Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 183 Immortal Tu, fight back!

Chapter 183 Immortal Tu, fight back!

Regardless of the fact that Zhang Jiangang needs a third of his mouth to open his mouth, and he is also the spiritual material of the entire cultivation department, in fact, there are really not many.

After all, whether it is the relics discovered now or the spiritual grasses that have come out, there are too few.But it is estimated that the blowout stage is approaching.

Moreover, the materials of the ferocious beasts in several primeval forest parks are actually good things for refining alchemy, but there is a process.

In addition, Zhang Jiangang only needed one-third, and the rest was reserved for Huaxia and several sects.After all, they also need to practice alchemy and equipment more, so that they can make progress and develop rapidly!

In any case, Zhang Jiangang directly adjusted the time flow ratio inside and outside the Kongming Hourglass to 1:3, and then let Futu Kang Sun Jiacheng and his gang work in labor reform.

What's wrong with eating instant noodles? Instant noodles are also money. Zhang Jiangang is going to squeeze out the remaining value of these guys.

The affairs here were finally almost finished. With the things copied from Tuhu's house, Zhang Jiangang was ready to return to Tianjing first.

There is no way, time waits for no one, there are too many things happening in China recently.

A large number of relics began to appear, more than a dozen national primeval forest parks rioted, and the establishment of the entire cultivator alliance system, these things are very important.

Also, there are people like Tuhu, how many people like 'Chu Xin' are there, are there people who have mixed into various industries, and are even planning to mix into the cultivation department like Chu Xin?Zhang Jiangang is not sure about these.

Obviously, compared with the earth in the previous life, these ghosts descended from the underworld did not choose to confront the mortals of China head-on, causing a large number of casualties, but took a roundabout route.

Thanks to the popularity of Zhang's Longevity Fist, Zhuzhu Five Elements Fist, and Zhang's Military Fist, the benefit of these ghosts is to avoid early disasters and devastating losses in the human world.But there are also disadvantages, that is, the more difficult it is to deal with it later, because they hide in the dark.

There is only one way to find them besides exposing themselves, and that is to find a way to test or probe the spirit.

There is no other, because the spiritual realm of these people is generally higher than that of real mortals, and it is much higher!

When Zhang Jiangang was about to leave Zhou County for the airport in the prefecture-level city above, a little girl in the family sent a video to herself.

"Grandpa, when will you come back~" Xiao Lele asked pitifully during the wechat video call, with the cry of Er Bao behind her.

That's right, I was first trapped in the hourglass of Kongming for more than two months, but as soon as I got home, I was flying here and there, and I didn't even stay at home.

"Okay, okay baby, grandpa will be back soon." Looking at his granddaughter, Zhang Jiangang said with a smile as he got into the car.

Don't underestimate the previous two months. When a child is about four years old, he grows very fast, and he will look like a little adult in a blink of an eye.Wenjun and Xiaolei watched over their daughter every day so they couldn't tell, but as soon as Zhang Jiangang came back, they found that Xiao Lele had grown a little taller, and she was also heavy when she was hugged.

When the child is very young, she likes to be hugged by the elders. When she is four or five years old, you will not let her be hugged if you want to. Don’t look at running faster than you.

Also, this age group has a strong desire for knowledge, and will often pester you to tell her stories from children's picture books, and will pester you to ask this and that.

But this process will not last for too many years. When these little guys grow up to elementary school or a little older, they don't like to play with adults.

When I was young, many parents felt that children were annoying, and felt that they were pestering themselves with questions.But when you grow up, you will find that if you want them to bother you, they won't bother you anymore.

This is a normal process and few families are spared.

For example, the current son Wenjun and his daughter-in-law, when Xiao Lele is playing with his parents, you push me and I push you.

"How long will it be soon, Grandpa." On the other side of the video, the little guy was reluctant.


"It will be a few days soon." Zhang Jiangang hurried back.

"What day is it in a few days?"


Looking at Xiao Lele's little expression, Zhang Jiangang felt very distressed, wishing he could fly back immediately and hold the little guy in his arms.

Zhang Jiangang remembers that one night he accompanied the little guy to watch Pigman and promised her to sleep with her at night, but the little guy fell asleep on the sofa after watching it, and was carried back to sleep by his son Wenjun.

As a result, I was woken up at five or six o'clock the next morning. The little guy, who was not as tall as the doorknob, was wearing a nightgown and was standing at the door of his bedroom crying with red eyes.

"Grandpa, didn't you promise me to sleep with me?" Early in the morning, a small figure stood at the door, barefoot, looking at himself, crying with red eyes.

At that moment, my heart was about to break.

"Okay, okay, three days, grandpa will go back in three days, okay Lele?" Looking at the little guy on the other side of the video, Zhang Jiangang said with a smile.

"Okay." The little guy returned.

"Lele, can you do me a favor?" At this moment, the voice of the daughter-in-law came from the video.

"Yes." Xiao Lele said, looking back.

"Those mothers brought a diaper for my brother, and he peed again." The daughter-in-law's voice came, "Did you draw the painting on brother Lele's face? Did you draw the little piggy stick on his face?" Posted?" Yin Xiaolei added.


The video finally hung up, and before hanging up, Zhang Jiangang told his daughter-in-law not to throw away Er Bao's diaper, after all, it was a boy's urine.

I don't know why, although he was reborn as the father of Wen Jun and his wife, Zhang Jiangang felt that he had feelings for his son, but not that deep.

But Zhang Jiangang really likes Xiao Lele.It's as if I really had such a granddaughter in my previous life, especially when I play with her every day and take her to and from school, Lele's sense of dependence on him and the sense of happiness are very strong.

In addition, although I was reborn or crossed over to this world, the predecessor of this body, but I am not the same as those ghosts. I am not taking possession, but simply inheriting memories, experiences, and even natural fusion.

In contrast, I only had more than 20 years of memory in my previous life, and 60 years in this life, and the latter is stronger than the former during the fusion process.

Of course, another reason is the grandfather who passed away because he did not catch up with the spiritual recovery in the previous life.

In any case, Zhang Jiangang believed that if the memory ratio was reversed, his feelings for Wenjun's family would definitely not be so strong.For example, some people who have lost their homes already have hundreds or even thousands of memories of themselves. It is too difficult for them to recognize their new identities and new relatives!

Like the ghosts that descend.Not to mention agreeing, as long as they can live in harmony with the mortals in this world, Zhang Jiangang is really satisfied.

Awakened and rioting monsters, and even terrifying existences that descended on the earth in the previous life, if these ghosts that have possessed or taken away mortals can live in harmony with mortals, and even unite, then it will really save worry.

Of course, Zhang Jiangang knew that this was almost impossible.

While thinking about this, Zhang Jiangang closed the car door and prepared to drive away from Zhou County to the airport more than 100 kilometers away.

While driving, Zhang Jiangang knew that what he just thought was too idealistic.In the end, some things still depend on yourself!
In short, Tuhu and his line, as well as Chu Xin's line, I have to dig deep!

Soon, Zhang Jiangang drove to the highway intersection toll booth in Zhou County.

And he was about to line up to get the card, but at this moment, the temporary book in Zhang Jiangang's arms, which was used as a roster, flickered and even felt a little hot.

Zhang Jiangang was taken aback and hurriedly took it out to have a look.

The next moment, Zhang Jiangang's expression changed a little, and he immediately turned the car around and headed straight to the direction of Chu Xin's house.

Without him, the name of the girl named Chu Xin is becoming dim, and it is dimming all of a sudden!

who is it!Who attacked Chu Xin!
While rushing back, Zhang Jiangang yelled that it was not good.

Chu Xin is one of her lines, if she was killed so easily, wouldn't her work be in vain?After all, Chu Xin may be a fairy, if she dies, she will find another one, and she will not know the year of the monkey.

Zhang Jiangang didn't know that it wasn't that someone wanted to kill Chu Xin, but that she was too cold-blooded and inhuman, so she committed suicide.

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(End of this chapter)

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