Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 239 1 Life for 1 Sword!

Chapter 239 One life for one sword! (Please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket~)

It really is a life for a sword!
At the same time, the more than 2000 people at the scene gasped when they saw those few people jumping into the bottom of the valley and being killed directly.

In the beginning, the person in charge of the Great King Century only had the strength of the third level of the Qi Refining Stage, but the latter ones were all of the strength of the Restoration Stage!
Those who died just like this were so straightforward, without the power to resist.

"Everyone stand back!"

"Please leave in an orderly manner~ The Ministry of Comprehension will sue King Century, don't worry about your commission, we will help you pursue it, please don't worry~"

"Everyone...keep order~"

There are still people from the Cultivation Department in the rear maintaining order and clearing the field, and at the same time a large number of soldiers have controlled the surrounding area and prevented anyone from approaching.

Originally, I thought it was a depressing experience, especially when someone killed me as a gunman.However, when they heard people from the Ministry of Cultivation and the army broadcast that they would prosecute themselves and recover the commission, the eyes of the more than 200 people who had received the task lit up, and many of them were even a little excited.

Even the more than 2000 uninvited monks were moved in their hearts.

We are also victims, and we have to go to the Ministry of Comprehension to apply for compensation from Great King Century on our behalf!

But everyone also understands that this task is no longer within their reach.

Of course, there are still people who are not interested.

"Scared me."

"Made, who descended from the plane, is too ruthless. It's obvious that he is putting us on the back."

While evacuating in an orderly manner, many people commented with lingering fear.Some people even had trembling legs.

Hearing this, the expressions of some descendants who had not revealed their identities in the crowd changed.

I said you natives, don't beat everyone to death with a stick, we don't know about it.If it weren't for the fast arrival of the Ministry of Comprehension, our lives would have to be taken, including Jia Cong and Wang Yuanbin and many other people who were hiding in the plane thought to themselves.

Of course, there are also calm people on the scene.

"It's such a big deal, Mr. Zhang must be able to take a look."

"Maybe it will, look at those spirit stones, those spirit stones alone are priceless treasures." Someone commented.

"Oh, by the way, you said that if people don't go down, can you get spirit stones in other ways, such as robots or something." Although most people were frightened, some were calm.For example, a few members who looked like students couldn't help but comment.

"Who knows, I was scared to death just now. Besides, those spirit stones and grasses at the bottom of the valley are trivial things, but the things in the ruins are the big ones! Think about it, there are so many things washed out by the water, I don't know how many treasures there are in the ruins." Some people became emotional as they talked.

A large number of people were transferred, and at the same time, when they returned to Jinluo Temple, especially the parking lot, everyone realized that this matter was probably under the control of the Cultivation Department from beginning to end.

After returning to the parking lot, the parking lot of the Jinluo Temple Scenic Area was already under the control of the densely packed army and people from the Ministry of Cultivation. They were full of soldiers with live ammunition and full of parked military vehicles.

The military convoys left one after another, and one by one, including the taskers and those who joined in the fun, were all taken back for investigation.

The entire Jinluo Temple was under martial law, and there were even boats patrolling the nearby waters.

And while everyone was leaving, someone naturally stayed behind.

At this moment, the Jinluo Temple under martial law has been completely empty, and only Zhang Jiangang is left on the reefs.

Squatting at the mouth of the valley, looking at the situation at the bottom of the valley, Zhang Jiangang nodded inwardly.

I didn't take a closer look just now, but now the scene is clear, and Zhang Jiangang found that there are a few more things at the bottom of the valley.

Stone statues, white broken stone statues, there are five more stone statues!

Among them were the woman and the few people who jumped in behind.

"What are you looking at, brother?" Seeing Zhang Jiangang carefully staring at the stone statue below, Lao Hu next to him also squatted down, holding an erhu in his hand.

"Why do there seem to be more stone statues?" Lao Yu next to him was taken aback.

Zhang Jiangang didn't answer them, but picked up a stone from the side and threw it down lightly.

The small stone fell from the mouth of the valley, and then fell to the bottom of the valley in everyone's sight.After rolling a few times in the creek at the bottom of the valley, scaring away a few small fish and shrimp, there was a splash of water, and the small stone did not move again.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were tense, and they had already imagined the flying sword flying out of the cave.

But, after a while, everyone was taken aback.

Nothing happened below.

"This?" A high-level executive from the Cultivation Department next to him couldn't help frowning, and at the same time looked at Zhang Jiangang who was already smiling.

"Caring makes chaos!" Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang laughed.

What are you waiting for to find out, the following things can be fished out now!

Of course, the matter of entering that cave entrance has to be looked at again.

Zhang Jiangang reacted when he heard the group of children talking about it just now.Just because people can't go down doesn't mean other things can't go down.

"What do you mean, big brother?" Seeing Zhang Jiangang say, "Concern leads to chaos", Pengci Wang Laosong couldn't help asking.

"Brother means that although people can't go down, inanimate things can go down, such as the rock just now." Lao Yu next to him said expressionlessly.

"Ah? Brother, are you saying that these spirit stones and spirit grass can be fished up?" Old Song's eyes lit up.

Even the high-level person in charge of this operation standing beside him named Liu Dongchu's eyes lit up.

Liu Dongchu couldn't help but be excited, it looks like hundreds of Lingshi!The entire Cultivation Department now has less than ten spirit stones, so these spirit stones alone have caught up to dozens of times what the Cultivation Department had before.And that doesn't include spirit grass.

"Of course they can be fished up, but these things are gadgets, and the good things are in the entrance of the ruins." Zhang Jiangang said with a smile, "And what Lao Yu said is not all right, you see."

While speaking, Zhang Jiangang threw a stone down again, this time flying towards the entrance of the cave.

While throwing it, Zhang Jiangang added, "Look at the creek at the bottom of the valley."

When Zhang Jiangang said this, everyone exclaimed.

Because the small stone that flew into the cave was not so lucky, the moment it rushed into the cave, the group of flying swords flew out again, directly turning the small stone into powder, and they were looking for someone like before. The bottom of the valley is scurrying around, which makes people hairy.


"Inanimate things can only go to the bottom of the valley, not the entrance of the cave?" At the same time, Liu Dongchu from the Cultivation Department asked in surprise.

But Lao Yu was much more perceptive. He noticed what Zhang Jiangang said, "Look at the creek at the bottom of the valley".

"It's not lifeless things, but things without spiritual power, including life forms. Look at the fish and shrimp in the stream." Lao Yu said.

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(End of this chapter)

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