A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 903 ???? 3 years!Glass star map!

Chapter 903: 3000 Years!Glass star map!

Ji Guang's speed is incredible.

If he goes all out without obstacles, then he can reach any corner of the world in an instant.Before, he had been running towards the past.

He led Su Mo to walk through the cracks of time and space.

At this time, Su Mo's words made Ji Guang enlightened.Therefore, with a thought, Ji Guang led Su Mo directly through the interstellar barrier to the Glazed World.

"This, is the Glazed World?" Su Mo looked blankly at the starry sky, everything around him was empty and unfamiliar.

"To be precise, this is the glazed world 3000 years ago." Ji Guang said.

While talking, they landed on an interstellar floating land.That piece of floating land is not big, only a hundred thousand li in length and width.Bare, almost nothing.

"Oh?" Su Mo was a little puzzled why Ji Guang brought himself 3000 years ago.

"Your wound has not healed." Ji Guang saw Su Mo's doubts, "If I take you back to the normal time and space, your wound will probably explode. Therefore, you have to heal yourself first. "

"Huh?" Su Mo was taken aback, "Is my injury not healed?"

"Of course not!" Ji Guang shook his head, "Before, what you saw was just an illusion. I just changed the time and space you are in, so that your injury looks like healed, but once you return to the normal time and space, you will You will find that it is still the same. However, I use the speed to leave you three thousand times, I think it is enough for you to heal your injuries!"

"1000 years should be enough!" Su Mo couldn't help but smile.

"This is an unowned floating land." Ji Guang said again, "Besides, we are in the time and space 3000 years ago. Therefore, no one can see us, and you can heal your wounds at ease. I still have some things to do. After 1000 years , I will come back, and if you recover, I will take you back!"

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded.

Ji Guang nodded, and disappeared suddenly without saying anything more.Su Mo didn't see clearly how Ji Guang disappeared.It was like Yoshimitsu never showed up.

Su Mo understood that Ji Guang knew which space he was in in the blink of an eye.

So, Su Mo picked a bluestone, crossed his legs on it, and began to heal his wounds.

In fact, Su Mo's wound seemed to have healed completely at this time, but Su Mo knew that Ji Guang's words were absolutely correct.You know, Su Mo's wound could be caused by Lianbao.

This time, if Ji Guang hadn't appeared, even if he hadn't been stabbed in the heart of the fairy, he would have died without a doubt.

Because that is a wound that is difficult to heal.

Therefore, Su Mo absolutely did not dare to be careless.

At this time, he made seals with both hands.

Then, the forbidden picture appeared directly in the palm of his hand.The situation today is different from that day, Su Mo has enough time to deduce the forbidden map.

Lianbao's injury is different from ordinary injuries.In essence, it is a kind of non-stop release of immortal power.Even if the lotus treasure dissipates, its residual power still remains.

Therefore, Su Mo must first seal it with the art of banning pictures.

What he used was naturally the prohibition of reincarnation.It can be said that Su Mo sealed his wound in a special time and space.

In that way, he can guarantee that even if he returns to normal time and space, it will not collapse again.

His reincarnation ban is different from Yoshimitsu's running.

Because, Su Mo can really make a difference.It's just that what Su Mo can maintain is either a short moment, or only a very small area.

He can use it to fight, but it is impossible to completely change the past.

Look again, Su Mo's chest is rippling with colorful lights, and many forbidden talismans continue to seep into his body.This process has lasted for 300 years.

Afterwards, Su Mo sacrificed the Hidden Soul Cauldron.He has almost everything in his Qiankun dharma bag.Therefore, he successively refined the two required pills.

Needless to say, Su Mo's elixir must be the best.

He was going to take one of them by himself; the other one was reserved for Wu'er.

Wu'er has been falling asleep in the Qiankun dharma bag.

Everything about her is static.

Su Mo didn't wake her up.Because, he is not sure about his safety yet.He was going to find a good time to return to the cave of the hidden soul altar first, and then heal Wu'er.

After taking the elixir, Su Mo sat cross-legged in meditation.

At this time, he was in the time and space 3000 years ago, and on the surface he was not far from this world.However, in fact, what he is in is a gap in time and space.

The glazed world is extremely vast and full of aura.However, Su Mo couldn't draw much aura from here.Currently, he is still in the stage of self-care.

Time flies, and it is another 500 years in a blink of an eye.

Su Mo felt that he had fully recovered.In this way, the time agreed with Jiguang is still 200 years away.So, Su Mo began to deduce the forbidden map.

The art of forbidden pictures is endless, and it seems that every deduction has new changes and gains.

For the remaining 200 years, Su Mo will not be lonely.

On this day, Ji Guang suddenly appeared beside Su Mo, almost without warning.

"Healed?" Ji Guang smiled.

"Healed!" Su Mo said, "That's 200 years earlier than I expected."

"As expected of Mingzun!" Ji Guang said, "Then we have returned to the real world of colored glaze."

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded.

And the moment Su Mo nodded, Su Mo felt the scene in front of him suddenly change.Originally, on this bare floating land, there were some forests and rivers.

At the same time, Su Mo also felt the aura here.

His wound did not cause any discomfort.

"The real glazed world?" Su Mo asked, "I feel like I haven't even moved."

"Yeah!" Ji Guang smiled, "3000 years is just a flick of a finger for me!"

Su Mo couldn't help but nodded with emotion.In this sense, time has almost lost its meaning to Jiguang.

"Ji Guang, what are your plans?" Su Mo asked.

"Promote to be a Lian Shi first!" Ji Guang looked at Su Mo and smiled, "You were right before. If I become a Lian Shi, then everything may be different."

"That's right!" Su Mo nodded with a smile.

Looking again, Ji Guang reached out with one hand, took out a jade slip from his bosom, and handed it directly to Su Mo.

"What is this?" Su Mo asked.

"Glass Star Map!" Ji Guang said.

"Oh?" Su Mo was taken aback, "Did you do this for the previous 1000 years?"

"En!" Ji Guang nodded, "I have been to the Liuli Realm before, but I was in a hurry and didn't pay much attention to it. This time, I spent 1000 years trying to slow myself down. Most of the stars in the Liuli Realm , I engraved them in the jade slips. However, I cannot mark out the details of each star, I can only pick the key points."

"It's just that I didn't find any trace of Amu." Ji Guang said.Before, he already knew that Su Mo's purpose in going to the Liuli Realm was to find Amu.

"Thank you!" Su Mo took the map solemnly, "With this star map, you will get twice the result with half the effort. And the place where Amu is sealed must have the spell of a top-level lotus priest, and it will never be easily discovered."

"En!" Ji Guang nodded, and then took out two more badges.They are all polished from special jade, with patterns of the gods on them.

"Mingzun, these two badges are the tokens of my God Race. There is one of my divine thoughts in them. One of them is for you. In times of crisis, as long as you crush it, I will arrive." Ji Guang smiled wryly After a while, "I can't guarantee anything else, but I can take you away!"

"Ha!" Su Mo couldn't help laughing.

"The other one, if you find Amu, please crush it!" Ji Guang sighed, "No matter what state I am in at that time, as long as I can save Amu, I will not hesitate."

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded again, "I understand! I will definitely find Amu too!"

"Take care, Mingzun! Ji Guang bid farewell!" Ji Guang nodded, then put one hand on his chest, and gave Su Mo a protoss etiquette, and then disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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