Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 233 I want to apply for a green card!

Chapter 233 I want to apply for a green card!
Similarly, in a city in the north at night, on a bus.

"Hey, yes, yes brother. That's right... what's your psychological price? That house is really good bro, it has a full layout, and the north and south are transparent, and the owner is eager to buy it, and several customers are eyeing it It's gone." In the last row of the bus, a young man's saliva was almost dry.

"If you are interested, I can contact you now, and we can sign a contract and pay a deposit tonight...Didn't you say it was very good when you saw the house during the day? I really suggest you sell it quickly, and the house price is so high now , one price per day, if you don’t buy it now, you won’t be able to buy it later.” Loosening his tie, the young man said anxiously.

"Wait a little longer, my girlfriend thinks that the bathroom of that house is too small, and the housing price has been slowly falling in the past few months. It was more than [-] years ago, and now it is [-]. We want to take a look again, so that's it, goodbye." The customer said.

Then, there was the sound of the phone hanging up.

"Hey brother? Brother~~~" The young man named Sun Chengwen was so anxious that his palms were sweating.

Wait, wait, it's up again! Brother!
Call again, "Sorry, the number you dialed is currently active."


Blacked out.

It was the same for Sun Chengwen who was looking out of the window at this moment, he was homesick, and his eyes were full of confusion.

In the previous life, I was an elite of the Huaguo Geographical Research Institute in the previous life, especially in the research on the area of ​​the earth and stars and the environmental changes after the recovery of the aura, he was called a genius, with a bright future.

But here, since the soul got into the body of the real estate agent who died in a car accident, it was a miserable life.

I haven't eaten a normal meal for two consecutive months, and I haven't sold a house.

Sun Chengwen also wanted to go to the Institute of Geography and other units in this plane to try, but he directly passed after seeing his education background and work experience.

Sun Chengwen also wanted to report his identity, but he didn't dare!
And after a while, Sun Chengwen went crazy!Looking at the announcement on the Longteng app on his mobile phone, regardless of the other people in the car, Sun Chengwen let out a roar, his whole face was full of excitement.

"Tianjing, here I come! Plane Green Card, here I come! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssesses.' Sitting in the last row of the bus, Sun Chengwen almost roared.

This voice startled all the passengers on the bus, including some passengers who were watching the announcement from Long Teng and the Department of Comprehension.

And hearing Sun Chengwen's words, everyone in the car cast their eyes over.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry~" Seeing that everyone was taken aback, Sun Chengwen hurriedly apologized.

I'm getting carried away with complacency, and Sun Chengwen is even more afraid that these people will beat him up. After all, the scenes that just came to this world are so frightening.


"Are you from a different plane?"

"No way, we have one in the car!" Someone leaned over, and someone picked up a mobile phone to take a picture. All of them were not murderous, only excited, and their expressions were the same as those of monkeys watching a zoo.

It was night, and Sun Chengwen was not the only one who went crazy.

Nobody wants to hide it anymore.At this moment, as long as there is no one who bears the burden of human life, I can't wait to shout to the whole world that I am not from your plane!

Of course, normal descendants are still relatively low-key. After all, the green card was announced, so it's hard to say what happened.So it is a while longer to hide your identity for a while.

But those who were depressed and desperate like Sun Chengwen did explode and couldn't help it.

This night, there were countless people like Zhao Yang and Sun Chengwen.They couldn't sleep all night, and they either applied for an appointment online, or bought air tickets and train tickets and rushed to Tianjing overnight to apply for a green card.

Of course, even those onlookers are eager to try, they really don't want to live in secret anymore, they are too worried and tired.

What's more, they also want to survive, they also want to develop, and they also want to catch up with the great era of aura recovery in this world.

It's just that they don't know that the green card of the Huaxia Cultivation Department is not so easy to get!
Not just any dead person from a parallel plane can get a Chinese plane green card.

In addition, as Zhang Jiangang imagined, there are really many people who came to this plane that day and survived until now!

The number of abnormal deaths in China is more than 300 million every year. With the impact of spiritual energy recovery and the death of life, it is estimated that the total number of people will exceed [-] million!This does not include those who were forcibly taken away!

Of course, despite this, there are certainly not as many hidden survivors as 1000 million, but 300 million is absolutely unstoppable!

And what Zhang Jiangang and the Comprehension Department didn't expect was that among the 300 million people who started from the planes, more than 100 planes were involved, and this was only the first day of the review!
And the time is fast, at ten o'clock in the morning the next day, the headquarters building of the Ministry of Cultivation, the newly added immigration bureau office on the first floor in Tianjing, the capital of China!
The long queue lined up from the inside of the lobby to the parking lot of the building, to the road at the corner of the security room of the building, and then to the outside until the pedestrian street one kilometer away!

There are huge crowds of people, not only those who line up, but also those who come to watch the fun.

Countless Tianjing local people watched from a distance across the road, took pictures with their mobile phones, and discussed excitedly.

Not only the people, but also the security forces at the scene!

The members of the Cultivation Department, the soldiers of the Huaxia military, were fully armed and on guard, armed with live ammunition.

There are also traffic police who maintain the traffic order at the scene throughout the process.Several nearby roads are under martial law, and private cars are not allowed to come over.

Under the long guns and short guns of the media, these people from different planes who lined up were also very excited.

Compared with the terrified look of the past, they are more relaxed now.

"Hi everyone, viewers, this is Huaxia cctvv... I am the host Zhou Nuo, and I am currently in the immigration hall of the Cultivation Department Headquarters. You can take a look. It is crowded with people here today. You can see it from here The team can't be seen at a glance." The hostess was also very excited, and her face turned red when she spoke.

"As far as I know, many of the people who came to apply for green cards in the plane today started to line up at three or four o'clock in the morning. Everyone is really enthusiastic! Let's interview friends from other planes at the scene, okay? Okay?" While speaking, the hostess turned the microphone to one of the men who was in the line of about 100 people.

At the same time, other people in line looked over excitedly.

"Hi sir, are you from another plane?"

"Yes, yes, hello." The middle-aged man was excited.

"Then what time did you queue up? What do you think of the green card policy in our plane? Can you introduce yourself? What is your world like? What kind of work do you do in your plane? "

"Okay, okay, it was about four o'clock in the morning. There were too many people. I didn't expect there to be so many people. Oh, I worked for the imperial court. Before I died, I served under the command of Master Lei Butong, the commander-in-chief of the Daming Shanhaiguan."

"Huh? The imperial court? The Ming Dynasty? It's the 21st century. Your world is still the Ming Dynasty?"

If you don’t interview, you don’t know. After interviewing, the host finds that the progress of civilization, social trend, and even regime change in these planes are really varied!There are even some planes where human beings are no longer dominant!
 Thanks to the leader [Left-handed No. 20170811172236476] students for their rewards, and thanks to Mo Wang, book friends [-], Diyixiang, Yixianmeng and other small partners for their support.

  A new month has begun, looking for a wave of recommendations, monthly tickets, subscriptions~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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