood up and looked at everything around him.

He was thin and long, which made him even more alone.

In fact, he was surrounded by a vast sea of ​​clouds, except for those soul lamps, there were almost no ordinary things.However, the monk in black still watched quietly for a while.

No one knows what he is looking at.

However, if someone is there, they will find that his eye sockets are empty.

He was actually blind.

At that moment, he was endlessly lonely.The world was empty, as if he was the only one.That kind of loneliness, no one can understand.


Sighing again, he walked forward slowly.Above the sea of ​​clouds, he walked on flat ground without any abnormalities.In fact, for Lianshi, it doesn't make any difference whether he has eyes or not.

And this friar in black could completely change his appearance, but he didn't.

Gradually, he disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

One step is a world.

In a moment, the monk in black walked to the edge of the Prajna world.

That was the place where Su Mo fought with Swordsman Thirteen before.

The monk in black stood in the void, not moving for a long time.He is sensing everything around him.He already knew a lot about what happened before.

"Peak of the Venerable! Kun Soul Knife!" The black-clothed monk said to himself, "Galaxy Demon Lord, it is really surprising!"

Immediately, he looked in Chen Luo's direction, but instead of crossing the boundary, he turned around.

Not long after, he appeared on another star in the Prajna world.

That star was the last star that Su Mo and others stayed in before they wanted to enter the Kundie Star Sea.

At this time, on that star, some mountain people were chopping bamboo on the mountain.The situation was the same as before.One of the commoner women, unkempt, was holding a hatchet in her hand.

It's just that the hatchet is not black, but an ordinary hatchet.

That commoner woman is naturally Xianlian.

And when the monk in black appeared on the star, Commoner Xianlian stopped the movement of her hands.There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

She had expected a visitor.

Commoner Xianlian put away the hatchet, and then slowly stood up straight.

At the same moment, time on this star stopped completely.

The mountain people around her kept their posture of chopping bamboo, and even the expressions on their faces did not change.Everything is still, except for Commoner Xianlian.

This is her protection of the star.

Commoner Xianlian looked at a low mountain in front of her eyes.Gradually, a figure appeared on the short hill, it was the black-clothed monk from before.

The commoner fairy lotus moved forward, and the monk in black went down the mountain.

Two people, not far apart at the foot of the mountain, stopped each other.

"Black-blind master, rare guest! rare guest!" Commoner Xianlian looked at the black-clothed monk and said, "You don't practice in the depths of the clouds, how did you come to a remote little star like me?"

"Hehe!" The black-blind master couldn't help but shook his head and smiled when he heard this, "Xianlian, the mountain is not high, so there is a fairy. The place where your fairy lotus is is the land of immortals. How can you say it is a remote little star?" ?”

Commoner Xianlian smiled faintly: "Master, you usually live in seclusion. Today, you must have something to do when you come to my place!"

"I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing!" The black-blind master nodded, "I want to ask, what is the realm of the Galaxy Demon Lord?"

"The realm of the Galaxy Demon Lord?" Commoner Xianlian couldn't help but wondered after hearing this, "Master, you shouldn't ask me this. Then Su Mo is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord. The peak of the Venerable was originally his realm. Now , what's so strange about him recovering?"

"Hehe!" The black-blind master sneered, "Xianlian, he has only entered Prajna for a thousand years. If no one guides him, how can he fully awaken?"

"Personal creation! How can we generalize it?" Commoner Xianlian said, "Master, haven't you heard that you can become an immortal in one step and become a Buddha in one step?"

"One step to immortality, one step to become a Buddha!" ​​Hearing this, the black-blind master sneered, "Perhaps! However, I don't think he would have fully awakened so soon if there were no specific conditions. Presumably, you gave him Chance."

Commoner Xianlian smiled but said nothing.

"Xianlian, regardless of the realm, you always gave him the Soul Kun Saber, right?" the black-blind master asked again.

"Kun Soul Knife?" Commoner Xianlian shook her head and denied, "I didn't give the Kun Soul Knife to the Demon Monarch of the Three Realms, I just passed the knife to my disciple Wu'er."

"Wu'er? Hehe!" The black-blind master tilted his head and listened, "Xianlian, what's the difference between that and giving it to the devil? You have already released the plum blossom elf."

"Master, back then I only promised to help you seal the plum blossom elf for a million years. Now, although I let her go, it is not a violation of the original agreement. A million years has passed long ago. Isn't it right?" Lotus Road.

"Xianlian! To be honest, did you seal the plum blossom elf in the past 300 million years? You broke the seal early, accepted him as a disciple, and even helped him escape the reincarnation of his soul and find the devil. All of this, I read In terms of love back then, it was nothing at all. But, you actually passed the Kunhundao to her?" Master Blackblind said sharply, "What's the difference between this and passing it to the Demon Lord?"

"Master!" Commoner Xianlian's face sank when she heard this, "Who is the Kunhundao to be passed on? It is a matter of my Kundie clan. Does this still require your black-blind master to nod? Back then, I I promised you to keep the Plum Blossom Fairy because of my love back then. Otherwise, there is no need for us, the Kundie clan, to wade into this muddy water."

"You should understand that the shattering of Xinghe has nothing to do with my Kundie clan, or even with our hidden demon world. You want to use the plum blossom elves, let us take the blame for you?"

"Back the blame?" The black-blind master sneered, "I never planned to do that. Besides, Xianlian, you are not qualified to take the blame!"

After hearing this, Commoner Xianlian said with disdain: "Master, you can just keep the pot for yourself!"

"Xianlian!" The black-blind master did not argue any more, but was silent for a while, and then said, "Swordsman Thirteen, has died under your Kunhun knife. The Galaxy Demon Lord has also returned to the Chenluo Realm. This time Everything is not in my plan. You should know that my swordsman has never missed a shot."

"This time, the ruthless king will definitely be furious. I am afraid that the good days of the demon king in the world of Yizang will come to an end. He will never let the demon king become a lotus priest. What you do will definitely implicate Kun Butterfly clan, and even the entire demon world."

"Thank you for reminding me, Master!" Commoner Xianlian smiled indifferently.

"My Kundie family is not of the ruthless lineage. What does it have to do with me if the ruthless king is not angry? All I know is that the teachings of the two ancestors of my family-do not violate the heart, and do good with one heart! You can talk directly to the two ancestors of my family. If the two ancestors have orders, I, Xianlian, will obey even if I die!"

"Hahaha!" The black-blind master couldn't help laughing wildly, and then the laughter stopped.

There was a faint blackness on the face of the black-blind master, and his tone was a little gloomy.

"Xianlian, it seems that your demon world has already completely leaned towards the Galaxy of the Three Realms. But, don't forget that the Ruthless Wang Zun is Yizang's dharma king."

"Yizang Dharma King? Hehehe!" Commoner Xianlian sneered, "What a Yizang Dharma King! Master, I have some news for you. My two first ancestors are already planning to return to the town for a few days. There is something to do, Ruthless Wang Zun can go back to town and talk!"

Hearing Xianlian's words, the black-blind master's cheeks tightened.

"Do it yourself!"

After that, he didn't say anything, turned around and walked away slowly.His back is still lonely and slender.

(End of this chapter)

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