Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 178 It's all about planning, it turns out I have a big killer!

Chapter 178 It's all about planning, it turns out I have a big killer!
This woman must be one of those people!
Looking at the petite man in black opposite, Sun Jiacheng thought to himself.

"You talk too much."

Looking at the man in black, he still said with that look.

Killing Sun Jiacheng is considered to be his "voting certificate".

Coupled with today's talent spiritual root census and his own top-quality spiritual root, the man in black believes that he can not only enter the cultivation department of this world, but also gain the high trust of the cultivation department.

Thinking of this, the man in black no longer hesitated, the spiritual power in his body was agitated, and he was directly ready to give the final blow!
But at this last moment, the man in black's face changed, and he felt his vitality suddenly and quickly disappear!
In an instant, the man in black sweated coldly!
The man in black looked around vigilantly.

Only, no one was there.

"Damn it, go to hell!" Seeing this, the man in black decided not to procrastinate, he killed Sun Jiacheng in front of him first, and then fled immediately.

Killing Sun Jiacheng won't waste much time. The man in black believes that she will definitely have time to escape. She has this confidence in herself.

She was just a little frightened, she didn't expect that there would be such a strong existence in Sun Jiacheng's group.

Obviously there are masters, and they have been discovered!

Without further hesitation, he swung his hand violently, and the spiritual power brought up by the man in black had already formed a fiery sword, which was about to kill Sun Jiacheng.

However, the next moment, the man in black's face changed again, terrified.

First, a car was coming down the mountain at a high speed, and it was clearly heading in its direction with its horn pressed for a long time.

Second, the man in black discovered that the speed at which his life force was draining from his body had suddenly changed, and it had increased to three times the speed at which it was draining at the beginning!
That's right, the speed of life force loss has changed, and it has directly become three times as fast as before!
The man in black was terrified.

who is it!Who is the big man behind Sun Jiacheng and his gang? It's too scary!

At this speed, I am afraid that I will be sucked dry soon!

What terrible existence in the underworld is it that deprives people of their vitality through the air!
At this moment, she didn't care about killing Sun Jiacheng, and ran straight towards the back of the mountain. At the same time, her momentum rose, and she tried her best to resist the loss of life force!
Glancing at the stopped car at the foot of the mountain, and at a fuzzy black figure driving this way with the door open, the man in black fled straight away!
"This?" Looking at Sun Jiacheng, who was tired under the boulder, he was stunned, and looked at the figure who suddenly gave up and ran wildly for his life.

And the aura of that figure!It's too scary, this man in black is hiding his strength!

Not only did he hide his strength, Sun Jiacheng found that the man in black suddenly ran away four times faster!
Who is she?
This speed is terrifying!Even Sun Jiacheng has a feeling of time and space distortion.

If he had this speed before, Sun Jiacheng thought he would have died long ago.

Also, who is it that saved him?
And just when Sun Jiacheng was thinking about this, he suddenly discovered that a person was also chased out from the woods on the nearby mountain, at an extremely fast speed!Faster than the men in black!
Is it Master Tuhu?impossible!It is impossible for Mr. Tuhu to be so fast, too fast!
Fatigued on the ground, Sun Jiacheng tried to get up, but with some difficulty.

At the same time, the person who got off the car at the bottom of the mountain was also rushing towards him quickly, and he had already arrived while he was struggling.

"Shi Potian! Why is it you? Was it Mr. Tuhu who saved me just now?" Seeing the person coming, Sun Jiacheng breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart finally survived.

"Who told you to do something to Zhou Qi!" Shi Jinbin pretended to be aggressive as soon as he came, and glanced at the direction where the two figures disappeared.

Now, Brother Potian is already Master Zhang Ye's confidant, so of course there is no need to look at the faces of you guys.

"Me? Lord Tuhu asked me to do this." Seeing Shi Jinbin's attitude, Sun Jiacheng was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated and returned.

Could it be, isn't the person who saved me Lord Tuhu?
"Idiot, you know that the Ministry of Comprehension is staring at us and you dare to do something! If Master Zhang didn't take action today, you would be dead. Can you afford to ruin Master Zhang's good deeds!"


Master Zhang?Why is Master Zhang coming out again?Who?

Sun Jiacheng was dumbfounded by the training.

"Where is Master Tuhu? Who is Master Zhang?" Sun Jiacheng couldn't help asking, resisting the confusion.

It's just that Shi Jinbin didn't answer him, but looked in the direction where the two shadows disappeared.

On the other side, the man in black became more and more frightened as he ran.

The vitality in the body is passing away rapidly, at a speed that I can't control at all.

Not only that, the man in black inexplicably found that his speed had increased!
Yes, my vitality is passing away, and it is three times faster than before.

However, at the same time that his vitality was gone and his strength plummeted, his running speed unexpectedly became faster, almost three times faster!
what happened?How is this going?

So weird!

The more he ran, the more frightened the man in black became, and the more he ran, the more he felt that he had fallen into someone's trap.

In the process of escaping from the mountainside to the bottom of the mountain, the man in black only felt that more than a third of his vitality had been taken away!

It's terrible, not only can it take away your own vitality, but you can also control your own speed!

Although he knew that someone was chasing him, the man in black still tried to slow down a little bit, and at the same time desperately used his natal skills to resist the absorption of that life force.

However, the man in black found that even though he had slowed down, his escape speed was still about three times faster than usual!
In addition, the speed of life force loss has not changed, it is still three times the initial speed!
this!What's happening here?
My own speed was inexplicably three times faster!
The man in black was terrified.

But at this moment, she couldn't control so much anymore, and broke out her strongest momentum in an instant!

And after she erupted, the rhythm of her life force was clearly interrupted, as if she was about to collapse all the time.

The man in black was overjoyed when he saw this, and then ran across the road down the mountain and fled towards the woods by the opposite lake!

But in an instant, the face of the man in black changed again.

Without him, he found that his speed slowed down again in an instant!

Yes, and it's not a little slower, but directly reduced to one-third of its original speed!

And if you compare the speed just three times, that is to say, your own speed is directly three times the original speed and becomes one-third of the original speed, which is a ratio of 1:9 in an instant!
At this moment, the man in black showed shock in his eyes!

The whole person even collapsed a little bit!
Who is it, who is chasing after me!

This speed drop really caused the man in black to collapse!
In an instant, the man in black even felt that he was being chased by a top-ranked boss in the underworld!
"Who the hell are you!" For the first time, the man in black showed a panicked expression, and the calmness of the so-called nobleman before was completely gone.

At the same time, while shouting these words loudly, the man in black seemed to be about to explode, and his strength tripled!
At the same time, while her aura was soaring, her vitality dropped by half like a cliff!

And almost at the next moment, surprise appeared in the eyes of the terrified man in black, then excitement, and then he couldn't care about anything else, and went straight through the woods by the lake towards a certain direction!

Without him, because the aura that enveloped her body, the aura that was desperately absorbing her own vitality, disappeared.

The man in black didn't notice that before she disappeared, a pagoda mark was stamped on her neck exactly the same as when Shi Jinbin came out of the small world.

And about a few seconds after she disappeared, a figure came out from the woods not far away, it was Zhang Jiangang.

"It's such a powerful secret technique that can triple its strength by depleting its vitality!" Looking at the disappearing figure, Zhang Jiangang said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, in his hands, Chu Xin's name on the roster was already on fire, and even ignited the entire roster instantly!

"It seems that we must create a roster that matches the awesomeness." Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang shook his head and said with a smile.

In fact, the current roster materials are already the best materials China can find today, but they are still not enough!I have to find suitable spiritual materials to make a brand new roster, otherwise it would be too tasteless!
Yes, the man in black is the student named Chu Xin.

"Want to enter the Ministry of Cultivation? Okay, welcome." Looking at the figure, Zhang Jiangang showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth.

Although this Chu Xin's strength is obviously much higher than the previous Tuhu, but in fact Zhang Jiangang can catch up with her and even kill her.

However, Zhang Jiangang did not.

Do you want to study the real department?well, come on!Zhang Jiangang is ready to use his tricks!
And even so, in a short period of time, because of the nifty pen, and because Chu Xin lost her vitality to improve her strength, her strength also dropped by more than half, including her vitality.

Glancing at the seriously injured student named Chu Xin who 'run away', Zhang Jiangang turned his head and headed straight to the direction of Sun Jiacheng and Shi Jinbin on the hill, at three times his usual speed!

To be honest, this time Zhang Jiangang chased this Chu Xin, and it was not without extra gains, such as Kongming Hourglass.

He discovered another usage of the Kongming hourglass, that is, time for space, or speed!

Time is relative, and speed is also relative. Therefore, within the range of 100 meters covered by the Kongming hourglass, at a certain distance, compared to 100 meters away, the speed of time flow is actually the attack speed, the pursuit speed, and the speed of pursuit. That's escape speed!

For example, taking the external time as the standard, if the time flow rate is 1:10000, then at the same time, you can run 10000 times the distance outside!Do 9999 more attacks than outside!
This is simply a big killer for home travel!

It's a pity that with my current strength, including Kong Mingzhang's comprehension, I can only cover 100 meters, and can support up to 3 times the flow rate, otherwise it will be awesome.

But Zhang Jiangang is not a greedy person, he knows that three times is already against the sky.

As long as I continue to practice, I can continue to develop the Kongming Hourglass!
 The company arranged a temporary business trip to catch up on the last payment, and it was about to board the plane.I have no choice but to work hard to support my family, so I can only do one update for the time being. After getting off the plane and arriving at the hotel, Da Xia will hurry up and make up the code as soon as possible.

  There will definitely be some free time during business trips, and Da Xia will write more and upload more, everyone should go to bed early, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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