Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 180 My lord, actor!

Chapter 180 My lord, actor!
"No wonder, no wonder I can't take her down!" Zhang Jiangang murmured, although in fact Zhang Jiangang wanted to kill Chu Xin very easily.

Immortals, there are indeed immortals among the ghosts descending from the underworld!

"Yes, yes, my lord, the little one is completely powerless under her hands." Sun Jiacheng also nodded desperately.

For him, the stronger Zhang Jiangang's reaction was, the more excited Sun Jiacheng was. "My lord, this little one didn't expect to find out this secret right away. My lord, you must not let her enter the cultivation department." Sun Jiacheng said even more.

"Tell me everything about the process of your confrontation, you can't miss anything!" Zhang Jiangang said again, although he actually watched the whole process.

"Yes, tell me quickly!" Shi Jinbin was also pretending to be pretentious beside him.

"Yes, yes, sir! That's how it is..." The next moment, Sun Jiacheng not only told what happened, but also added a lot of drama that he made up.

There is no way, in order to get along, Sun Jiacheng also worked hard, afraid that Zhang Jiangang would not pay attention.

This is no longer a matter of whether Master Zhang will kill him or not, but a matter of getting better at himself.

"My lord, we must not allow this Chu Xin to study the real department, otherwise it will definitely be a serious problem for us in the future."

"Yes, my lord." After a long time, Shi Jinbin and Sun Jiacheng said worriedly.

The identities of the two changed quickly, as if they were already Master Zhang's confidantes, and it was time for him to consider for Master Zhang.

"Interesting." However, Zhang Jiangang's reaction made the two of them stunned.

interesting?What do you mean?The two are a little confused.

"Interesting, messy enough, messy enough! Okay, hahaha, good!" Looking at Zhang Jiangang, he suddenly laughed.

Messy enough?Hearing this, Shi Jinbin was taken aback for a moment before he realized it.

"My lord, do you want this Chu Xin to enter the Cultivation Department smoothly, and let her add chaos to the Cultivation Organization in this world, so that we can fish in troubled waters?" Shi Jinbin said with bright eyes.

Now the Department of Comprehension of this plane is almost impenetrable, and occupies an absolutely strong position in China.Yes, that's good. With Chu Xin in the front line, it's easier for people like me to hide in the dark.

"My lord is wise, my lord is wise!" Sun Jiacheng also reacted.

"Hahaha~" Zhang Jiangang gave the two of them the smug laugh they wanted.

"Hahaha~Your Excellency is wise!" The two also laughed in unison.

Laugh at you numbly, glanced at the two of them, Zhang Jiangang thought.Know why I'm laughing? You two just laughed along.

The two of them only knew to let Chu Xin break into the cultivation department to make trouble, but they didn't know that someone was also trying to break into them.

At the moment, the three of them laughed very meanly, especially Sun Jiacheng and Shi Jinbin laughed awkwardly, as if they were brain-dead villains in some film and television dramas and novels.

How did Sun Jiacheng and Shi Jinbin know that they were playing with a Chinese movie star, and the script was written by him.

They don't even know that the 'adult' in front of them is the absolute top of the cultivation department they said!
In addition, immortals are also different, not every immortal is awesome.

Some of the people who serve tea, pour water and pick dung are also immortals, and those who call the wind and rain are still immortals.

This is the same as monks.

Some monks are called giants, and some monks fight to the death for a giant's chamber pot.

Obviously, that Chu Xin's strength doesn't seem very strong.For example, since she is a fairy, her spirit should be very powerful, but in reality it is not too strong.

However, she does have her own uniqueness.

For example, by consuming vitality to explode three times the combat power, this is really terrifying.

To be honest, Zhang Jiangang really wanted to know the real identity of this Chu Xin, especially the one above.

Of course, the premise is that she is really a fairy.

"That Chu Xin has already met you, so you don't want to go back. I will find you a place in the next few days, including other people. You all hide for a while to avoid the wind, and come out after I have dealt with it." Looking at Sun Jiacheng at the same time, Zhang Jiangang said.

"Tomorrow the Department of Comprehension will send experts to investigate. There are too many geniuses in No. [-] Middle School."

"Yes, yes, sir." Sun Jiacheng heaved a sigh of relief, but at the same time was faintly excited.

Sun Jiacheng felt that by scoring three points and two rebounds in the limited playing time, he had already won Master Zhang's trust!
And just as Zhang Jiangang was finishing up here, a figure staggered out from a certain alley in Zhou County, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

After setting the changed clothes on fire, this person has turned into a rather delicate-looking girl who is not very talkative, but her face is a little pale.

And this girl is exactly Chu Xin from Class [-] and [-] of Senior High.

"No, it's not that my speed is faster, it's time." Chu Xin murmured in her heart as she adjusted and walked home, thinking about the process of escaping before.

If there was no reference, Chu Xin would never have thought of this.

But the problem arises with reference objects.

I obviously feel that the time has not changed much, but the time I use for the same distance is shorter, which means that either there is a problem with the speed, or it is time!

There is also the problem of the loss of one's own vitality, which is even more terrifying!
The loss of vitality is actually the loss of longevity, and the underworld used to be in charge of the longevity of thousands of living beings.

So at this moment, Chu Xin is very sure that the person who chased her before is definitely from the underworld, and she is definitely a big boss!

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have shot rashly." At this moment, Chu Xin said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, I have a secret method that can triple my strength in a short period of time, otherwise I would definitely die today.

What made Chu Xin gratified was that after her strength tripled, the other party obviously had nothing to do with her.This shows that the opponent's strength is also limited.

"Fortunately, I hid my identity, otherwise today's gain would not be worth the loss." Thinking of this, Chu Xin sighed, and at the same time, she had already returned to her 'home' unknowingly.

"Xinxin, you're back! Ah, you're so anxious for grandma. If you don't come back, grandma will call the police." When the door opened and her granddaughter came back, Chu Xin's grandma, Wang Youjuan, patted her chest~ her mouth loosened Said in one breath, the other hand is holding the mobile phone that is still making calls.

"Xinxin, you can't be like this in the future, you must tell grandma if you have anything to do in the future."

"Oh." Glancing at her so-called 'grandmother', Chu Xin said indifferently, then turned around and was about to go back to the house.

"Xinxin, where have you been?"

However, without even paying attention to herself, the granddaughter walked into her own bedroom coldly and closed the door.

Seeing this scene, Wang Youjuan felt sore.

I don't know why, but since a few months ago, my granddaughter seems to be a different person.The granddaughter who used to be well-behaved, obedient, sensible and polite can no longer see her. She looks at herself as if she is looking at a stranger who has nothing to do with her.

Even Wang Youjuan could see the disgust in her granddaughter's eyes, which was a chilling and hopeless indifference.

It was also since that day that the granddaughter whom I had brought up little by little since she was a teenager never called me grandma again.

And just when Wang Youjuan was sighing and worried about what to do in the future, suddenly, she heard her granddaughter's voice on the phone inside.

Different from the indifferent tone I just spoke, my granddaughter was very enthusiastic when answering the phone, as if she had changed back to the previous Xinxin.

A moment later, the door to the granddaughter's bedroom opened.

"Hey, people from the Cultivation Department may come to conduct a census tomorrow. You'd better not talk nonsense, do you hear me?"

Wang Youjuan, who was delighted to think that her granddaughter was going to explain to herself, was stunned, but saw an indifferent face.

Hearing these words, this tone, and that expression, Wang Youjuan's heart was particularly cold.

"Okay, okay, grandma knows. What's the matter, Xinxin, why are people from the Cultivation Department here to investigate?" Although she felt very uncomfortable, Wang Youjuan still asked.

"I might join the Huaxia Cultivation Department." Granddaughter Chu Xin said lightly.

"What? To learn the real department? This is a good thing, Xinxin, tell grandma quickly, tell grandma what's going on." Although the granddaughter treated her like that, after hearing this, Wang Youjuan was still happy for her granddaughter very.

However, the granddaughter Chu Xin just looked at her blankly, "There is nothing to say. You are the first group of old people who followed Zhang Jiangang to practice longevity boxing, right? Tell me about this old man." The granddaughter looked straight at her. said to himself.

 Back to Qingdao tomorrow, everyone should rest early, good night

(End of this chapter)

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