A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 922??????? Disciple, I'm going to kill

Chapter 922 Disciple, I'm about to kill
Who is Mu Baigu looking for?
Su Mo's words stunned Sixu for a moment.Because, no matter what, he never expected that the person Mu Baigu was looking for would suddenly appear in front of his eyes.

The Venerable is at the peak, as beautiful as a demon.

At that moment, Sixu's heart sank slightly.Sixu's early experience made Si Xu feel inferior in his heart, and this inferiority is manifested as a kind of extreme conceit.

Sixu thinks that he is worthy of Mu Baigu.

Whether it is talent, cultivation, appearance or character, he is worthy of it all.It is precisely because of this self-belief that he is worthy that he is finally unbalanced in his heart.

We don't meet each other in life, and we don't hear about death.

Sixu's curse is to block Mu Baigu from everything in the past.He really thought that in his heart - she can only belong to me.

If he doesn't get it, he will destroy her.

Even if she is just a bone, she can only belong to him and cannot belong to others.

Sixu once imagined in his heart what kind of person Mu Baigu wanted to find.

He once concluded that no one could be more worthy of Mu Baigu than him, and it was his biggest mistake in this life that Mu Baigu didn't choose him.

No one is as good as him!

However, Su Mo appeared in front of his eyes.It was a little different from what he had imagined.

Venerable peak state.

The person Mu Baigu was looking for turned out to be in exactly the same realm as his own.However, he himself failed to see through the opponent's technique before, and just now the opponent drew a knife and killed Sikong under his nose.

That knife was clean and powerful.

Sixu was even a little dazed, if the knife from just now had slashed at him, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to block it.Sikong paid his life for him.


The realm is the same, and the appearance is far better than himself.

This made Sixu feel cold in his heart.

In fact, when you are dying, ordinary monks don't care about these things at all.However, all these stimulated Sixu's sensitive and fragile heart.

All of Su Mo's advantages are intolerable to him.

"Hehe!" Sixu was extremely angry inside, his face was slightly pale, but he forcibly calmed down, clasped his hands together, "Amitabha! A friend comes from afar!"

"A man who kills his teacher, how can he be a friend?" Su Mo smiled coldly.

"Buddha's heart is compassion!" Si Xu said, "If you have a predestined relationship, you are a friend!"

"Hehe!" Su Mo shook his head and laughed, "Sixu, you are blaspheming the Buddha. Although you are the pinnacle of the Venerable, you are not as good as an ordinary monk. What you have done will shame the Buddha!"

"Amitabha!" Sixu recited the Buddha's name after hearing this, and then said flatly, "You are wrong. I am the Buddha!"

After saying that sentence, endless Buddha light suddenly radiated from Si Xu's body.

It was a faint golden halo.

In the halo, there are endless Buddha seals and golden lotus.At that moment, Sixuzhen is a true Buddha who can save all living beings.However, Su Mo sensed the aura of darkness in the golden light.

But in Wang Yu's eyes, what she saw was endless black light.

The black lotus on Sikong Mountain was even more gently swaying.There is resonance between it and the four voids.All Buddha lights are illusions.

"Buddha saves all living beings!" Sixu looked at Su Mo and said, "Mu Baigu, he is dead! You can't meet each other in life, and you won't meet after death. But today, I will kill you!"

On Sixu's face, there was an evil smile.

"Today, I will kill you!" Su Mo repeated Sixu's words.His voice was even colder.

"Hehe!" Sixu smiled, "Very good! Today is a duel between you and me! I want to see how I am not as good as you! How do you make Master obsessed?"

From the beginning to the end, Sixu didn't even ask Su Mo's name, and he didn't want to ask about other things.

It doesn't matter who Su Mo is, and it doesn't matter what he does here.The important thing is that Su Mo is the person Mu Baigu was looking for.That's enough.

"Si Miao, I will avenge Senior Brother Si Kong! Others, no one is allowed to interfere!" Si Xu said slowly to the little monk, "Offenders, kill!"

"Respect the decree of the Dharma!" The little monk Si Miao clasped his hands together.

Then look at Monk Sixu bowing towards the void.Su Mo couldn't see the black lotus, but Wang Yu could clearly see that it was the black lotus in the sky that Si Xu worshiped.

"Disciple, let's kill!" Sixu said to himself.

At that moment, if a monk who didn't know the inside story, he must have thought that Si Xu was an eminent monk who had attained the Tao and worshiped him as the patriarch of Sikong Temple before eradicating rape and evil, and then he had to act as a last resort.

However, the truth of this world is often ridiculous.

"Don't worry!" Sixu looked at Su Mo and said, "Today is definitely a fair duel. No one from Sikong Temple will make a move."

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled lightly, "No problem! Since I dare to come, I have no fear. You can do whatever you want!"

"Amitabha!" Sixu nodded, "You are indeed the person whom the master admires. No matter what, this courage is admirable!"

"However, courage is not enough to change everything!" Sixu said again.

"You talk a lot of nonsense!" Su Mo sighed.He's really annoyed, why are these Sixu talking so much nonsense, can't they just start fighting?

Sixu raised an eyebrow.

In fact, he didn't even realize that he was talking too much in front of Su Mo.On weekdays, Sixu is definitely not like this, he doesn't say a word all year round.

Because, subconsciously, he always wanted to prove something in front of Su Mo.


Su Mo's words made Sixu fluctuate.What he couldn't bear the most was the contempt from Su Mo.In an instant, he shot.

He didn't even use the magic weapon, but sacrificed a technique.

In the void, there is a great light.

An ancient Buddha sits cross-legged in the light.The ancient Buddha held the seven treasures, but with a ferocious face, he went straight to Su Mo.It was a magic spell that seemed to be virtual and real.

Because, when the cultivation base reaches the peak of the Venerable, the spell can be solidified in an instant.

That ancient Buddha can directly become a magic weapon.

It's just that it's only a primary magic weapon in the reincarnation realm at most.After all, even the peak of the Venerable cannot generate the Venerable Divine Weapon out of thin air.

But when Su Mo saw Si Xu's attack, he didn't use any spells, but slashed very directly.

With a lotus treasure in his hand, he naturally chose the simplest attack method.

Su Mo's mentality is different from Sixu's.

Sixu had distracting thoughts, he wanted to prove something in front of Su Mo; but Su Mo didn't have any ideas, he just wanted to kill Sixu.

Therefore, Sixu's spells are always consciously or unconsciously tinged with a hint of brilliance.Not only did he want to kill Su Mo, but he also wanted to kill him beautifully.

But Su Mo's technique is simple and direct.He, just put the other party to death.


The Kun Soul Knife went towards the ancient Buddha.With this knife, no matter whether the opponent's method is real or false, it can be split.


Sure enough, the kun soul knife passed, and the ancient Buddha was broken.

The entire Sikong Mountain void has become the domain of the two of them.

The rest are scattered hundreds of miles away.

Si Xu's expression remained unchanged, but his Taoism was still testing Su Mo.He doesn't know Kunhundao.After all, the time and space of the Liuli Realm and the Prajna Realm are too far apart.

Just now, although Sixu saw Sikong being killed, he always felt that Su Mo had an element of luck.


Sixu weighed the level of the Kunhundao in his heart.Then, Si Xu stretched out his hand, and a divine weapon appeared in his hand.That was a long black stick.

It is very similar to Su Mo's bamboo pole.

(End of this chapter)

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