A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 906 ????? Futu Temple!The pure land of God's temple, the bones of women

Chapter 906: Futu Temple!The pure land of God's temple, the bones of women
Garan star.

In the Jialan world, even ordinary people have a lifespan of about 3000 years.The Futu Temple in Futu City is an ancient temple with a history of millions of years.

To the west of Futu City, Futu Temple is built on the mountain.The pavilions are undulating and the palaces are scattered.

From a distance, the mist rises and the Buddha's light surrounds.Throughout the mountain road, countless faithful men and women walked slowly.There are many monks among these people, but none of them have the wind, but walk slowly with the mortals to show their respect.

However, there are reincarnation-level restrictions within ten miles around this Buddha Temple.

It is also difficult for ordinary monks to control the wind.

It was past noon when Su Mo arrived at the foot of Futu Temple Mountain.However, there is still more than an hour before the ceremony officially begins.

Buddha bone conference, what kind of Buddha bone is it?Su Mo's consciousness spread out quietly, but he didn't find anything special.

Su Mo meandered up the mountain with the flow of people.

Futu Temple is halfway up the mountain.

The mountain gate is located at a hundred feet in front of the temple.In front of the mountain gate, there is a pair of strange beasts named Folong.It has a lion head and a dragon body, with two wings, one male and one male.

On top of their heads, each has a lotus incense burner.In the incense burner, insert three sticks of immortal incense.Each incense stick is as thick as a child's arm, and the smoke rises.

On the east and west sides, there are two stone squares standing symmetrically.There are banners on each stone square.The banner on Dongshifang reads: Eternal God Temple.The banner of Xishifang is: Jialan Pure Land.

The main entrance of the mountain gate is a building with a width of three rooms. It is located on a stone platform more than two feet high, with side doors on the left and right.

It has to be said that the ancient and majestic gate of the Futu Temple has fully demonstrated the status of the Futu Temple in the entire Futu City.

All the faithful men and women who passed by the mountain gate all bowed and saluted, and what's more, they kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.Su Mo gave a slight salute and passed the mountain gate.

The upward passage is seven feet wide.

On both sides are all kinds of ancient wooden steles, and there are many sculptures of Buddha and Bodhisattva.They have different shapes and hold Buddhist vessels.In the eyes of ordinary mortals, they are gods and Buddhas.

In Su Mo's eyes, they are a group of powerful monks.

Moreover, the forest of steles and sculptures were not done randomly. The entire corridor is covered with two runes of various colors, hiding many formations.

Ordinary people pass through this tunnel without knowing it; however, monks must be extremely careful when passing through this tunnel.If there are evil thoughts in his heart, it is very likely that his consciousness will be damaged
Of course, for an existence of Su Mo's level, walking here is like walking on flat ground.

At this time, many people gathered on the corridor, and there were monks on both sides to guide the flow of people.Those monks are all mortals, they look peaceful and have a safe attitude.

This surprised Su Mo quite a bit.

Because, this Futu Temple is essentially an immortal sect.Its Zhike monk may be of a slightly lower level, but it should definitely not be a mortal.


However, the demeanor and expressions of those Zhike monks are definitely not Xiutong.

"A man of five declines?" Su Mo's heart suddenly moved, thinking of a possibility, he couldn't help being a little surprised.Immediately, his consciousness swept over those monks again.

Sure enough, their pill sea is quite vast, but it is like a pool of stagnant water.These monks are indeed people with five declines, but now they don't have a trace of mana, just like ordinary people.

However, once they succeed in crossing the catastrophe, they will be reincarnated people.

Sure enough!Su Mo nodded secretly.

Buddhism is pure and can enlighten all living beings.It is a wise choice to go through the calamity within the Buddhist gate.Although there is less smoke and fire in the world here, there is also a little more tranquility.

Overcoming the five eons, within ordinary people, it may be completed in one life, but it may be useless in three lives; within Buddhism, it may take three lives to complete, but the victory is safe.

What surprised Su Mo even more was that there were so many people with five declines in the Futu Temple.They have a great chance of becoming reincarnation monks in the future.

Looking at it this way, the Futu Temple is quite powerful.

Isn't the so-called Four Empty Sect even more powerful?But, there is no Venerable?
Walking through the Yonglu Road, there is a rather open square in front of you.From a distance, there are many Buddhist temples and pavilions.And today's Buddha Bone Conference is on this square.

On the square, a seven-foot-high platform was built.At this time, all kinds of Buddhist vessels were placed around the square.Those were all presented by good men and women who came to worship.

Many magic tools, no matter how high or low, are placed around the square regardless of rank.

That means that all beings are equal.

There are many people around the square, either sitting or standing.

More than a dozen zhike monks were maintaining order.There are only three of these monks who are in decline, and the rest are boundary-breaking monks.It's just that no matter what their state is, their attitude is peaceful and humble.

Su Mo randomly took out a low-level magic weapon from his bosom, and with a thought, it was coated with a layer of Buddha's light, and then placed beside the high platform.

"Amitabha! Donor, please come here!"

At this time, a five-decayed monk rushed to Su Mo and clasped his hands together.It turned out that, except for those who worship Buddha according to sects and families, Futu Temple has arranged places for everyone according to their fate.

"Okay!" Su Mo nodded with a smile.

Su Mo was arranged in the northeast corner of the square.Most of them here are some retail investors in Futu City and casual cultivators from various places on the Garan Star.However, the realm of these monks is not high.

The highest is no more than breaking the boundary.

Su Mo's realm at this time was suppressed by himself again, and it was also a realm of breaking.However, these people stood in an orderly manner in the square, without the slightest excess of etiquette.

"Oh! Young man, you are indeed here!"

Su Mo saw that it was the white-haired old man he met in the city before.

"Old man!" Su Mo smiled and cupped his hands at the old man, "Just now, thanks to your guidance, otherwise I'm afraid I will miss this Buddha Bone Sacred Meeting."

"Ha!" said the white-haired old man, "Buddhism is all about fate. It seems that you and I are destined. This Buddha bone conference is definitely worth watching. I heard that this time there are not only Buddhist eminent monks, but also people from afar. The eminent monk preaches the scriptures and promotes the Dharma. If we are destined to increase our lifespan by a thousand years, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"Ha! I hope what the old man said makes sense!" Su Mo said.

"In less than an hour, it will start!" The old man was in a good mood.

At this time, looking at the high platform, a monk wearing a red cassock had already appeared.

Originally, the four sides above the high platform were covered with lotus flowers.Among the lotus flowers on all sides, each has a Buddha treasure.Most of them are gold, silver, glass, clam, agate, pearl, coral and so on.

In the middle of the high platform, there is a square stone table.

It's empty.Look at two monks in red cassocks, carrying an ancient wooden disc together.

Those are two reincarnation monks.

And the diameter of the ancient wooden disc is seven feet.It seems to be sitting cross-legged on top of a small person.It's a pity that it's covered with a red curtain, so it's hard to see what's inside.

"Buddha bone?" At this moment, the white-haired old man next to him couldn't help shouting.At the same time, the sound of calling for the Buddha bone resounded throughout the square.

The sound was so loud that it was extremely noisy in an instant.


At this time, the monk who carried out the Buddha bone recited the Buddha's name softly.

His breath was peaceful, reaching everyone's ears, but it would not cause any harm to them, and at the same time suppressed all voices.

However, at this moment, Su Mo was staring at the Buddha bone, and his expression changed slightly - because he felt that it was a woman's bone.

(End of this chapter)

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