Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 172 The red name is so scary~

Chapter 172 The red name is so scary~
Yes, Shi Jinbin was the young man who was deliberately let go by Zhang Jiangang in the small world of Kongming Hourglass that day.

Zhang Jiangang really didn't expect that it was a teacher who took over this guy.

"Get up." Zhang Jiangang said, with an unpredictability on his face. "There are a lot of geniuses in your class."

Hearing this, Shi Jinbin shuddered.

"Master Xie, that's right, the younger one just came back yesterday, and I didn't expect there to be so many students with outstanding spiritual roots in the class." Shi Jinbin said anxiously, "The younger one didn't even expect that you, my lord, are the commissioner sent by the Ministry of Cultivation. .”

Is this a coincidence or what?
Also, did Master Zhang Ye join the Cultivation Department, or was he an undercover agent who broke into the Cultivation Department?

Moreover, he was even more afraid that Zhang Jiangang would ask Master Tuhu's whereabouts.

Sure enough, what to be afraid of!
"Which one is Tuhu? That student named Du An?" Zhang Jiangang asked, although he felt that he was definitely not.

In addition, from the moment he arrived in class three, Zhang Jiangang had actually been secretly watching Shi Jinbin to see who he was communicating with.

It's a pity that this kid hasn't done anything so far, obviously he is very vigilant!
Hearing Zhang Jiangang's question, Shi Jinbin froze for a moment, and then obviously hesitated.

"Your Excellency is wise, Duan is indeed Lord Tuhu!" Shi Jinbin said after hesitating for a while.

Seeing that Shi Jinbin said that Zhang Jiangang didn't expose it, he smiled instead, and then his face turned cold.

Seeing Zhang Jiangang's expression, Shi Jinbin's heart skipped a beat.

Fortunately, the adult didn't ask any more questions.

Then, Zhang Jiangang directly threw a copy of the roster on the table.

Pointing to the names on the copy of the roster, Zhang Jiangang looked very bad.

"There are so many mortal geniuses on the list, you didn't even notice? What does Tuhu do for food!" Zhang Jiangang looked angry while speaking.

"Do you expect me to come and kill these people myself! Do you know what these geniuses will mean to us once they rise up! Trash is trash, it was like this when we were in the underworld, and this trash came here!" Zhang Jiangang added. , looked at Shi Jinbin coldly.

Confused, Shi Jinbin was directly forced by the training.

At first he was stunned, then Shi Jinbin finally confirmed it!

This adult is definitely one of his own!absolute!

Because Master Tuhu has been doing this all the time!The two students who drowned before were done by Mr. Tuhu.Without him, we must not let the growth of geniuses in this world be allowed to grow, or the consequences in the future will be disastrous!
It's a pity that Mr. Tuhu couldn't tell who were geniuses before, not to mention that there were people like Zhou Qi who deliberately kept a low profile, so the efficiency was not high.

But at this moment, looking at Zhang Jiangang, Shi Jinbin was full of admiration!
This Master Zhang Ye is indeed one of his own who broke into the cultivation department of this world, and secretly intercepted and killed these geniuses in the name of a census!

As expected of an adult, this method can be thought of!

Subconsciously, Shi Jinbin felt that this Master Zhang Ye was higher than Master Tuhu, or even several grades!
An undercover Cultivation Department, strangling geniuses in the name of statistical geniuses, this lord is really ruthless!
There is also the tone, this Master Zhang Ye said that Lord Tuhu's tone is more like the tone of a boss reprimanding his subordinates.

Although they came from the underworld, it doesn't mean that these ghosts are not afraid of death.Shi Jinbin was really scared out of his wits, especially after going through two encounters.

From Zhang Jiangang's body, Shi Jinbin felt the killing intent.

At this moment, he even thought of the scene where this adult killed the other two in the small world.

Letting Zhang Jiangang reprimand him, Shi Jinbin dared not even say a word.

"Tell Tuhu, within a week, before I come back, I want to see all these people on the list dead! This roster is not only for No. [-] middle schools, but also No. [-] middle schools and No. [-] middle schools. If I can't do this well, let him come to see me with the head." Zhang Jiangang said coldly.

"Yes, yes, sir." Kneeling on the ground, Shi Jinbin was in a cold sweat.

"My lord, you, you want to go?" Shi Jinbin even subconsciously asked nervously.

"There are seven surrounding cities and dozens of middle schools. If I don't leave, am I going to wait here until this trash like Tuhu finishes killing people?" Zhang Jiangang returned coldly.

"..." Shi Jinbin wiped his cold sweat.

At the same time, he understood that Master Zhang Ye's goal was not only in Zhou County.He wanted to count all the geniuses in the seven surrounding cities, and then nip them in the bud before they emerged!
Shi Jinbin took a deep breath, and even more admired Master Zhang.

This lord is still amazing, compared to this lord, Lord Tuhu's structure is too small!It really is not a level of people!
"Yes, yes, what your lord said is true." Shi Jinbin said hastily, "By the way, my lord, there are still people from us on this list." After hesitating for a while, Shi Jinbin still said.

"Keep your own people, and kill the rest!" Zhang Jiangang said coldly without even asking which people were "his own people". "Tell Tuhu to give me a list after finishing it!"

"Yes yes yes~"

"Go out."

"Yes, yes, sir."

Trembling, Shi Jinbin walked out of the conference room, and then closed the door politely.

Looking at the figure going out, Zhang Jiangang frowned slightly.

Who is Tuhu?Zhang Jiangang said curiously, and at the same time glanced at the original roster in his hand, looking at all the names in red.

But it doesn't matter, we will see the outcome soon.

As for asking Shi Jinbin directly, of course, but who knows if what this kid said is true or not?Isn't believing Shi Jinbin's words the same as believing nonsense?
Soon, Zhang Jiangang 'leaved' No. [-] Middle School and Zhou County.

During this process, the vice-principal of No. [-] Middle School, including the director of the grade department and other middle and high-level leaders, and Shi Jinbin, the representative of the head teacher of the excellent class, also gave a warm farewell to him.

And night soon fell.

At the end of the evening self-study, when the students returned to the dormitory with the mood that had not yet calmed down during the day, some nearby day students left the school.

In a dark office in the staff office building of No. [-] Middle School, the door was gently pushed open.

"My lord." Before he walked in, Shi Jinbin said excitedly.

"Come in, what did Commissioner Zhang call you alone today and tell you?" In this dark office, a voice came from the direction of the figure sitting at the desk.

"My lord, you would never have guessed that Commissioner Zhang belongs to us! He is the lord I met last time in the small world!"

"What did you say!" Suddenly, the figure on the desk stood up.

The moonlight shining through the glass reveals a middle-aged man's face.

"Yes, my lord, this Master Zhang Ye is one of his own. Look, this is the list he gave me. He asked us to kill all the people on the list within a week! There are not only people from our school, but also the third middle school." And Ninth High School." Shi Jinbin took out a copy of the roster, and excitedly placed it on the other party's desk.

"What? Let me see!" The middle-aged man looked at the roster.

Sure enough, the middle-aged people on the lists of the other two middle schools did not know each other, but the students in the first middle school above were all students above the middle grade spiritual root!

"This?" Under the dim moonlight, the middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression changed.

"Did you tell him that Tuhu is me?" The middle-aged man suddenly asked vigilantly.

"No, no, I'm not that stupid, my lord. I told him that Duan is you, my lord. I..." Shi Jinbin shook his head vigorously.

Seeing the vigilant expression on his Lord Tuhu's face, Shi Jinbin was even more sure that there might be a rift between Lord Tuhu and that Lord Zhang Ye.

If there is no festival, why would adults have such a vigilant expression.

However, Shi Jinbin's expression changed when he was halfway through the conversation!

Keep your eyes on the roster!
I saw that the name on the roster flickered for a moment, and then the name of Master Tuhu appeared in a blank space: Huang Pinchuan!

At the same time, Huang Pinchuan also noticed it, and his expression changed even more.

"What's going on here!" Huang Pinchuan was even more surprised.

And at this moment, above the fiery red name 'Huang Pinchuan', a red cross appeared strangely in the air!
Yes, it's like marking an x ​​for students by correcting their homework, and getting a red x!

In an instant, Huang Pinchuan found that his vitality was crazily passing away!
At the same time, Huang Pinchuan felt a depressive force coming from downstairs of the faculty teaching building.

Suddenly, Huang Pinchuan turned his head and looked downstairs from the window of his office on the third floor.

And under the street lamp, there was a figure standing, looking in his direction, putting away a writing brush with a strange and terrifying aura!
And when he was looking down, the man smiled and looked at him from the window!

 Thanks for the hard work for reading, Zhong Gongzi, book friend 20190608005419123, give a chestnut, Mu Zijun, Xiemo, Laosan Computer (Civilization) and other small partners for their rewards and support. There will be updates in the evening~~
(End of this chapter)

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