A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 873????The Lotus Soul Cave Mansion?Blooming on the other side

Chapter 873 Lotus Soul Cave Mansion?The other side blooms
Mu Bone!
Su Mo was taken aback, who is Mu Baigu?
"Wu'er!" Su Mo looked at Wu'er and said, "Do you know the woman in red on the wall? Her name is Mu Baigu!"

At this time, Wu'er's brows were furrowed.

Because, just now, the name just flashed in her mind.Immediately, everything disappeared in an instant.Before, the moment she entered the stone house, it seemed to trigger a trace of memory in the depths of her soul.

However, it was like a spark, flashed for a moment, and then disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Lang!" Wu'er shook his head, "I really can't remember. My memory may be as incomplete as the Dragon Elephant Soul Devourer. I only remember these three words. Could it be Mu Baigu? ,I have no idea."

"It's okay!" Su Mo comforted, "The real owner of this place must be the most outstanding figure in all worlds to have such a blessed place."

"Hidden soul! Hidden soul..." Wu'er nodded, and then suddenly said, "Su Mo, do you think this cave is a cave where lotus souls are hidden!"

"Very likely!" Su Mo said, "But, the big blue urn that sealed you that I saw back then was on that black stone just now. How could it appear here again?"

"That big blue urn is the magic weapon of Linglian Lianzun." Wu'er said, "Back then, I was reincarnated as Mu Hongchen, and then Xingluo brought Linglian to seal me."

"That's right!" Su Mo said, "Linglian also said that he sealed you. But later, someone asked him to send you to the Kundie Secret Realm. I don't know, who is behind this? Also, Did Senior Xianlian ever say that you were sent out after arriving at Kundie Secret Realm?"

"No!" Wu'er said firmly, "I can confirm this. Back then, when I was sent to the Butterfly Secret Realm, except for Mu Jinghong's soul, I never left the Butterfly Secret Realm."

"What about the big blue urn that sealed you?" Su Mo asked again.

"That is a magic weapon of the venerable level, which has been broken by the master. I have seen its fragments before, and it can no longer be restored." Wu'er said.

"From this point of view, the big blue urn should have no chance to come here." Su Mo frowned, "However, I saw that big blue urn with my own eyes back then, and your spirit once guided me. Otherwise, I didn't know you were on the Chenluo Star in the Necromancer Starfield."

"Yeah!" Wu'er nodded, "I had a brief awakening back then. So, I hope that someone with predestined relationship will come to rescue me. It's just that after I was sealed, things weren't that bad. However, what happened when I was sealed Not sure."

"Could it be that the big blue urn is not in this cave at all?" Su Mo thought of a possibility, "After all, the big blue urn disappeared inexplicably back then. According to the calculation of time, you were already in Kundie at that time." The secret realm has returned to freedom. The big cyan urn has long been broken. All I see is an illusion."

"But, even the illusion doesn't match." Wu'er frowned and thought about it, and then said, "However, there is another explanation."

"What's the explanation?" Su Mo asked.

"The space-time here is different from Yizang's!" Wu'er said, "So, no matter what you see is an illusion or real, it is not something of the same period in Yizang's world."

"It makes sense!" Su Mo nodded, "It is indeed possible. It seems that everything is complicated, we can only keep speculating, and then look for clues!"

"Yeah!" Wu'er smiled, "But, after all, that's an old thing. It doesn't matter who owns this cave. Now it's just you and Hengheng, who can come in and out at will. I've reunited with you, the past It doesn't matter if you can't remember."

"Okay!" Su Mo also smiled when he heard this, "It's all in the past, don't chase after it! Besides, the truth will come out one day. Let's follow the steps and follow the steps to restore Xinghe."

"En!" Wu'er nodded.

After figuring this out, Su Mo and Wu'er became more cheerful.This is indeed the case in the world. If you get entangled in many things, it will be useless instead. It is better to let it go.

So, the two of them left the stone house.

But at this time, the little white pig and Heiyu Shenhong had already finished eating the fairy fruit.Heiyu Shenhong directly found a corner, stood on one leg, closed his eyes and meditated.

The little white pig lay directly on his back outside the flowerbed, looking a bit overfed.

The white belly is round and round.

However, as soon as Su Mo and Wu'er came out of the stone house, the little guy immediately got up and was extremely flexible.Immediately, it was pitiful and didn't look full at all.

"Hehe!" Wu'er couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"This flower garden is restricted, and no one can enter it except me." Su Mo said, "So, if it wants to eat fruit, I can only pick it for it."

"Oh?" Wu'er laughed, "So that's the case. I said why is it so obedient."

"Wu'er, try to see if you can enter this flower garden. I think you should be able to." Su Mo said, "I'll just follow behind you, so there should be no problem."

"Okay!" Wu'er nodded, and then walked towards the flower garden.

Something magic happened.

Before, neither Little White Pig, Guan Xiong, nor Ye Wuhui could step into the flower garden.Once in the garden, they will be attacked by the ban.

However, now that Wu'er stepped into the flower garden, there was no response from the restraint.

"Haha!" Su Mo couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "Wu'er, it seems that this place is full of spirituality. Immediately, I knew that you are the hostess here."

"En!" Wu'er was sweet in her heart.

"Hmph!" The little white pig immediately showed joy when he saw it, cheering and doing somersaults outside.Because it knew that Wu'er was much more generous than Su Mo.

"Hmph, I can only try to see if I can pick the fruit." Wu'er waved one hand while speaking.


Two vermilion fairy fruits fell in response.


When the little white pig saw it, his eyes were shining and watery.Wu'er didn't tease it either, and directly gave the two fairy fruits to Heheng and Heiyu Shenhong, impartially.

At this time, Su Mo also entered the flower garden.

Then, he went directly to the black cliff.Now, the seven Bana flowers in that small nether world are entangled with each other, covered with branches and leaves.

Among them, a section has already climbed the black cliff, but it has not bloomed yet.

"Bi'an flowers!" Wu'er couldn't help being stunned, "Xiao Lang, how did you find them? You know, we didn't have any news about them in the galaxy world. I thought that Amu created the galaxy and didn't give them a chance to be reborn."

"I summoned them from the remnants of the Three Realms." Su Mo said, "Perhaps, they should all be born with me, so they came to this world. I promise them that they will come to the world again."


Wu'er nodded.She understood that the other side had special meaning to Su Mo.


Look again, Su Mo has already sealed with both hands.Now, he has recovered his former peak cultivation.It can be said that at this time he is the real Hades.

Therefore, he wants the other side to bloom.

That little ghost spread instantly.

The entire area under the black cliff with a radius of one zhang was completely transformed into darkness.The other shore flower grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.Immediately, Su Mo stepped into the netherworld.

In an instant, the entire nether world seemed to come alive.

Hades returned to his place.

Su Mo is the only soul in the underworld.

chi chi-

White air lingers.

At the same time, seven white lights shone on the branches - at that moment, the flowers on the other side bloomed.

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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