Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 200 Digging Immortals!

Chapter 200 Digging Immortals!

Zhang Jiangang didn't expect to be able to pull Taoist Lu Feng from the fairyland over, so there was no need to conceal Wang Shaojie's identity at this moment.

And to be honest, I can't hide it.

What's more, it is definitely an exciting thing for the public to have a strong golden core among mortals!

Not only can this kind of thing not be concealed, but it must be announced to give the public confidence.

And this kid is just a golden core stage shell, with thick blood, but in actual combat, he might not even be able to beat Chery and Chang'an.

Of course, after practicing the matching skills over time, we will talk about it. After all, Jindan is Jindan, so it is not just a joke.

"Shaojie, follow me these few days, I have something to tell you." As the world's first Golden Core powerhouse, he is bound to take on greater responsibilities, and will definitely have a place in the history of Chinese cultivation.

I have to say that this kid is really lucky.

Of course, the Department of Comprehension will not treat this kid badly.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang."

"Call your parents, the old couple are worried." Zhang Jiangang gave Wang Shaojie his phone number while speaking.

Seeing Zhang Jiangang's actions, Wang Shaojie's heart warmed, and he was a little excited.He didn't expect the famous Mr. Zhang to be so friendly and let him use his mobile phone!

About ten minutes later, two exclusive commercial vehicles from the Cultivation Department were already waiting in the parking lot of the scenic spot.

"The immortals who descended from the Immortal Gate this time are not very powerful, but they are not comparable to ordinary people. And a large part of them don't know it. They were all executed and sent to the underworld thousands of years ago because they violated the laws of the immortals, but some Some people, like me, were driven into the underworld with a goal." Under the night, the commercial vehicle drove towards the Xichuan Provincial Government, and Taoist Lu Feng communicated with Zhang Jiangang.

"Why, what is your purpose?" Zhang Jiangang asked after glancing at Taoist Lu Feng sitting next to him.

Daoist Lu Feng shook his head, "I don't know the details, these things are beyond our level of existence. But I only know that there is only one short-term goal for everyone, including the ghosts and monsters of the underworld, to take over the mortal world and wait for the adults. their coming."

"Take over the mortal world?" Zhang Jiangang was taken aback.

Taoist Lu Feng nodded.There are many things that Taoist Lu Feng cannot tell Zhang Jiangang, but what should be said must be said, otherwise this leader of mortal cultivation would not understand the seriousness of the matter.

During the conversation, Su Changan, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, also looked at his own adults through the rearview mirror from time to time.

To be honest, Su Changan really never thought that one day he would sit in the same car with a mortal cultivator, let alone that his family would tell such a secret thing to a leader of mortal cultivation.

In addition, in fact, I don't know many things my adults say, after all, I haven't reached that level yet.

"Is it taking over resources and hiding secrets?" Zhang Jiangang said to Taoist Lu Feng after glancing at Su Chang'an in front of him.

Daoist Lu Feng smiled awkwardly, "That's for sure. Some things can only play the greatest role in our hands." Daoist Lu Feng Zhao Yuxiao continued, "Fellow Daoist, you may not know how important your earth is, and even I'm not very clear about it. Think about it, the adults above value it so much, and the ghosts and monsters from other planes have come, one can imagine."

Zhang Jiangang smiled.He knew Taoist Lu Feng didn't want to talk about it, but of course it was also possible that he didn't know enough.

And this earth, the earth in the mortal world of the previous life, is also experiencing similar things.

"Then what do you know, tell me?" Zhang Jiangang said.

Su Changan pricked up his ears when he heard this.

But Daoist Lu Feng Zhao Yuxiao smiled, "Fellow Daoist, don't be too impatient, let's get to know each other better before we talk."


Zhang Jiangang had black lines all over his head, and even Su Changan, who was in front of him, leaned back on his seat in disappointment.

"Okay, take your time." Zhang Jiangang glanced at the other party and nodded, "Who are the people who came down from above you? How many existences at your level are there? Immortals, including the group of Xiaoxiao who infiltrated the world from the underworld, also have factions. points?"

"There are others with a slightly higher status than mine, but I can't tell who they are. After all, when they were cast into hell, everyone was incognito." Taoist Lu Feng continued, "As for the Xianmen faction, there are indeed. For example, our Mieri Xingjun’s lineage is moderate, and there are two other factions.”

"Although they are called radicals and conservatives, the attitudes of the two parties are similar to ordinary people. The other two factions competed fiercely when they were on the top, and there were many hills inside. The top was in chaos a thousand years ago. I doubt that other planes The fairy world is also chaotic." Taoist Lu Feng continued, "So, friends, it is a good idea and the only possibility to cooperate with our lineage of Mie Ri Xingjun now."

"If we want to protect mortals, we are the best choice, maybe the only choice. The other two factions don't care about the life and death of mortals at all. My Xingjun family is still good."

Taoist Lu Feng is still taking the opportunity to win over Zhang Jiangang.

Don't look at him showing his intention to cooperate, but his heart to instigate Zhang Jiangang has never died.

Taoist Lu Feng knew that instead of hiding in the dark and struggling, it would be better to get involved with Zhang Jiangang.With Zhang Jiangang's influence in China's comprehension world, taking him down is almost equivalent to taking down China. I don't know how much more efficient this is.

To be honest, even if Zhang Jiangang kicked him out now, he wouldn't leave.

In Taoist Lu Feng's words, Zhang Jiangang grasped a point that touched Zhang Jiangang a little bit, that is "the fairy world of other planes"!
"Immortal worlds in other planes? How do you say it?" Zhang Jiangang said, his heart moved even more.

When he was first reborn on this earth, Zhang Jiangang thought that the result of this earth plane would be the same as that of his previous life, for example, both earths would reach the same fairyland.

But now it seems that it is not!For example, what Taoist Lu Feng said about Sun Mie Xingjun did not exist in the myths and legends of his previous life.For example, the Jiuyao, Wudou Xingjun, 28 Constellations, etc. in the myths and legends of the previous life are completely incompatible.

Also, what level of deity is the Mieri Xingjun mentioned by Lu Fengdao's population?

Also, does Taoist Lu Feng understand the plane of his previous life?

"Fellow Daoist, this vast universe is definitely not as simple as you and I think." Looking at Taoist Lu Feng again, "About 8000 years ago, our plane..."

Before he finished speaking, Taoist Lu Feng's phone rang.

"Sorry, I'll take a call first." Seeing the number displayed on the phone, Taoist Lu Feng said hastily.

"Well, good." Zhang Jiangang said after being taken aback for a moment.Subconsciously, Zhang Jiangang thought it was a call from a compatriot of Daoist Lu Feng.

Just the next moment, an elderly woman's voice came on the phone.

"Xiaoxiao, have you had dinner yet? I heard that Xichuan has been raining heavily recently... Are you all right?" The other side of the phone asked with concern.

"Ah, it's alright, it's okay, it doesn't have much impact on our side in other places. Have you eaten?" Looking at Zhang Jiangang in embarrassment, the big man from the fairy world said softly to the phone.


Xiaoxiao~ The person on the other end of the phone is obviously the mother of Taoist Lu Feng in this life, or Zhao Yuxiao's mother.

The picture in front of me is no different from the picture of countless hard-working sons calling their parents on the phone, so much so that people ignore the fact that the other party is a fairy.

This scene really surprised Zhang Jiangang, and he couldn't help but take a second look at Taoist Lu Feng, or Zhao Yuxiao, who was making a phone call softly with a smile on his face.

Zhang Jiangang noticed that Su Changan in the front co-pilot also sighed when he saw this scene, obviously he didn't understand why his adults were so close to the so-called 'parents' in this life.

Compared with the fake Chu Xin before, Taoist Lu Feng Zhao Yuxiao's attitude towards his parents in this life was completely opposite.In fact, the attitude towards "parents" can reflect the attitude of this person or this fairy towards mortals!

The details tell people's hearts, and Zhang Jiangang's favorability for this Taoist Lu Feng or Zhao Yuxiao instantly rose.

Dig it, you must dig this fairy!
 Thanks to Mei Chuannei Kudi Nanyin, book friends 161218180424134, Yiyimeng and other small partners for their support, and thanks to all subscriptions, monthly tickets, and friends who recommended rewards. Happy weekend and good night~
(End of this chapter)

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