Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 157 Hell, Where Are People?

Chapter 157 Hell, Where Are People?

It was a lush green with grass everywhere and trees everywhere!Also, the aura here is very abundant, at least ten times higher than the concentration outside!
"I'm going, where is this place? Where's the group of people who came in before?" Old Zhao, who had spit out all the sea water, got up and asked in surprise.

Lao Yu didn't speak, just looked at Zhang Jiangang.

And Zhang Jiangang didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the world.

At the end of these patches of green grass and trees, there is a circle of bronze-colored walls, with a distance of more than 500 meters in radius, spreading from the ground to the sky of the whole world, and to that small opening.

Moreover, unlike the boundless sky in the outside world, the sky in this world is covered, and it looks like it is only about 300 meters away!
Yes, this world has boundaries not only around the circle, but also up and down, and it's very small!

Not only that, this world is so small that a big tree has grown to the sky, and the leaves and branches have reached the 'ceiling', which is very spectacular.

"Brother, are these spiritual herbs? These are all treasures! Let me go, this big tree is reaching the sky!" Old Zhao's spiritual sense is very weak, he can't notice these things, just looking around and never seeing them. The passing grass was excited, looking at the big tree.

That's right, these are indeed spiritual herbs, and they are not ordinary spiritual herbs!Looking at these, Zhang Jiangang was actually surprised.

And he noticed that the wall more than 500 meters away in this world turned out to be a treasure!
There are complex runes on it, and there are countless inlaid blue water copper, and there are many spiritual materials that even Zhang Jiangang can't recognize, and they are stuck on the wall in a strange sequence!
Especially the blue water copper, densely packed on the wall like broken thorns, shining with light blue light!

"Star Grass, Soul Eater Leaf!" Looking at this small grassland, Zhang Jiangang was also a little excited.

Although these spiritual herbs are not too high-level in the future, they are definitely treasures now!

There are also some spiritual material ores!The more he watched, the more excited Zhang Jiangang became!
There are too many, to be honest, so many Zhang Jiangang can't take away!

Just, just people?
What about the group of people who came in before?Zhang Jiangang was not dazzled by the scene in front of him, but frowned.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!

Although these are common spiritual herbs, although they are relatively low-level after getting them, they are all treasures at this stage!

It doesn't make sense that the wave of people who came in before didn't do anything. If I were the first to come, I would have already started harvesting!

Moreover, there is no trace of anyone coming!
Take nothing and leave?And when you leave, don't you drive the boat?Did you go back to swimming?
Zhang Jiangang asked himself that his current strength is absolutely overwhelming on the earth, and he might be crushed.Of course, it will be difficult to say in a few years. After all, there are so many geniuses, and there are some powerful outsiders.

But for now, if I have a boat, I will never swim back.After all, his strength has not yet reached the level where he can fly back.


"Brother, where are you?" Lao Yu also said without expression.

"Find someone! Let's talk when we find someone!" Zhang Jiangang said directly.

This world is not big, it looks like it is only a few hundred meters high, and its radius is only more than 500 meters. There is no reason why people cannot be found in such a big place!
"Could that group of people have already left? Or died?" Lao Yu asked with a frown.

"No! It must be inside!" Zhang Jiangang returned directly.

There are so many treasures in this world, but that wave of people didn't even move, it's not normal!

And there is no trace of being here at all!
died?There must be some traces after death, right?

This world is very small, if there is any weird place, you can definitely find it!

"Brother, do you want to pick up these things?" Old Zhao asked.

"Pick up! Take as much as you can! Take a little of everything! Don't uproot!" Zhang Jiangang returned directly.

Fearing that Old Zhao would be uprooted, Zhang Jiangang reminded him specially.

Spirit grass is very precious at this stage, what if it is uprooted?
After all, the current environment of the earth is not the most suitable for the survival of spirit grass.

Anyway, the things are here, if you can't take them away this time, you can just pick them up later.

If the root is taken away, isn't it killing the chicken to get the eggs?

Of course, some root-based spiritual grass still needs to be uprooted, after all, it is the root of the spiritual grass.

"Okay!" After saying that, Lao Zhao took out several white woven bags from his backpack, the kind he usually picks up trash.

It also said Stanley Compound Fertilizer, and then I professionally scratched it inside.


"Brother, didn't you say you don't want to pull out the roots?" And saw Zhang Jiangang pull out several of the fiery red spirit grass when he passed by.

"Nonsense, this is the flame root. What I want is the root of this kind of spiritual grass. Can I not pull it out? I..." Halfway through speaking, Zhang Jiangang, who was squatting to collect the flame root, was stunned.

Not looking at the flame root, but looking at the root that seems to be burning, looking at the soil sticking to it.

To be exact, this is not soil at all, but a kind of purple crystal-like sand!

"Seven evil sands!!" At this moment, Zhang Jiangang exclaimed, and he became even more excited in an instant.

This thing is a refining tool, especially a treasure for making alchemy furnaces!

Seven evil sands!Only a few grams were discovered in the entire earth in the last life, and the bosses are robbing you to the death!
According to the records in the relics of the present world, the seven evil sands should not exist in a place like the earth at all.Even higher worlds are baby!

Qi Niesha is not a mortal thing!

To be honest, Zhang Jiangang had never seen such a thing in his previous life, he had only heard of it.At that time, it was said that this kind of sand would automatically flow with the monk's spiritual power fluctuations when placed in the hands, and it was warm and moist, as if it was integrated with the human body.

There are very few records about Qi Niesha that have been handed down. It is said that the big boss who finally snatched Qi Niesha did not fully understand Qi Niesha.

Of course, this could be a rumor.

Sure enough, a handful of sand flickered in Zhang Jiangang's hand, and strands of spiritual power flowed in the sand, as if following Zhang Jiangang's heartbeat, fluctuating with the movement of Zhang Jiangang's meridian spiritual power, very magical, as if alive!
Whether it is the color, shape, or the displayed characteristics, they are almost exactly the same as the legendary Qi Nie Sha in the previous life!
"Here, do these spirit grasses grow on the Seven Evil Sands?" At this moment, Zhang Jiangang was frightened!
But the strange thing is that the Seven Evil Sands held by Zhang Jiangang just now suddenly became extremely heavy, and then spontaneously fell down along the cracks between Zhang Jiangang's fingers, just like ordinary quicksand.

It's so heavy that Zhang Jiangang's current cultivation base can't resist it!

I feel that if I keep going, my hands will be broken, and my arms will be broken, even if Zhang Jiangang Jiu Gongzhang tried his best.

This weight is not the weight of Qi Niesha itself, but some kind of traction, as if there is a rule in the dark to prevent Zhang Jiangang from taking away the sand!

this!Zhang Jiangang was taken aback, but couldn't bear the increasing pressure and could only let go.

The next moment, these seven evil sands fell back to the distance and lay there quietly.

what's the situation!Where the hell is this, how could there be so many Seven Evil Sands!Moreover, it will be so heavy, and I can't hold it up!

In the previous life, the big bosses desperately snatched a few grams. Just now, my handful was almost a catty, right?
Although he couldn't hold it, Zhang Jiangang continued to paw and pull on the ground subconsciously, digging!

It's the seven evil sands!It's all seven evil sands!

Sure enough, under all the spiritual grasses, there are seven evil sands!

no!Who cares, you must take some with you when you leave!There is no pressure when these seven evil sands are first acquired, but they will appear in an instant later.

Zhang Jiangang fetched sand when he was about to leave, so he had to act fast!
If you really can't take it with you, then you can try refining it here!
Standing up, the three of Zhang Jiangang were looking for people, while collecting spiritual grass and spiritual materials.

What made Zhang Jiangang feel strange was that he found that the spiritual herbs in this world were basically low-level, not even a decent treasure-level spiritual herb.Of course, this level is enough at this stage.

This world is really small, it feels like Zhang Jiangang and others have gone around in just over ten minutes!

No one, really no one!
Not even a little clue!

Sight, spiritual consciousness, all gone!

In addition, Zhang Jiangang also found that his spiritual consciousness was forcibly dissipated as soon as it touched the wall, and he couldn't penetrate directly into the ground.

Some top bosses in the previous life were helpless against Qi Nie Sha, Zhang Jiangang still didn't believe that at this stage someone could get under Qi Nie Sha.

There is also an entrance. Zhang Jiangang and others searched all over this small world but did not see another entrance.

hell!Did they come in at all?If so, where did it come from?What about people?

What surprised Zhang Jiangang was that there were so many low-level spirit herbs here, but there wasn't even any spirit material ore!

Yep, none at all, except for the ones mounted on the wall.

It's not normal, it's not normal!Where is such a world?

In addition, I searched several times, but there was no one.

"You look for it again, I'll take a look again, call me as soon as there is anything!" At this moment, Zhang Jiangang's sacks are also full.

All kinds of spiritual herbs, including some branches, seeds, and fruits of those big trees.

The current Zhang Jiangang dragging the sack looks no different from Old Zhao.

While speaking, Zhang Jiangang also subconsciously glanced at the weak spot above the sky, Zhang Jiangang knew that it was the exit for him to leave.

"Okay brother." The two agreed, and then wandered around this small world again.

Not finding that group of people, Zhang Jiangang felt uneasy.

Also, in this small world, Zhang Jiangang doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't understand a little bit.

While the two continued to search, Zhang Jiangang came to the wall at the end of this small world alone, looking at the runes on it and the spiritual materials inlaid in a strange sequence.

Zhang Jiangang noticed that due to some kind of prohibition, the wall could not be approached when it was about one meter away from him.

However, although the restriction blocked Zhang Jiangang, it did not stop those spirit grasses and seven evil sands.

Inside the lavender restriction, in the corner of the wall, many spirit grasses are growing luxuriantly.

Looking at these restrictions at close range and the runes on the wall, Zhang Jiangang frowned slightly.

"What a mysterious rune! What is this place, what is this small world?" Zhang Jiangang actually felt a little headache after only looking at it for a while.

Although he was blocked, Zhang Jiangang has that kind of stubborn temper, the more he is blocked, the more he wants to find out!

Although the harvest has been great, but I went back without understanding anything, which is too much of a failure, isn't it a waste of time?
And that wave of people, has that wave of people really left, or died?
Thinking of this, Zhang Jiangang just shook his head, and then a burst of brilliance flashed across his body, and at the same time, Jiugong's movement method was activated!
Then, there was a flicker of the body, and after a while of rubbing against the one-meter barrier outside the wall, Zhang Jiangang rushed into the barrier of the wall, facing the wall!

He was about to reach out to touch the wall, but at this moment, Zhang Jiangang's expression changed!
His sight suddenly fell on the handful of spiritual grass at the bottom of the wall, and those seven evil sands.

moving!The seven evil sands are moving and sinking!

And the spiritual grass is also sinking, turning into light blue spiritual energy, disappearing, being crushed by the wall and the seven evil sands, and annihilated!
Along the wall, Zhang Jiangang even noticed that the seven evil sands hanging on the wall were rolling down, although the amplitude was very small!

Moreover, there is clearly a faint mark on the wall, which should be the mark left by Qi Niesha before it fell.

The purple trace spread from the front along the entire wall, spreading, just like the water trace after the bathtub was filled with water.

Suddenly, Zhang Jiangang looked up at the sky of this small world, and at the tallest iron tree!
I saw that the spiritual sense swept over, and the iron tree that was still staring at the 'ceiling' when it came here had been separated from the ceiling, leaving a space of less than one centimeter in the middle!
"Old Zhao Laoyu! Pull out the roots! Pull out all the spiritual plants! Hurry up!" At this moment, Zhang Jiangang suddenly turned around and shouted.

Almost when Zhang Jiangang yelled, the wall he touched suddenly lit up, and then spread to the entire small world, turning into a bright bloody line!

People outside the red line can't see it, only Zhang Jiangang can see it.

At the same time, a line of small runes and seal characters flashed on it.

The rune and seal character Zhang Jiangang knew: the three quarters of Haishi!
 Ask for a subscription and ask for a monthly pass. . . . . .The small black house is working hard to code, everyone go to bed early, good night

(End of this chapter)

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