A Tibetan reincarnation

Chapter 957 ?????? 5 Gods and Demons of the Poison Realm!

Chapter 957 The Gods and Demons of the Five Poison World!
The black lotus is like a city, standing in the void.Looking up in the Dark Snake Valley, the black lotus covered everything in sight.That oppressive feeling was almost suffocating.

"Hehe!" Mrs. Xie looked up and said coldly, "Brother, you came so fast. It seems that I don't have to go thousands of miles away. Here, I can also understand everything."


Goodbye Mrs. Scorpion raised her eyebrows, and white light suddenly radiated from her body.At the same time, a white lotus appeared directly above her head.The white lotus soared into the sky and rose against the wind.


Hei Lian and Bai Lian collided violently.

At that moment, Su Mo's expression also changed slightly.Because, he didn't expect Mrs. Xie to choose Lian Zhi directly.

Although Su Mo is not yet a lotus priest, but the magic that directly manifests the lotus flower must be the top fairy art of the lotus priest.Mrs. Scorpion's move is equivalent to directly resorting to a big move.

With a wave of his hand, Su Mo rushed out of the Dark Snake Valley with Wang Yu and Shen Ming.Because, if it is a little later, they are very likely to be trapped in the canyon.

Su Mo was right.Because, at the same time they teleported out of the Valley of the Dark Snake, the two black lotuses collided in the void.

Black and white, like two worlds.

boom - boom -

It was a duel that even the Venerable Realm would shy away from.In an instant, thunder billowed and spread thousands of miles.The black and white lotus power rolled up like the sea.

At that moment, it was like an ocean suddenly exploded in the void.

Earth shakes.


The Valley of the Dark Snake, which was winding for hundreds of miles, collapsed in an instant.

Dust and smoke are everywhere, like a giant dragon rolling endlessly in the endless mountains.Endless waves of air rushed in all directions, and everything around was being destroyed.

All the great powers on the Five Poison Stars were shaken.

Because, since the last Holy War, there has never been such a power duel among the Five Poison Stars.Thousands of miles away, in the ancient building complex of the headquarters of the Five Poison Sacred Sect, a dozen or so great monks appeared in the void in an instant.

They are all elders of the Five Poison Sacred Sect, and they are all in the Venerable Realm.

Looking thousands of miles away, their expressions all changed.

Black and white light covered half of the sky.The endless immortal power is still dissipating, and the smoke of gunpowder is like the sea, billowing in.

"Lianli?" Among the many elders, a venerable seventh-layer frowned, "Is that the holy black lotus? But—"

What is that white lotus?
There is only one lotus priest in the world of five poisons, and that is the holy five poisons.But, where did that white lotus come from?All the elders were stunned in the void.

They looked at each other, but there was no answer on anyone's face.However, they all naturally thought of the catastrophe of five poisons more than a million years ago. Could history repeat itself?

However, today's world of five poisons is not what it used to be.

Looking at this world of five poisons, none of the secret agents on any one star has the power to compete with the holy.Today's Five Poison Envoys have the highest realm, but the Venerable Seventh Realm.

They are in the same realm as the five poison elders, and they have no ability to rebel at all.

what happened?

Immediately, they all set their sights on the inconspicuous ancient house in the Five Poison Sect.Because they knew that the ancient house was a sacred place of practice, and no one except the holy lady could enter.

That is the forbidden area of ​​the Five Poison Sect.

At this time, the black-clothed monk in the ancient house also raised his brows, and then slowly stood up.

"Lianli?" The corner of the black-clothed monk's mouth curled coldly, "Mrs. Xie, could it be that you really became a Lianshi? It's really unexpected!"


With a teleportation, he has already stood in the void of the Five Poisons.His black robe was bulging, and his eyes were cold, looking into the distance.However, in the depths of his eyes, a ray of light flickered but disappeared instantly.

"Kowtow to the Holy One!"

The five poisonous saints appeared.Those elders all knelt down in the void.There was horror and awe in their eyes.Because, they know that the current sage is the strongest sage in the history of the Five Poison Sect.

Today's world of five poisons is firmly in his hands.Among the elders in the sect, more people died at his hands than those kneeling in the void now.

Killing the Venerable is like ants.

Therefore, the sage of the five poisons is the god of the entire five poisons world, and also the demon of the five poisons world.

"Giggle——" At the same time, there was another series of slutty laughter in the void.And with that laughter, a female cultivator in black appeared out of illusion.

Her black clothes were also embroidered with dark gold patterns of the Five Poisons.

Venerable Nine Realms!

It was a woman with a slender figure and a face like a peach blossom.Her skin is like snow, and her eyes are like autumn waves.A head of long curly hair hung loosely over his shoulders.

Between her eyebrows, there is a mark of a black lotus.That female cultivator can be described as extremely beautiful, and there is a seductive aura in her beauty.

If Mrs. Xie is as beautiful as a fairy, then this female nun in black is as beautiful as a demon.

"Is she back?" The black-clothed female cultivator stood beside the five poisonous venerable saints. From the outside, the two looked like a perfect match.

"Kowtow to Madam!"

Those elders kowtowed to the female cultivator in black again.Because, they know that the only one in the entire Five Poisons who can obey the holy words is this extremely charming holy lady.

However, this woman is as beautiful as a flower, but her heart is like a snake.She is more terrifying than the Five Poisons.

Legend has it that the holy lady eats human flesh and drinks human blood.However, they didn't see it in person.

"That's right! She's back!" Venerable Saint Wudu sneered, "It's just that she seems to be a little different this time. She has become a lotus!"

"Oh? Hehehe!" Mrs. Venerable Saint laughed wildly, and then looked at Venerable Five Poisons with deep meaning, "What? Are you afraid? Or, are you finally reluctant?"

"Reluctance?" The Venerable Five Poisons looked at the holy lady with a playful look, "I, what else is there to be reluctant to do? Don't you know how she has lived these years?"

"But, she has become a lotus now?" Mrs. Zunsheng sneered, "It seems that she has really refined the Nine Deaths Rejuvenation Pill, and it must be of super quality. Otherwise, she would not be able to become a lotus. You know, Nine Deaths Rejuvenation Dan Nai is the poison of near death. She has almost no possibility of becoming a lotus. How did she do it?"

"I want to know too!" said the Five Poison Venerable, "You personally arranged the alchemy recipe back then. In the past million years, she has indeed consumed a lot and suffered countless times, but she has not succeeded at all. Maybe someone helped him! "

Su Mo, Wang Yu, and Shen Ming were already reflected in the eyes of the five poisonous sages.

However, he also couldn't see through Su Mo's wind wheel disguise technique.However, the Holy Five Poisons can be sure that those three monks must not be Five Poisons monks.

"Five Poison Stars, there are visitors from far away!" The holy lady also saw the three of Su Mo, and couldn't help but a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Where the black lotus is, it is full of royal land, who came to offend it? Kill without pardon!"

"That's right!" Venerable Five Poisons nodded slowly, and then said to the left and right, "Everyone, please follow me to destroy the enemy and quell the chaos!"

"Your order!" The five poison elders responded in unison.


With a wave of the long sleeves of the five poisonous venerable saints, the five poisonous cultivators disappeared instantly.Not far away, a tall, thin gray monk watched everything silently.

(End of this chapter)

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