Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 110 What Should I Do If I'm Too Narcissistic?

Chapter 110 What Should I Do If I'm Too Narcissistic?
This is a 10-kilometer armed cross-country, who can handle your running style!And the old squad leader, don't you have bad legs?

Behind them, the other 60 or so people in the company who frantically followed couldn't bear it any longer, so they almost stopped to catch their breath.

This kind of violent sprint can't be stopped suddenly, the body can't bear it, but this kind of walking and jogging with the waist supported is even more embarrassing.

Worn out, really worn out.

And just when Wang Shaohua had to slow down and run slowly, suddenly a figure rushed past him.

When he was passing by, he patted himself on the shoulder lightly, "Come on! You are the best~yeah!" a guy named Xiao Hu said cutely, and then rushed over quickly.


I'm sorry~ I want to spray back but I can't even speak smoothly.

"Platoon leader, how did they practice? They are almost 800 meters away?"

"That's right, no, no, let's slow down, platoon leader, or we won't be able to compete later." After being dragged down, they all slowed down, and several other comrades who were exhausted said in a panic while running.

"As expected of a soldier who eats ginseng all day long, cough~" One of the soldiers even coughed while talking.

Wang Shaohua was so angry that he was half dead, but he really didn't have the energy to speed up.

Slow down, or you will be dragged to death by them if you don't slow down.Ten kilometers, I don't believe they can keep going so fast!

You must slow down, you must slow down, or else, let alone striving for the top five, it will not even matter whether you can finish the run.

"Let them run, ten kilometers, let's see who has the last laugh, ahem~" Wang Shaohua also coughed badly.

But at this time, because the front was running too fast, the speed dropped too much all of a sudden, causing more than 30 soldiers from the other platoons who did not boo at the beginning to catch up.

"Platoon Leader Wang, continue~" the platoon leader of the second row joked.

"..." Let you be arrogant and see who has the last laugh.

"The second platoon catches up! Those cooking soldiers are dead, let's catch up!" The second platoon leader no longer cares about Wang Shaohua and others, but watches the soldiers of the cooking squad catch up.

Although they are all in three companies, different platoons are also competing.

You have been tossing around for the first seven or eight hundred meters, and now we are working hard, haha!The second platoon leader believes that as long as he maintains this rhythm and then speeds up slowly, he can definitely catch up with the cooking soldiers very quickly.They can't do it anymore, their speed is not good, and there is a mountain in front of them, and the road around the mountain is still very steep.

But about 5 minutes later, the leader of the second row and the people in the second row were about to cry.

Are these guys in the cooking class human?Chasing farther and farther, chasing farther and farther, when the people in the second row had to slow down, the guys from the cooking class could already be seen strolling on the side of the mountain road around the mountain from a distance, and They also looked down from the mountainside in unison, pointing in their direction.

Among them, Xiao Hu, who was the slowest, at least pulled himself down by 500 meters.

"Pervert! Pervert!"

"Oh my god, how did they practice in the past ten days! Platoon leader, is eating ginseng so effective?" Some soldiers were even hit.

"I don't know! Hurry up, don't stop, keep chasing, and take a rest on the mountain!" The second platoon leader said speechlessly.

At the same time, he glanced behind him, Wang Shaohua and several elites in the first row had already caught up, and they were about to catch up.Obviously Wang Shaohua and others have recovered.

Not only soldiers from the same company as Wang Shaohua, but also soldiers from other companies and even unknown soldiers from other divisions also caught up.

There are strong enemies in front and back, and there are chasing soldiers behind!The second platoon leader also regretted it, regretting that he had been chasing too quickly in the past few minutes.

Moreover, the military region is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and the individual differences are indeed very large.

For example, on the mountainside road at this moment, not only the soldiers from the cooking squad, but also soldiers from other unknown teams have already reached the mountainside, and they are not much worse than the cooking squad.

"No, I can't let them compete! Control the rhythm, don't run around, the competition has just started, and we don't know who will have the last laugh! Let's go!" At this moment, the second platoon leader said the same words as Wang Shaohua.

But at this moment, the second platoon leader suddenly heard the sound of a car engine coming from the corner behind, and then overtook his team.

At the same time, on the military convertible off-road vehicle that had just rushed past, on the co-pilot, an old man in camouflage uniform was holding a brick in one hand and holding a large white horn with a red background in the other, angrily.

On the other seat of the off-road vehicle, Battalion Commander Gao Bo glared at his group of people, and then aggressively drove towards the mountainside in front of the off-road vehicle.

After being glared at by his battalion commander, the second platoon leader and others quickly lowered their heads.

"According to your own rhythm, don't run around and keep up~" the second platoon leader said hastily.

"Platoon leader, what is that Uncle Zhang doing with the brick?" Another soldier asked curiously as he followed.

"Who knows what the old man is going to do? There is no normal person in their cooking squad, from the officers and soldiers to the old man. Hurry up and follow!"

But at this moment on the mountainside, the members of the Fourth Battalion have basically been left far behind by the cooking squad, and what they are going to face next is really the absolute elites of all units in the army.

In addition, Zhou Fu and the others were actually a little tired.To be exact, it's not that I'm tired, but that I run too fast, and the rhythm is a bit out of order.

Indeed, without aura, Cultivation Military Fist is still very powerful, and can strengthen the practitioner's physical fitness to a certain extent, but it is not strong enough to defy the sky, not to mention that these boys are still practicing the Enlightenment version. Although there was Zhang Jiangang's full guidance and decoction and diet bonus during the period.

"Squad leader, look at them~~" On the road around the mountain on the mountainside, a group of cooking squads put their hips on their hips and looked down at the other participating soldiers down the mountain.

"Hey, let them laugh at us every day these days, ahem~~" The deputy squad leader Huang Heping who spoke was somewhat panting.

A group of cooking teams just stood on the road on the mountainside, resting, pointing to the mountains and rivers below.

And just outside the corner of the road where another track was converging not far from them, a group of about six or seven soldiers just rushed up at a steady pace.

This big competition is actually divided into two tracks. The distance between the two tracks is the same, but they will merge into one road at the front corner.Therefore, when the people on both sides of the track did not reach the corner, no one knew who was ahead.

And these six or seven soldiers are stronger and stronger than the other, and their aura is stronger.

Although they were almost running side by side, panting lightly, their breathing was well controlled, their morale was very strong, and they all looked confident.

"He Nan, I am determined to take the first place in the armed forces this time! Last time you lost to me in the whole army contest, don't let me down this time! In the next two kilometers, I will let you know what is real strength!" said an elite from a certain regiment of the Second Division of a military region, looking at another elite soldier who was wrestling with him.

"Hehe, you've only run for less than a third of the time. Your words are too early." While speaking, the elite of the Sixth Regiment of the First Division named He Nan twitched his lips and said disdainfully, but his footsteps never stopped .

Although the weight was 25 kilograms, these two soldiers, including the other four or five soldiers who followed closely behind, were at least slightly sweating.

The complexion is a little flushed, but it is obvious that the rhythm is well grasped.

"Hey! You two don't get complacent too early, we still have us!" As soon as He Nan's voice fell, a few soldiers from other brother troops who had been holding on tightly behind him also shouted, with dissatisfaction .

Some of them didn't say a word, but their faces were full of energy, and no one was convinced.

He Nan glanced back, his face changed slightly.

Sure enough, it was them again!The scene of the martial arts competition three years ago has reappeared!

Myself, Liu Qiang from the Second Division, Zhao Kuo from the Third Division...Xu Kangyong from the Third Battalion are almost exactly the same as the situation of this project three years ago.

When running to one-third of the time, it was myself, these six or seven people, who were competing again.

It's really overwhelming skills, and the heights are overwhelming!It was the six or seven of me last time again, it was too lonely, the master was too lonely!

Looking at the corner where the two tracks are about to merge into one, He Nan sighed, remembering the familiar scene three years ago.

 Thanks to Mo Yewanghou, book friends 20190608212116750, intertousm, Shero丨Chenxi for their support, and thanks to all friends for their recommendations, collections, and book list support.

  The book "It's okay to be reborn later" is estimated to be on the shelves soon, but the number of collections is pitifully small compared to other books.It may be that the protagonist of this book is an old man. Many readers do not accept it well, and the title of the book may not be understood by some readers, so it is not very attractive (although Prawn himself likes this more and more. The title of the book), so I was really anxious to see the prawns on the shelves, for fear of hitting the street.After all, according to the current collection, according to the first-order ratio of ordinary works from the starting point, the end of the prawn is already predictable.

  Because I am worried that it will be a dog when it goes on the shelves, prawns are also saving more manuscripts during this period, and they will explode a little more when they are on the shelves, so I usually don’t dare to add more, please understand, after all, the pressure is very high.

  Therefore, I am madly begging for recommendation tickets, madly begging for collection, and madly begging for rewards and support, so that more readers can read this book.

  Don’t worry, everyone has plenty of manuscripts, and Prawn himself is quite confident. It may be that the subject matter is a bit biased, so there is no bottom line, so I ask for support, and the added Prawns involved will be added in one breath after they are put on the shelves. ~Thank you everyone~ All kinds of requests, good night

(End of this chapter)

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