Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 221 Heavy task, alien plane appears!

Chapter 221 Heavy task, alien plane appears!

When he heard the plan of Lao Qu and the others, Zhang Jiangang was even more awe-inspiring in addition to being shocked.

"Have you thought about it clearly? We mortals may not have reached that point." Looking at the three of them, Zhang Jiangang said.

The three nodded, "Mr. Zhang, let's go." Wang Jinhai said softly.

"Just let us go to the underworld for the earth and China to find out what happened. If possible, maybe we can help you contact the left-behind powers of the underworld and win their sympathy and help." The old Qu Jingliang is also Said.

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, no one can say for sure in the future, multiple paths are always a good thing." Wang Jinhai's cousin Wang Jinhe also said.

The three of them looked at Zhang Jiangang. Although their voices were not loud, they clearly had thought about it for a long time and were very determined.

"Did the things Tuhu said scare you?" Zhang Jiangang said.

In fact, what Tuhu couldn't bear in the end not only frightened Lao Qu and the others, Zhang Jiangang was also very surprised.

This is also the reason why Zhang Jiangang suddenly came up with the idea of ​​wanting to see the hell.

Those big bosses from the underworld didn't come, so naturally there was a reason why they didn't come, and it was obviously not just because they sympathized with mortals.If it is because of this, they should come instead.

And at first Zhang Jiangang thought that Tu Hu belonged to Ye Luo's side and was Ye Luo's subordinate.

As a result, the two parties did not know each other.This is not a faction problem, but Tu Hu and Ye Luo are both evil ghosts from the underworld, but they are from two completely different planes!

Not only did Tuhu and Ye Luo not know each other, but many other ghosts and monsters that descended also came from different worlds.

To be precise, Shi Jinbin and Sun Jiacheng, who is now in Futukang, died before this earth and went to the underworld.

Whether it's Ye Luo or Tuhu, they didn't belong to this earth before they died and were thrown into the underworld.And it doesn't correspond to this fairy world!
It seems to be a feeling that forces from different planes are competing for territory in the Central Plains on this plane of Earth.

"Yeah, we know that you actually want to see Mr. Zhang, but you're afraid that you won't be able to come back. We are ghosts and we're not afraid of these things. If it's a big deal, we can start all over again. Anyway, your cultivation level is not high. You are different. If something happens to you The people of Huaxia are in chaos, and it is too late to start all over again."

"That's right, and it is estimated that many ghosts who have fled back from the underworld know you. If you go, you will definitely die."

"Let's go. You don't have to worry too much, don't you have a magic weapon to judge life and death, at worst, just bring us back like catching a fox."

"Yeah, actually, that's why we asked you to let us reunite with the children two days ago. We've already told the children about it." Lao Qu looked at Zhang Jiangang and said.

Indeed, two days ago, Zhang Jiangang arranged for Lao Qu to meet with their child's family.At that time, Lao Qu's daughter and the others were crying.

At that time, Zhang Jiangang thought it was purely because of what happened to Lao Qu and the others, but he didn't expect that Lao Qu would tell his family about his plan at that time.

"The children all agree and understand our thoughts." Lao Qu looked at Zhang Jiangang again and said. "The kids are all grown up."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiangang was speechless.

He knew that Lao Qu and the others had already made up their minds to go, and all he had to do now was to tell himself.

"30 days! I will recall one of you after 30 days! If any accident happens, I will recall all of you after 30 days!" Looking at the three of them, Zhang Jiangang said.

The three of them glanced at each other and nodded heavily.

"Teacher Zhang."

"Well, tell me."

"Although I don't know if I can receive it, please burn some paper money for us."


"Is there anything else you want to tell us?" Old Qu added again.

"The first is to ensure safety. The second is to do what we can, and then..." Zhang Jiangang told the three of his thoughts.

In the following time, the three nodded from time to time, and at the same time told Zhang Jiangang some of their plans.

About an hour later, Zhang Jiangang wrote down the names of Qu Jingliang, Wang Jinhai, and Wang Jinhe on Xiaohongshu, and then marked them with a cross.

"Take care!" Almost as soon as Zhang Jiangang said take care, the bodies of the three of them burned instantly, accompanied by cries of pain, and then their figures disappeared quickly, which caught people off guard.

Seeing this scene, the group of people who followed Lao Qu were in awe.

The people outside, especially those who descended from the underworld, never expected that when the underworld descended on the powerful on a large scale, the clarion call for mortals to march towards the higher planes of the underworld has already sounded!

No one knows what will happen to the three of Lao Qu in the future, but they represent a groundbreaking step for ordinary people.

As soon as the three of Lao Qu left, Zhang Jiangang felt the pressure and urgency of being a mortal increased instantly.

After comforting the dozen or so people who followed him, Lao Qu and the others, and practicing in the Kongming hourglass for a few hours, Zhang Jiangang went out.

According to the speed of time, Huaxia is still in the middle of the night at this moment.

Most of the son's family are asleep, only son Zhang Wenjun is still practicing.

Zhang Jiangang didn't bother them, but restored his face to a younger version, logged in to the Cultivation Alliance Network, and scored in the mission area.

Buying and selling spiritual herbs and medicinal herbs is only part of the cultivation process. In fact, Zhang Jiangang pays more attention to the cultivation points and task area of ​​the cultivation alliance network.

This function is the important pen to promote the progress of human cultivation, and it is the sharp weapon that can promote the benign and sustainable and rapid development of China's cultivation.Because it has formed a market ecology, attracting monks in a steady stream, how to use their abilities.

Everyone is hazy, only knowing that monks are very powerful and live a long time, but sometimes they have nowhere to start when facing the new era.

In the past, many Chinese people who became monks did not know what to do with their cultivation base. For example, some Longevity boxing friends became bodyguards for others, and some became cultivation teachers.

It felt like I suddenly had a powerful firearm in a peaceful age, but it seemed that it couldn't do anything except for robbery.

The establishment of cultivation points and task areas is to tell Huaxia people who have just come into contact with cultivation that cultivation can not only make money, but also earn cultivation points and even valuable cultivation resources. Increase actual combat ability!

The times are changing, and without bloodshed and without experiencing real battles, such a cultivation civilization cannot stand the test.

"User name Zhang Ye, welcome to the comprehension point mission area. There are 231 [official missions] and 10024 [personal missions]. Please select the mission level according to your strength and points."

When Zhang Jiangang checked the comprehension points task area as Zhang Ye, the monks who had been confused throughout China, especially those monks who thought they were strong enough and eager to try, were also closely staring at the point task area!
Including some young people who are awakened and whose strength is growing rapidly!
They really didn't expect that monks could earn so much money!And not only can you receive tasks, but you can also send tasks!

Moreover, the mission issuers are not only domestic, but also overseas!The types of tasks are also different, some are information, some are treasure hunting, and some are hunting.

It can be said that when seeing these tasks and the rewards of the tasks, everyone's eyes are red!

Not only that, but there is also a forum in the mission area, and there is also a video area in the forum.

The video area is full of videos of some monks fighting each other released by the Ministry of Comprehension, including the video of Western Dian Forest Park.

Time passed by, and Zhang Jiangang didn't go to see the official mission, because he knew the official mission.Zhang Jiangang turned his attention to his personal quests, and wanted to find traces of some relics, spirit herbs and even spirit stones through the quests released by him.

Zhang Jiangang believes that Lingshi will definitely become the hard currency of the earth in the future, but it is obvious that the climate has not yet formed because there are too few.

After browsing one after another, Zhang Jiangang found three suspected trail missions.These three tasks should be followed up, and Zhang Jiangang suspects that one of them is a relic.

Turn off the vr platform, and enter the Kongming Hourglass to practice for a while.

During this period of time, Zhang Jiangang was cultivating on the one hand, and on the other hand was accumulating elixir, because he had a faint feeling that his Golden Elixir Heavenly Tribulation was about to arrive, probably a month and a half at most!
Once he becomes a Jindan monk, Jiugongzhang will explode with astonishing power.

And time passed by, and the next morning arrived.

"Uncle, I have something important to tell you." Just as Zhang Jiangang was having breakfast with his family, the elder sister's son, Ou Zhiqiang, called him again.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Jiangang returned with a deep-fried dough stick in his mouth.

"We dreamed again last night."

"What's so strange about dreaming again? Aren't you three idle boys dreaming every day? Tell me, what did you dream about?" Zhang Jiangang returned after taking a bite of the fried dough stick.

Hearing what Zhang Jiangang said, Zhang Wenjun and his wife next to him secretly smiled.

"We dreamed that the strong man from the plane in our previous dream appeared. Not only them, but three groups of people all headed towards a ruin. They also posted a high reward task on the Cultivation Alliance website to lure us Huaxia The monks rush over!"

"What?" Zhang Jiangang's expression changed upon hearing this.

Zhang Jiangang knew that the "planet in our previous dream" mentioned by his nephew should be one of the other worlds that Zhao Yuxiao was referring to.

showed up?And use this world's comprehension plane network to issue missions?

In fact, Zhang Jiangang and the Ministry of Comprehension have thought about this loophole, such as the situation mentioned by his nephew.

Zhang Jiangang also formulated corresponding strategies to make up for it, such as raising the threshold requirements for releasing tasks.

But in fact, the ghosts descended from Huaxia have mixed with the Huaxia people after seizing the house. Unless they check in person or expose themselves, it is difficult to identify.

In fact, Zhang Jiangang released the task area just by tricks to expose them.However, Zhang Jiangang reckons that they will wait and see, at least they will not be exposed on a large scale in the early stage.

"Yes, so Xiaodong and I will call you quickly." The other person said on the phone, "Uncle, according to the situation in our dream, a domestic consortium called Dawang Century will release a mission in the mission area of ​​the Ministry of Comprehension this evening, offering rewards. 8 million!" said the other person on the phone.

"The king's century? That's the top five financial groups in China!" With Zhang Wenjun's cultivation level, he could naturally hear the content on the phone, so Zhang Wenjun's expression changed instantly.

"Dad, is there a rich man in China?" Yin Xiaolei, the daughter-in-law, couldn't help but said, with shock in her eyes.

"Well, I was taken away." Zhang Jiangang also nodded.

Of course, you can't believe it all.After all, these three boys don't do anything serious all day long. I originally wanted to help the eldest sister's son, but this guy insisted on starting a business!Crazy? Isn't it?

"Where are you? Tell me the address, and I'll go find you right away!" Zhang Jiangang put down his chopsticks and said directly.

(End of this chapter)

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