A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 937??? Snow Jade Group!Create something out of nothing, turn nothing into reality

Chapter 937: Snow Jade Group!Create something out of nothing, turn nothing into reality

Shen Ming's actions are domineering enough.

However, Wang Yu immediately knocked on the head: "Take the second cave! Is this also the place where you cook?"

"Oh!" Shen Ming didn't dare to be disobedient, and waved his hand aggrievedly.The piece of meat was teleported directly to the second cave.Shen Ming moved to the second layer of cave.

Wang Yu and Su Mo followed behind.

"How can you finish such a big piece of meat?" Su Mo asked.

"Hehe!" Wang Yu smiled, "Mojun, you don't know Ming'er's craftsmanship. What she made must not be of such a size."

"Oh?" Su Mo was a little curious.

Look again, Shen Ming in the second cave has already taken out a pot from the storage bag.The pot wasn't too big, it was three feet in diameter, it was black all over, and it was covered with runes.

At the same time, Shen Ming took out all kinds of things, including all kinds of catering utensils.At that moment, Su Mo couldn't help sighing: Shen Ming brought a kitchen with him.


Finally, Shen Ming pulled out the large kitchen knife that was more than ten feet long.

As soon as the big kitchen knife came out, it danced like the wind.That big knife was as nimble as an ordinary kitchen knife in Shen Ming's hands.In an instant, the hundreds of catties of bear meat were cut into almost identical three-inch pieces by him.

They all float in the void and are magnificent.Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art industry!Su Mo was amazed.

Shen Ming withdrew his knife and calmed down.

Immediately, she made seals with both hands, and saw that all the three-inch pieces were thrown into the pot in an orderly manner.But at some point, there was already water in the pot.

Moreover, there is no flame under the black pot, but it automatically generates heat.


The pieces of meat are like Changhong.However, as soon as they fell into the pot, they immediately turned into nothingness.Look at the water in the pot again, gradually turning milky white.

"Soup?" Su Mo said.

"I guess it's just a process!" Wang Yu said beside him, "Don't worry, what Ming'er makes will still be meat in the end, but it's not the original meat."

"Oh?" Su Mo laughed, "Interesting!"

The bear meat was put into the pot, and Shen Ming waved one hand.Green lights swirled out one after another, directly enveloping the whole black pot.

Canghai Xianqi stewed bear meat?Su Mo was really speechless when he saw it.

In the black pot, you can see the soup is boiling, and water vapor is constantly rising.However, they were all sealed inside by the deep sea atmosphere, and none of them escaped.

Moreover, Su Mo felt that the water vapor seemed to be gradually condensing.

More than two full hours.

Wang Yu seemed to be very experienced and had already meditated beside him.She knew that Shen Ming's pot of meat would definitely not be cooked well in less than ten hours.

Su Mo was quite interested and kept watching.Anyway, this little time is just a snap of the fingers for a venerable power.

More than two hours passed.

Su Mo saw that the soup in the pot had changed from milky white to light blue.From the looks of it, the Canghai Xianqi has already begun to melt into the soup.

Immediately, Shen Ming moved his hands together.

There is a gap in the spirit of the sea.

The things it sacrificed from the storage bag just now entered through the gap.Su Mo didn't know what those were, but they all had a strange fragrance.

Among them, there seem to be various dried fruits, side dishes and seasonings.Su Mo took a brief look and knew that there were no less than forty or fifty kinds of seasonings.

Shen Ming's cooking is definitely a feast.


Like Su Mo, there was also the little white pig staring blankly.At this moment, the little guy's eyes widened and he remained motionless.It seemed that it had completely forgotten that Shen Ming wanted to eat it before, but was thinking about whether it could share a bowl of soup for a while.

For a moment, it drools, almost wet Su Mo's clothes.

At this time, the entire second layer of the cave was filled with the aroma of broth.It's just that Shen Ming sealed the entire second layer of the cave well with fairy art.

Everything here will definitely not affect the third cave.

Shen Ming was already cross-legged in front of the black pot.The seal formula in her hand changed again, and the immortal energy of the sea on the black pot had gradually faded.It was like turning from a big fire to a small fire.

Another four hours passed.

The color of the soup in the black pot has turned blue-purple, and it looks a little sparkling.But at some point, another piece of meat appeared in the pot.

It is still three inches in size, but the quantity is far less than before.Su Mo couldn't help frowning and thinking about how Shen Ming did it.

"It's interesting?" At some point, Wang Yu opened his eyes and looked at Su Mo boredly.Because, she could see that Su Mo had been watching Shen Ming cook that pot of bear meat.

"Hehe!" Su Mo smiled and said, "It's really interesting! How did she do it? The spotted bear meat just now is clearly gone?"

"For the Venerable Realm, it is possible to create something out of nothing and turn nothing into reality. Could it be that Ming'er's little skill can still be hidden from your eyes?" Wang Yu said.

Create something out of nothing, turn virtual into reality?
Hearing Wang Yu's words, Su Mo couldn't help frowning and said, "But, Shen Ming didn't create it out of nothing, she put a lot of spotted bear meat in it before."

"Hehe!" Wang Yu laughed, "The moment the meat was put into the black pot, it had already disappeared! What you see now is no longer simple spotted bear meat. It just looks alike! "

"Oh?" Su Mo thought about it, but didn't say anything.

Two more hours passed.

The seal formula in Shen Ming's hand changed again, and at this time, the immortal energy of Canghai was completely gone.Shen Ming twisted one hand, and instantly a blue flame flew out from the fingertips.


That ghostly fire ignited directly under the black cauldron.

chi chi-

The water in the black cauldron was tumbling and evaporating rapidly.It's just that the water vapor didn't come out of the pot, but lingered in the pot.

Soon, the entire black pot was covered with mist, and there were only nine pieces of bear meat left in the pot.It's just that they are no longer square and square, but have all become spherical.

They were still three inches in diameter and looked like oversized meatballs.


Shen Ming suddenly cast a spell again.Just now, the will-o'-the-wisp she had scattered suddenly withdrew.Then, the water vapor began to gather rapidly.

chi chi-

They suddenly landed on the nine large meatballs, covering them like frost and snow.With a wave of Shen Ming's hand, three jade plates flew out.There are side dishes on the jade plate, which are colorful.

At the same time, there are three large meatballs in the middle of them.

"Ice and snow lion head?" Wang Yu smiled after seeing it.

"No!" Shen Ming shook his head, "It's called Banxiong Snow Jade Ball! It's smooth but not greasy, delicious, and the most important thing is that this snow ball is comparable to a reincarnation-level top elixir! "

"Sister, try it first!" Shen Ming sent it directly to Wang Yu.

At this time, the little white pig watched eagerly.

There are three plates in total. Where can I find it?It can only look at Su Mo. Su Mo has three estimates and can give it one.

Su Mo also took the Shen Ming jade plate.

However, he was still thoughtful.

"I think, I know the secret of the existence of the Dark Realm!" Su Mo said, looking at the spotted bear Xueyu in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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