Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 113 Take the Top 7 Ranks in the Army!

Chapter 113 Take the top seven places in the army!
I go!scare me!
When will someone show up behind us!

They are all elites in the military. It is said that there should be no one who is following behind, let alone only three or four meters away.

But the problem is that none of He Nan and the others noticed anyone behind them.

Brother, you are a man or a ghost, how long have you been following us like this!Don't you walk without sound?

"Don't turn over? Why don't you turn over? Keep turning!" Looking at the off-road vehicle again, a certain old man said sullenly.

"Yes! Don't you like somersaults? Turn, keep turning, anyway, you have turned from the bottom of the mountain to the side of the mountain, and from here you turn to the end! You brat!" Gao Battalion Commander also stared and sprayed.

In fact, the end point is the starting point, but it is just a circular section of lush forest path back.

"Ah? Do you really want to turn it over, teacher?" Without looking at the battalion commander, Xiao Hu looked at Zhang Jiangang with his big bag on his back.

Zhang Jiangang has black lines all over his head. "Turn it if you tell me! Hurry up and follow me, you are a snail, follow me!"

Those who belong to snails, old man, you can’t insult us like that!The king of the seven individual events has a black line.

etc!Anyway, it has turned from the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside?What's the meaning?
This, this little guy is turning over a mountain?
What the hell!

The king of the seven individual events almost dropped his eyes, and even stared back at Xiao Hu.

They thought too much, this kid Xiao Hu is really a ghost.

Although Battalion Commander Gao asked him to do somersaults up the mountain just now, in fact he just did somersaults in front of Zhang Jiangang and Gao Bo.As soon as the buggy was out of sight, the kid started running.

After all, normal people don't have that physical strength, even the quasi-cultivation soldiers taught by Zhang Jiangang.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

What's terrible is that the next moment, the young cooking soldier rushed out like crazy, and directly threw himself, the seven elites of the previous competition, away.


Can't run, really can't run!
Looking at the old man who was sitting in an off-road vehicle and quickly followed the seven guys in front and disappeared around the corner in front, the seven individual kings of the previous martial arts competition were speechless.

Sir, do you still need people in your cooking class?He Nan even shouted in his heart.

On the other side, on the off-road vehicle.

Gao Bo's mood was hard to calm down for a long time, especially as the distance to the finish line got closer and closer, especially the rhythm of the seven obedient soldiers in front of Zhang Jiangang was getting better and better, and the speed was fast and steady.

Originally, Gao Bo thought it would be good for Wang Shaohua and others from the battalion to break into the top five of the whole army, and he was very satisfied. After today, maybe the top seven of the whole army might be the fourth battalion.

How could Gao Bo not be both excited and shocked, and these seven people were all from the cooking class.

At that time, let alone myself, even the regiment headquarters and everyone in the military region had no hope. They said it was a pilot, but in fact it was just to give those old chiefs and old generals a face.

But now it was more than a surprise, it was a shock.

Looking at the old man sitting on the co-pilot in front of him, Gao Bo's eyes were really different.

"Mr. Zhang, can they persist to the end with this speed and rhythm?" Gao Bo couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, as long as they don't mess around, there should be no problem." Zhang Jiangang said while watching the seven guys running while adjusting their breathing rhythm and breathing.

Nodding his head, the anger that Zhang Jiangang had put on before disappeared, and instead he nodded in relief.

If the rhythm of breathing is correct, the way and frequency of breathing are correct, the whole body will be like a steady car with constant power!It may be far from the effect of the Reiki Age, but at least it is no problem to run 10 kilometers with a load.

Of course, after holding back for ten days and being laughed at by others for ten days, Zhang Jiangang can also understand the mood of these boys, and they are all holding back their energy to make some big noises.But Zhang Jiangang still hopes that they will be more stable. After all, they are the pioneers in the cultivation of the army, and there are important things waiting for them in the future.

Of course, among these seven people, there are actually various personalities, some are stable, and some are radical.But after all, most people who are suffocated and want to explode.

Anyway, the first project should be fine.

In fact, Zhang Jiangang is not worried about cross-country or 400-meter special obstacles. What Zhang Jiangang is worried about is the competition in several events such as shooting.

There are indeed experts in this cooking class, and their skills are outstanding, but they are partial to subjects, or they have their own strengths, but they are not all-round.Several of them are good players, but they are all good in individual sports. For example, Zhou Fu is excellent in shooting, but average in other sports.

Try your best anyway, I am not a god, I have done everything I can, it depends on their performance.

On the other hand, Gao Bo also felt a little regretful, he should have made up for the cooking class during this time.Especially for shooting, individual tactics and other items, make up for it, and strive for an all-round pacesetter.

This is a long look at Shu, but I don't blame Gao Bo, there are a few people who are not like this, who made these seven guys behave so amazingly.

"Huh? These boys are accelerating again!" Suddenly, Zhang Jiangang's expression changed slightly when he saw the group of people in front of him accelerating aggressively again.

But at this moment, the car phone worn by Gao Bo next to him rang.

"Captain Gao, Battalion Commander Gao! Please come back immediately with Mr. Zhang, please come back immediately, if you continue to follow up, it will be regarded as cheating and the result of the competition will be cancelled!"


Isn't it just that Teacher Zhang and I threw a brick, is it worth saying that we cheated?Gao Bo and Zhang Jiangang smiled wryly, turned around quickly, and glanced at the armed helicopter flying overhead.

But before turning around, Zhang Jiangang pressed the car horn hard for more than ten seconds.

And hearing the continuous sound of the horn, a small group in the distance trembled with fright.

"Pay attention to the rhythm, adjust the movement of Qi, adjust...don't turn back! Who told you to turn back, you want to kill us~~"

None of them, including Zhang Jiangang and the Fourth Battalion Commander Xiao Gao, knew that somewhere in the military region, the high-level military officials who were watching the monitoring and reporting of the competition had long been shocked by the ongoing 10-kilometer armed cross-country project.

This is not the headquarters of the martial arts competition, but Jiang Yunxiong from the military region was taken aback when the materials and notifications were sent, especially after reading the materials from the cooking class before.

Including veteran generals such as Dong Guochuan.

"Old Dong, how does this teacher Zhang usually train them?" Jiang Yunxiong, the head of the military region in his 50s, couldn't help asking, holding the previous grades of the cooking class in his hand.

Everyone also looked at Dong Guochuan.

"I don't know either. I left after I suppressed the scenes for him on the first day. Didn't you follow up and pay attention?" Dong Guochuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

You ask me, and I will ask you again!

I told you that Mr. Zhang is a person with real ability, and I told you to pay attention to, support, and build a pilot unit. It's better for you, just give him a cooking class.

The cooking class is nothing more than that. After all, many of the cooking classes are retired elite veterans, so they should not be underestimated. In the end, you gave such a cooking class.

You ask me, who am I to ask!

"Let's go and have a look! Go to the finish line and wait for them!" Jiang Yunxiong, who didn't go to the scene today, couldn't sit still after glancing at Mr. Dong, holding the previous training and various assessment materials of the cooking class.

Then, Jiang Yunxiong and others drove directly to the scene of the big martial arts competition. He wanted to see it with his own eyes!

If one person has changed so much, it can be said that it is hard work, but the class of seven people who are already lagging behind have made such great progress, and they can be said to overwhelm the entire army. Then Teacher Zhang's ten-day special training and Zhang's military boxing can't be done. Don't pay attention!

Although I don't know what will happen to the other martial arts competitions in the big competition, but this one alone is already shocking.

But the time is fast, even though it is said to be in a hurry, when Jiang Yunxiong and his party arrived at the camp of the competition, the No. 10 of the 1-kilometer armed cross-country event of the military competition has already come out!

Not just No.1, the second to No.7, all came out!

The first division of the military region...the seven cooking soldiers from the cooking squad of the fourth battalion and the third company took the top seven of the army's 10-kilometer armed cross-country cross-country!
What is even more shocking is that No.7's Xiao Hu reached the finish line 8 minutes ahead of No.5 Liu Qiang!

crazy!The fourth battalion and the third company, including the fourth battalion, are crazy. After being shocked, they are crazy!

When these seven guys came back one after another, the officers and soldiers of the whole company and even the whole battalion rushed up and threw these seven guys into the sky. It was extremely lively!

Our company and our battalion won the top seven in the first event of the whole army competition, and it is our cooking squad.

Convince or not, convincing or not!
Who else, who else! !

 Congratulations to book friend 150515123756389 for becoming the new rudder owner of this book, and thanks for the rewards!Thanks to Wu Qingying 1, Half Life Salted Fish, Fission Committee, He Ye Xie Mei Smile, Ling Lu Wolverine, I am July Fire, Hei Zhe and other friends for their support, good afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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