A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 913 ?????????? Mu Bone!

Chapter 913 Mu Baigu!
The two venerables are in one stage, and the Tao is wiped out.

Monk Siji's complexion had already changed drastically.He really didn't expect that the two red-clothed female cultivators in front of him would have such fighting power after being fused together.


At this time, Monk Siji had already retracted his long sleeves.Otherwise, all his flying swords would be swallowed by Jin Tu.

However, Monk Siji is in the third level of Venerable after all.

If one move is frustrated, change it immediately.

Look again, a black lotus flower suddenly appeared between his brows.At that moment, Su Mo frowned, while the white-haired old man smiled coldly.

Black lotus, it's black lotus again!
Just now, there is a black lotus in the four-link and four-eye technique.Between the four silent eyebrows, the black lotus reappears.

All this is definitely not a coincidence.

It's just that this black lotus is definitely different from the four-link and four-eye technique just now.Because it contains a strange power.

That is boundary force.

As soon as the black lotus came out, there was a twist in the void.

Looking at it again, the forbidden map that Wang Yu Shen Ming sacrificed was also distorted accordingly.The forbidden map has not been scattered, but it cannot be swallowed like just now.

The two forces began to entangle.

They each have different force attached to them.

Monk Four Silence had a gloomy expression on his face.His black robe fluttered slightly.At this time, the few remaining monks in Futu Temple were all standing behind him.

Kong Jian monk is full of murderous intent.

Wang Yu's Shen Ming's face turned pale.Even if they have forbidden figure body protection, they can't fit together for too long.This is also one of their weaknesses.

If they keep at each other, they will definitely lose.

At this point, they were powerless to fight back.

chi chi-

And at this moment, Monk Kong Jian, who was watching the battle, suddenly shook his hand.The three Buddhist beads directly attacked Wang Yu Shen Ming.Between masters, life and death can be seen in the slightest.

Seeing this sneak attack is enough to affect the situation of the battle.

Three Buddhist beads, the finished characters are like three sword lights.

At that moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Monk Siji's mouth.

As long as you can win, it doesn't matter the means.

He thinks that Monk Kongjian did the right thing.

However, at the moment when the three Buddhist beads flew towards Wang Yu Shenming, a cyan figure suddenly appeared.He directly blocked Wang Yu and Shen Ming.

Look again, the lotus vine in his hand is split left and right.

Crackling - crackling -

The lotus vine was like a whip, and directly smashed the three Buddhist beads.At the same time, it directly turned into a straight long spear, pointing towards Monk Kong Jian's brow.

Venerable Peak!
Monk Siji's expression changed suddenly.Because, that is the existence that can destroy him by raising his hand.Moreover, he did not recognize the young monk in Tsing Yi in front of him.

In the Jialan world, besides the Sikong sect, there are even venerables?That was something he absolutely did not expect.


In the void, blood flashed.

There was no suspense, Kong Jian couldn't avoid Su Mo's lotus vine at all.

At the moment of his death, he didn't understand what was going on.Even in his dreams, he dared not imagine that he could die in the hands of a Venerable at his peak.

Blood mist rises.

Kong Jiandao disappears.

At this time, Monk Siji had already withdrawn and wanted to escape.In front of the Venerable at the peak level, even though he has a black lotus to protect him, he is not an opponent at all.

However, how could Su Mo let him go?

chi chi—chi——

Su Mo flipped his wrist, and the lotus vine in his hand instantly turned into several.Dao Dao is like a dragon, directly entangled the Si Ji monk.The lotus vine is the top lotus treasure.

This time, Monk Siji was bound tightly.

Su Mo wants to live.

At this time, several monks on the high platform also wanted to escape.Su Mo smiled coldly, he didn't move where he was, just grabbed the void with one hand.

bang -- bang --

None of the monks in Futu Temple was spared. All their heads were broken and their souls were wiped out.

Those who help the evildoers can be killed!

Futu Temple, destroying all living beings.It is good to kill them.The woman's skeleton was still floating in the void, and a faint red light was still emitting from it.


At this time, Wang Yu and Shen Ming suddenly separated.Both of them were pale.Just now, if Su Mo hadn't shot, they would have been seriously injured.

Shen Ming looked at Su Mo in a daze.

Therefore, Su Mo at this time is in disguise.Without ghost pupils, Shen Ming couldn't see through Su Mo.

But Wang Yu glanced at Su Mo, and said lightly: "Next time, you can strike earlier. If you slow down, our sisters may perish."

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled, "Miss Yu, don't worry!"

"Sister? He is?" Shen Ming asked.

"He is the Demon Lord and the Underworld Lord!" Wang Yu said, "He is called Su Mo now."

"Oh?" Shen Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard that, "Thank you, Demon Lord, for saving your life!"

"It's a matter of duty! Miss Ming, you're welcome!" Su Mo said.

Then, with a single wave of his hand, the woman's bones were brought close to him.

"You want this bone?"

"Yeah!" Wang Yu nodded, "I heard that getting this white bone can directly lead to the peak of the Venerable! That's why we want to give it a try."

"Okay!" Su Mo smiled, "Then give this bone to you!"

After all, Su Mo wanted to give the bone to Wang Yu and Shen Ming.

However, the white-haired old man just now appeared suddenly.

"Wait a minute!" The white-haired old man suddenly stopped Su Mo.

"Oh?" Su Mo couldn't help being taken aback.

"Monarch, you can't give away this bone. It is very important to you!" the white-haired old man said.

"Old man, why did you say that?" Su Mo asked, "Also, I still don't know the origin of old man?"

At this time, Wang Yu also looked at the old man.

However, her magic pupils flickered, but she didn't see the reality of the white-haired old man.

Lin Shi?

Wang Yu couldn't help but glance at Su Mo.Because below Lian Shi, Wang Yu can see through everyone.

"Hehe, don't ask me who I am just yet!" The white-haired old man smiled, "Devil Lord, I only say three words to you, and you will put away this bone."

"Oh?" Su Mo was taken aback again, "Old man, please tell me!"

"Mu Baigu!" said the white-haired old man.

"What?" Su Mo's face suddenly changed.Because, that is the name Wuer once mentioned.It's a pity that Wu'er only remembers this name, and doesn't know anything else.

However, Mu Baigu must be related to Wu'er.

"Please tell me!" Su Mo said again.

"Hehe!" The white-haired old man shook his head and said, "Others, you need to find them yourself. Old man, I can only help you here."

After all, the white-haired old man's figure began to fade.

"Senior!" Su Mo said anxiously.

"It's fate, see you again!" said the white-haired old man, "Monarch, the Sikong Sect is the power of Heilian, you can easily get rid of it!"


The white-haired old man disappeared completely.

Su Mo was at a loss.

At this time, Wang Yu looked at Su Mo and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Devil Lord, the Buddha bone belongs to you. We don't want it!"

"Huh?" Su Mo regained his composure.Just now, he had already said that he would give away the bones, but now he wants to take them back.Therefore, he did not act immediately.

"The bone is not important!" Wang Yu saw Su Mo's hesitation, "Listen to the old man, this bone has something to do with you. If you don't take action today, our lives will be lost. The bone should belong to you!"

"I just want to find my brother!" Wang Yu said quietly, "The rest is not important! As long as I find my brother, what state am I, so what?"

"I just want to find my sister!" Shen Ming added with a smile.

"Thank you both!" Su Mo clasped his fists at Wang Yu and Shen Ming, and then put the bones into the Qiankun Dharma Bag first.Then, he looked at Monk Siji.

"Sikong Sect, where is it?" Su Mo asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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