A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 950??? The First Year of the Black Lotus!Inexhaustible love, hate, grief and anger

Chapter 950: The First Year of the Black Lotus!Inexhaustible love, hate, grief and anger

"The War of the Five Poisons lasted for 30 years. Now it seems that it was a catastrophe in the world of the Five Poisons. We killed the previous saint and quickly wiped out all the opposing forces. Brother boarded the The first thing to do to honor the throne is to change the Yuan to the first year of the Black Lotus."

The first year of the Black Lotus!

Su Mo and Wang Yu frowned.

"At that time, I didn't know about Hei Lian, but I didn't ask too much. It doesn't matter to me what the year name is. Senior brother, deprived the five poisonous secret envoys of their autonomy, but he still entrusted five Poison secret envoy. However, I didn't expect that he still named me Mrs. Scorpion and built this fairy palace on the five poisonous stars."

"I can live here forever!"

"He didn't make you the Holy Queen?" Shen Ming said.

"No!" Mrs. Xie shook her head, "I asked him before. His answer to me was that the world has just been settled, and it is not easy to seal the queen, otherwise people's minds will change and the political situation will be unstable. When everything is stable, he will announce to the whole world. The world of five poisons."

"Hehe!" Wang Yu smiled coldly, "Embracing troops to rebel, killing kings and seizing the throne, he dares to do such things, and he is afraid that someone's mind will change."

"Actually, I also had the same idea at the time. However, I followed his wishes and lived in the Xianxie Palace. At the beginning, he often came to see me and gave me a lot of resources for cultivation. To be honest, Although I have not been canonized as a holy lady, I have had a very happy time. We can stay together every day, and there is no obstacle for us on the five poisonous stars.

"My realm is advancing by leaps and bounds. It seems that there is an invisible force pouring into my body all the time. Every three or four hundred years, I will be promoted to a small realm. The erratic feeling of continuous promotion of cultivation makes me temporarily forget everything. For 400 years, my cultivation has soared directly to the Ninth Level Venerable Realm."

"Honorable Ninefold, ha ha!" Mrs. Xie repeated coldly, "However, I overlooked that the interval between senior brothers visiting me is actually getting longer and longer, and the time we spend together is getting shorter and shorter. The smile on his face , actually less.”

"The day I was promoted to the Ninth Realm of the Venerable, he came to the Immortal Scorpion Palace. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the abnormality at all at the time. Later, when I thought about it, I felt that something was wrong at the beginning."

"Senior brother, he is an extremely handsome man. However, when we met on the last day, he seemed to be wearing a mask, with a stiff smile and slightly cold eyes."

"On that day, he brought a jug of wine to celebrate for me." Having said that, Mrs. Xie rolled up the wine bowl in front of her and drank it down again.

"Hehe, I'm a drinker!" Mrs. Xie's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she said fiercely, "That day, that pot of wine completely ruined me."

"There was poison in that pot of wine. After drinking that pot of wine, I lost consciousness. I don't know how long I fell asleep. But, I had a long, big dream. In the dream, I was hot all over, It's like ten thousand ants eating my heart; in my dream, my brother cursed me loudly." Having said this, Mrs. Xie's body trembled slightly.

The feeling from the beginning still seemed to be indelible in her soul.

"After I woke up, everything changed. My face was ruined, and my lower body completely turned into a scorpion. Except for my realm, everything about me changed."

"I don't know what happened. In the Immortal Scorpion Palace, the monks and maids serving me are still there. But they don't know what's going on. They can't recognize me anymore, and they are running away. But, I started killing , In the Immortal Scorpion Palace, blood flowed like a river. In the Immortal Palace, most of the monks in the palace were killed by me."

"I was crazy and wanted to rush out of the Immortal Scorpion Palace. However, there was a powerful restriction in the entire Immortal Scorpion Palace that was only aimed at me. Everyone else could escape, but I couldn't. On that day, my first Once I saw the black lotus hanging on the fairy palace. However, no one else could see it."

"Madam Xie is crazy! This is a rumor I only found out when I came back. Because I kept calling Hei Lian."

"I was in the Xianxie Palace, shouting every day, weeping into blood. However, no one answered. In a blink of an eye, it was another 3000 years, and the senior brother finally appeared."

"But, he doesn't seem to be him anymore. Back then, he was wearing a decent black robe, and he looked at me with extremely cold eyes. He came with him, and there was a beautiful female cultivator that I had never seen before."

"Is that person really your senior brother?" Su Mo asked with a frown.Because, he felt that something was a little strange.That Senior Brother Green Snake didn't seem to have the need to hurt Mrs. Xie.

"Hehe!" Mrs. Xie sneered, "Actually, I thought the same way at the beginning. But, I'm sure it's him. Because, apart from him and me, no one else knows about many things. He knows our vows and all our secrets." I remember. However, he changed his mind. On that day, he came to tell me that he had made that beautiful woman a holy queen."

"Is this necessary?" Wang Yu asked, "Why did he harm you?"

"Because I'm no longer worth using. At the beginning, he just hoped to use my power in Xianscorpion. Moreover, he told me that I provoked the Five Poisons War back then. Only by punishing me can I thank you." The world." Mrs. Xie said, "At the same time, he told me that Xianxie star has appointed a new emissary. I have been deposed."

"Ridiculous!" Wang Yu asked again, "But why didn't he just kill you?"

"For fun!" the scorpion lady said, "or to put it another way, for the fun of his queen."

"Huh?" Su Mo and Wang Yu frowned.

"That day, he let that beautiful woman whip me three thousand lashes. He was drinking and laughing beside him." Mrs. Xie's voice trembled slightly.

"Your realm is still there, so you can't resist?" Wang Yu said.

"Impossible!" Madam Xie said, "Because he has already been promoted to the Lotus Master Realm, and that beautiful woman is also a Venerable Ninth Level Realm. They are enough to suppress me, not to mention the special restriction. For a full 10 years, They often come to the Immortal and Scorpion Palace. I became a toy for their fun. The poisonous scars on my face were caused by poisoned wine; and the scars were all scratched out by them."

"I don't have both arms anymore. I don't know how many times my arms were broken by them! Originally, I used mana to be reborn, but then I completely lost that desire."

Saying that, the clothes on Mrs. Scorpion fell off.

Her upper body was covered with criss-cross scars, and there were layers of scales.The lower body is completely a scorpion.Her arms are completely absent, and her shoulders are black.


"Why?" Wang Yu's gaze was extremely cold.Because, she really didn't understand, why did the Green Snake King do this?

"He's not as good as a pig or a dog!" Shen Ming's eyes were also red.

Su Mo frowned tightly, thoughtfully.

"Hehehe! Hahaha—" Madam Xie was naked.In fact, her body can no longer be called a body.She laughed maniacally.

With her thoughts, she rolled up the snakeskin wine bag, and poured herself wine from the void.The wine fell like a waterfall and wet her body, but it couldn't drain the endless love, hatred, grief and anger in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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