Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 144 Longteng Announcement: The Era of Global Cultivation!

Chapter 144 Longteng Announcement: The Era of Global Cultivation! (Second more)

Capture the thief first and capture the king. Although the analogy is not very appropriate, such a large-scale unified action is too terrifying.

It feels to the bosses that this is not a simple ghost coming, but more like a collision of two worlds.

And when everyone was rushing to Tianjing, these bigwigs also received notices from the sect disciples or the left-behind masters.There is only one content, rush to the capital immediately!

The few sect leaders who stayed behind headed towards the capital from another road.

And before leaving, Zhang Jiangang didn't wait any longer!

To be honest, I have been waiting for three days, and it is time to issue an announcement, although I also just discovered the ghost incident last night, including Qin Ridi.

The governments and sects of various countries in the previous life on the earth concealed it for more than a year and a half before announcing it. They only wanted to destroy it with their own strength, but the result intensified until it could not be dealt with.

It's almost the same, if there are ghosts and supernatural events among domestic or overseas civilians, it's okay to say.

In that case, the officials of various countries may still be able to cover it up, wait and see patiently, and continue to conceal it for a long time.

But such a big thing happened last night, Zhang Jiangang believes that the officials of various countries must not be able to handle it.

And when they figure it out overseas, they still don't know the year of the monkey.

Others dare not expose this matter, they are still waiting and watching, and even thinking about maximizing their benefits, Zhang Jiangang doesn't want to wait any longer, the signs have already appeared last night, and he has to stand up!

Now there are more than 3000 million registered Longevity Boxing practitioners in China. Although there is no statistics, it is estimated that there are at least tens of millions of people who have learned Five Elements Boxing through Pigman. Although there are few people who learn the young version of the cultivation and weight loss exercises, they should also learn it. million!

There is also the military, about two months ago the Northwest Military Region fully promoted Zhang's military boxing.

enough!With this as a foundation, Huaxia might not be able to fight the ghosts who came to the world, not to mention that these ghosts are just getting started!

According to the previous deployment, Zhang Jiangang finally issued the first Longteng notice!

At 38:[-] noon, the Longteng app, official website, and official SMS notification platform, which have not been moved for a long time, are all updated!

As text messages and software notifications sounded one after another, countless elderly people, including young people, received such a message on their mobile phones.

"Letter to All Zhang's Longevity Boxing Friends"

[The blood moon is in the sky, the mirage is in the sky, the spiritual energy is revived, the world has changed, and human beings will enter the era of comprehension! 】

App, SMS, official website, including the official accounts of Longteng Company's major social networking sites, will be updated simultaneously at 38:[-] noon!
This noon, the world seems to be so quiet, the people are still busy with their own things, no different from usual, still busy for their families, for their dreams, and for their survival.

Eat when you should eat, work when you should work, and rest as usual.

To be honest, many people were also afraid during the blood moon, especially when there were various adverse reactions on their bodies.But after three days, that reaction has subsided a lot, and some people have even gotten used to it, and even can't feel it anymore.

They don't know that not being able to feel it is not adaptation, but that some changes have affected them on a deeper level, such as their physical functions, such as the mental state of the whole person, and these things are subtly declining.

On the day of the blood moon, it was just that the impact was too great, so the reaction was so violent.

And this invisible influence is the biggest, the real killer.

Huaxia needs all the people to practice!
In a fast food restaurant under a high-rise building in the CBD of Beijing Haiding District in Huaxia, there are huge crowds of white-collar workers who take a lunch break, filling the entire restaurant, and the queue is also long.

"I'm starving to death. When I was just programming, I thought about coming down to eat, haha, eat quickly, Brother Dao." A young man said looking at the steaming lunch in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" The young man couldn't help shouting when his colleague Xu Yongdao stopped eating after receiving a text message, and then stared at his phone.

When he heard his colleague calling him, the programmer named Xu Yongdao was stunned, and then joked while looking at his mobile phone, "Brother, if someone says that the end of the world is coming soon, would you believe it?"

"The end of the world? I believe it, why don't I believe it? My life is already the end of the world! I'm in my third year, and the down payment is not yet early. I'm going home for a new year, and people are urging me to get married every day. The good-looking conditions are good. I don’t like my brother, I don’t like the bad brother, I’m tired of working overtime every day, the world is already doomsday brother dei~ Eat, eat~”

While talking, Xu Yongdao's colleague shook his head and put the food in his mouth with chopsticks.

Alas, when will such a day end.Although he didn't say it, Xu Yongdao actually sighed in his heart.

"Who are you listening to spread rumors~" While eating, the colleague asked again.

"It's not an ordinary person who made this rumor this time, look~" Xu Yongdao glanced at his colleague, and handed over the phone.

"The last time I went home, I registered and downloaded Zhang's Longevity Boxing for my mother. I used my mobile phone number, so they sent the information to my mobile phone." While talking, Xu Yongdao also explained to his colleagues.

"Damn it! It's this old man!" Xu Yongdao's colleagues were startled when they saw the above content and the 'rumour-mongering' person.

"Is this old man convulsed? How can a person with such great influence like a child dare to post anything? Isn't this looking for a seal? The country can spare him!"

To be honest, it's okay for ordinary people to post this kind of information, but it's not the same thing for an influential person like this old man named Zhang Jiangang.Moreover, this old man is very prestigious in the eyes of the elderly and children.

Isn't this spreading feudal superstition?That is to say, young people with higher education like myself will not believe in this. What will happen if other unsteady people see it?Who is responsible for the impact!

Especially the elderly and children, if they read the letter, it will have a bad influence on their hearts, who is responsible!

"Hehe, this uncle is really good at fooling people when they have entered the era of comprehension. He is ready to rub the heat."

While talking, Xu Yongdao's colleagues looked at the contents of the announcement as a joke.

[Hi everyone, I am Zhang Jiangang.

Just three days ago, that is, at six o'clock in the evening on the fourteenth day of the lunar calendar in this month...the blood moon and mirage incident occurred. In this incident, countless young people, including a large number of old people who have not practiced Zhang's Longevity Fist, suddenly felt unwell .On the contrary, the old man who practiced Zhang's Longevity Fist was safe and sound, including the children. Why?
Because, mankind has officially entered the era of comprehension!

...Yes, the aura of heaven and earth has descended on the earth again after thousands of years! 】

"Damn it, the more I talk about it, the more mysterious it gets! So I can cultivate immortality? I can fly? Then who is going to work, just be a god!" Seeing this, Xu Yongdao's colleague said with a disdainful smile.

And seeing Zhang Jiangang's explanation of the recovery of spiritual energy, especially the impact of spiritual energy on human beings, the young man didn't believe it even more.

"Such a good thing can hurt people? According to him, the fairyland on TV is not only not heaven, but hell? Make it up, keep making it up!" Nothing is believable and illogical.

"Wang Qiang, I think what he said makes sense." Xu Yongdao on the side said, "Think about it, from a scientific point of view, people have a process of adapting to the environment. It's like people in plateau low-oxygen areas Like coming to the plains, many of you think that more oxygen is a good thing.”

"However, as far as I know, accidents will happen to people on the plateau when they suddenly come to the plains. From an oxygen-poor environment to a high-oxygen environment, their lungs will be very uncomfortable, and they will even become drunk and produce vomiting and dizziness. It's life-threatening."

"But I don't think the old man's aura and oxygen are the same thing. According to the TV, aura should nourish people. How could it harm people? So your assumption is wrong. Besides, who are we?" Do you know if there is such a thing as aura, these are all things in novels and TV shows."

As expected of a program dog, the two directly analyzed it from a scientific point of view.

[The above facts, I, Zhang Jiangang, guarantee the authenticity with my personal reputation and life, and I am willing to bear all consequences!At the same time, I can tell everyone responsibly that at the moment when the aura was revived, our earth ushered in an uninvited guest, ghosts! 】

I rely on!This uncle is dead!

Uncle, do you think you are a dick like us, dare to say anything, dare to brag, anyway, you are not afraid of being held accountable with bare feet?
You are so rich, you are so influential, why bother!You are going to spend everything in the first half of your life!
If Zhang Jiangang’s explanation about the blood moon and the revival of the aura made everyone a little surprised and curious, then a sentence suddenly came out later when the earth was revived, and this surprised everyone!Especially put young people.

Of course, everyone was not frightened by ghosts, but by Zhang Jiangang's nonsense!
In modern society, where atheism dominates and science and higher education are popularized, sir, you told us that a group of ghosts came down from the underworld the night before yesterday, and then they are going to occupy our earth?Sir, it's time to see a doctor!
"Haha, I laughed so hard, this uncle was definitely drunk when he made this announcement, I bet you he must be drunk, believe it or not?" The young man named Wang Qiang said with a smile, the rice grains from the laugh came out of his nostrils drilled out.

"Hehe, I won't fight with you. To be honest, I was a little skeptical when I just watched the first half, but when he said something, I just said, hehe." Xu Yongdao also said with a smile, "I figured it out. This uncle is purely for selling tutorials."

The old man in the announcement also used his influence and appeal to mobilize the elderly to pay attention to and protect the young in the past few days, trying to persuade the young to practice the self-cultivation skills that have been released to resist the attack of ghosts!

Not only that, the uncle also mentioned in the announcement some methods for ordinary people to guard against ghosts, as well as some taboos.

God, doesn't the government care?This is incitement, this uncle is crazy!
In the announcement, the uncle Zhang Jiangang mentioned that he thought the ghosts would attack in the next few days!

While the two of them were talking about this matter, some other white-collar workers in the fast food restaurant obviously received similar messages.

"The uncle said that ghosts are going to come to the end of the world, what should we do? He also said that the uncles and aunts should protect us, look!" A few white-collar workers not far away also shouted enthusiastically.

"What else can I do? I should go to work and earn money, otherwise who cares about my wife and children."

"My God, we young people have become a disadvantaged group. This uncle has too much brains."

"The uncle also said that several heads of state in Africa have been attacked, and similar things have happened in Europe. He also said that ghosts may attack humans on a large scale in the past two days."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is. If there is an attack on the head of state, can you not see it on the news?"

"Come on, come on, I'm waiting for them in the rented house, anyway, I've already had enough life, I might as well be a ghost! It's best to come tonight, and give my brother a good time!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Yongdao and his colleague Wang Qiang couldn't help laughing, "Look, this uncle will definitely be scolded badly on the Internet these two days!" Wang Qiang said.

"Let's go, eat quickly, and go home after get off work today to cultivate immortality." Xu Yongdao joked even more.

Just as Zhang Jiangang thought, the young people still don't believe it.

However, this is not the case for another group.

Just as Xu Yongdao finished his lunch and was about to go back to the office to take a break and continue working as a code farmer in the afternoon, his cell phone rang.

"Hey Mom, what's the matter?"

"Yongdao, have you read the Longteng notice that Teacher Zhang sent?"

"Look, what's the matter?"

"Hurry up and download the exercises that Teacher Zhang said, and pay attention not to do some things at night, don't run around... Do you know! Teacher Zhang said that there may be ghosts attacking people in these two days~"

"..." Xu Yongdao had black lines all over his head.

"Mom, that old man is a lunatic, don't believe him. There are still ghosts in what age, that's all, I'll go back and have a rest and go to work, Mom, take care of yourself at home."

"You child! How can you say that about Mr. Zhang, listen to my son, go back quickly..."

"Okay, okay, I know Mom." Xu Yongdao couldn't laugh or cry, and was even more perfunctory.

 Thanks to Shenzang v587, book friends 20190521193909319, Chen Wang, Tian Henglan, I Xiang Kunlun and other small partners for their support, and there will be updates in the evening.I heard that someone wants to tear up the monthly pass and recommendation ticket, don’t tear it up, hit me in the face with the ticket, hurry up~~ah, it’s so cool~~
(End of this chapter)

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