Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 186 Longevity boxing friends, fight in the west of Yunnan!

Chapter 186 Longevity boxing friends, fight in the west of Yunnan!
There are all kinds of ghosts as there are people.

After all, all ghosts were human beings, and it is very likely that they have inherited the character of the former human beings.

As long as there is memory, who will stay and hurt their loved ones.

Of course, because the living environment after death is different, especially the desperate and hostile environment like the underworld, there is no doubt that a large number of ghosts will change their psychological characteristics.

What the ghost has experienced, only the ghost knows.

And when Chu Xin said that many ghosts returned to the underworld because they couldn't survive in Huaxia, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Jiangang still remembers the week after the spiritual energy was revived, the uncles and aunts beat the ghost so badly.

"It's not just a ghost, your grandma killed the immortals." Zhang Jiangang glanced at Chu Xin's grandma Wang Youjuan while speaking.

Hearing this, Chu Xin couldn't help but burst out laughing, even Wang Youjuan was a little embarrassed.

The blood moon comes, the mirage, this is the only chance for the gate of the underworld to open after a thousand years, after this village, there will be no such shop.

Zhang Jiangang thought that all the ghosts in the underworld had already escaped, but according to Chu Xin, some people remained in the underworld.

Obviously, although countless ghosts have escaped by taking advantage of the blood moon, there are some who are unwilling to leave.

Moreover, among the people who stayed, there was Da Neng who spent a lot of money to call back countless ghosts, which was a bit of a remedy after a dead sheep.

For some reason, Zhang Jiangang was inexplicably surprised by what this mighty man did.

Zhang Jiangang didn't know if this powerful man had any conspiracy, but the result of the other party's doing this was indeed beneficial to ordinary people.

This was the first time that Zhang Jiangang felt that not all of these ghosts were on the opposite side of mortals.

While Chu Xin was talking, Zhang Jiangang nodded from time to time while listening.

Perhaps because of her status, Chu Xin didn't know much, but in Zhang Jiangang's opinion, it was enough.Apparently, some important people in the underworld don't seem to want to turn the world into a purgatory.As for who Zhang Jiangang is, I don't know.

Just like many film and television works and legends say, it stands to reason that where there is evil, there will be justice.People are the same, ghosts are the same, and so are immortals.

However, Zhang Jiangang felt that the earth in his previous life was really hopeless. Except for human beings to save themselves and struggle, there was never any external help.

From the performance of those high-level powerhouses in the previous life, the earth has never seen a little bit of compassion.

And in this life, through Chu Xin's description, Zhang Jiangang secretly felt that the mortals on this earth were not fighting alone.

Of course, the help of external forces cannot be completely relied on after all. If human beings want to survive and develop in this great transformation of spiritual energy recovery, they must rely on themselves after all.

Even Zhang Jiangang at this moment doesn't know what those great powers in the ghost world, those great powers among immortals, are doing and what they want.

From Chu Xin's mouth, Zhang Jiangang knew that the immortal who pretended to be Chu Xin not only died, but also left a trace of memory in his mind, and was barely absorbed by Chu Xin, including some of the immortal's cultivation skills.

Although there are not many memories, it is already very exciting.

"Ms. Zhang, this is her technique. I can only remember one-third of it." Although she was still a little weak, Chu Xin's complexion was already very good.

To be killed by an aunt in the world, and also let people take away part of her memory and skills, this fairy is quite aggrieved.

Seeing that Chu Xin demonstrated and described the exercises in front of her, Zhang Jiangang hurriedly wrote them down.

Especially the secret method that can triple the strength in a short period of time by consuming Qi and blood.

In addition, this one-third exercise called "Fire Dance Chapter", and the "Scroll of Ascending Blood" are indeed immortal-level exercises.Don't look at the former is only one-third, but even so Zhang Jiangang discovered that he can cultivate to the top of the world!

"Dancing girl? You said this fairy is just a dancing girl from above? Is it because he accidentally broke a teacup of a big shot?" Zhang Jiangang was surprised when he heard Chu Xin's words.

Chu Xin nodded.

"Oh, let me tell you." Seeing this, Zhang Jiangang sighed.

Zhang Jiangang had long thought that the fake Chu Xin's status would not be too high, but he didn't expect it to be so low.

Zhang Jiangang forgot that even though she is a singing and dancing girl, it also depends on whose family she belongs to.

"Chu Xin, are you interested in joining the Cultivation Department?" After comforting Chu Xin, Zhang Jiangang looked at the teenage high school girl and asked, and at the same time added, "It may be very dangerous."

Zhang Jiangang was very cautious and serious when he said this, completely different from his previous expression during the census.

These two things, opportunity and danger, have always coexisted.Although he saved Chu Xin himself, Zhang Jiangang would never force the girl if she didn't want to. After all, it would take a huge risk to do this.

The girl named Chu Xin was very smart, so she naturally understood what danger Zhang Jiangang was referring to.

"Of course, Teacher Zhang." Chu Xin nodded, with a trace of firmness in her eyes, and a light called revenge.

Although she looks weak, this girl named Chu Xin has a strong heart.

Being taken to the underworld, and then escaped from the underworld, Chu Xin knew more about what this meant than most Chinese people, and knew all the horrors behind it.

She was afraid that she was too weak to help.

About an hour later, Zhang Jiangang left Zhou County.

People from the Cultivation Department will come to investigate Chu Xin later, and Zhang Jiangang has not told anyone about Chu Xin for the time being.Even after returning to Tianjing, they will only let a few absolute high-level officials of the Cultivation Department know about it, and then make preparations.

Without him, Zhang Jiangang really doesn't know how many people like the fairy pretending to be Chu Xin will sneak into the cultivation department in the future.

Now they are in the dark and humans are in the light, so we must be vigilant and find a solution as soon as possible.

For example, in the line of Chu Xin, Zhang Jiangang hopes to gain something early.

Another point is about Chu Xin's return to the human world. If I guessed correctly, it may have something to do with the 'niu pen'.I have to experiment with this when I go back.

About two and a half hours later, Zhang Jiangang returned to Tianjing.In the next two days, Zhang Jiangang analyzed a large amount of spiritual root data collected by the Department of Comprehension, and conducted key research and follow-up on those genius-level middle school students.Then, go to Western Yunnan Province.

At the same time, in the past two days, under the leadership of the Huaxia government and the Ministry of Cultivation, a large number of Zhang's longevity boxing veterans have successively entered the southwest border of China, the Western Yunnan National Primeval Forest Park.

At the same time, a group of people will explode with powerful fighting power!
Compared with the normal environment in China, this place is full of murderous looks. Those running on the ground, swimming in the lake, and flying in the sky are all fierce beasts!
There were roars of ferocious beasts everywhere, and under the towering trees, black shadows were running fast, with a ferocious aura.

If we say that outside the forest park is a civilized modern society, then in the forest park within the military fire defense and confinement, it is like the legendary primitive wilderness!

On the periphery of the entire forest park, there are posts at ten steps and one sentry at five steps. There are armored vehicles everywhere, soldiers with live ammunition everywhere, machine guns and even artillery everywhere.

There are 10,000+ soldiers stationed in this primeval forest park alone, including the strongest soldiers transferred from the northwest!
During these two days, traffic in the entire western Yunnan province was restricted.

Airplanes, cars, green leather cars, including high-speed trains, almost all the cars are old men, and a certain proportion of old women!
 There will be an update in the evening, happy weekend~
(End of this chapter)

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