Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 297 Disaster, Transformation!

Chapter 297 Disaster, Transformation! (first update)
Sure enough, as Zhang Jiangang continued to practice, that phantom watermark began to appear again.

It's just that only one of the five animals is getting clearer, and the other four are still blurry.

However, only two of the watermarks of human appearance have become a little clearer, one of which is no different from ordinary people, and the other is erratic and more like a ghost.

As for the watermark of animals, there is only one with scales and claws, which is relatively richer.

But although I can see clearly, it is still blurry, only the outline can be vaguely seen.

Among them, the watermark of mortals is the clearest, especially after the power of life is continuously input into Xiaohongshu.

Obviously, after the vitality of Chu Xin and others was sucked in, the corresponding watermark on Xiaohongshu was becoming stable.

"The watermark of this mortal represents the vitality of a mortal!" While practicing, Zhang Jiangang said in surprise.

That?What do the other nine represent?
At the same time, when he saw the watermark of the scaly beast clearly, Zhang Jiangang's heart moved.

Could it be?Could it be that the appearance of this scale-like watermark means that Xiaohongshu can deprive scale-like monsters of their vitality?Zhang Jiangang guessed so in his heart, and he couldn't believe it.

Five pan-human races, five non-human races!
In addition, Xiaohongshu has a function similar to the book of life and death.

Zhang Jiangang suddenly remembered something, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

There is such a thing recorded in the myths and legends of my hometown, that is, a top-level power once said that there are five immortals in Zhoutian, which are heaven, earth, gods, humans and ghosts;

And the ten kinds of creatures are all the creatures registered in Zhoutian!

In addition, there are several kinds of creatures that are neither heaven, nor earth, nor gods, nor humans, nor ghosts, nor are they scales, hairs, feathers, or kuns.These beings who are not in the book of the week are not controlled by the heaven and the earth, and they really jump out of the five elements.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiangang shrank his eyes suddenly, and looked at the ten watermarks on Xiaohongshu.

Sure enough, although most of them couldn't be seen clearly, the vague outlines were still vaguely visible.

Some of the five kinds of pan-human beings are no different from ordinary people, some are domineering, some are not angry and majestic, and some are crawling out of hell with claws and teeth.

Could it really be the five pan-human beings of heaven, earth, gods, humans and ghosts?
Look at the watermarks of the other five monsters and beasts. Sure enough, some have feathers, some have scales and carapaces, and some are like insects and tigers and leopards.

"Could it be that Little Red Book can even deprive wild beasts of their lives!" The more he looked, the more Zhang Jiangang felt that his guess was correct.

Although Xiaohongshu and Niubi have always been comparable to the book of life and death and the judge's pen, they still have disadvantages.

That is, the latter can not only judge life and death, but also everything in the universe cannot escape.However, Xiaohongshu could only strip the lives of pan-humans before.

Moreover, the life and death book judge pen can not only be taken away, but also lifespan can be changed.

For example, according to the merit of the other party, the lifespan in the book of life and death can be changed, and the lifespan can be increased out of thin air.In myths and legends, there are countless cases where gods increase the lifespan of mortals with perfect merits and virtues.

And these little red books obviously can't do it now.

And it can be seen that Xiaohongshu's ability is not static.

As its own strength increases, the power of Xiaohongshu is also changing.

Especially when I inexplicably increased my cultivation level by [-]/[-] just now, and as a result, Xiaohongshu changed instantly!
"The old man said that the second child, Xiaoren, should not be at the level of Yan Jun, so what kind of thing is he!" Zhang Jiangang was also shocked at this moment.

I just made some lanugo, some Bao~ leather and other materials to make a cow pen and little red book. It’s so mysterious, but what about the second child itself?
With a wave of his hand, two more spirit stones fell into Zhang Jiangang's hands and placed them in the dantian.

Closing his eyes again, Zhang Jiangang didn't want to think about it anymore.Excited at this moment, he just wants to practice and keep practicing. As long as his strength continues to grow, he believes that everything will come to light!

At this moment, the spiritual power in Zhang Jiangang's body is completely different from before.

Outside of the dantian, the aura is still transported through the sky according to the Jiugongzhang's technique.But at the dantian, the concentrated spiritual power plunged into the dantian densely, and then poured into the first floor of the Nine Palaces Pagoda.

Like a furnace, it burns, smelts and refines, and then part of it pours into Xiaohongshu, and part of it expands the entire Jiugong Pagoda, becoming a part of Zhang Jiangang's strength.

And with the change in strength, the phantom of the Nine Palaces Pagoda has also become bigger and bigger, and it feels like it is going to stand upright.

Time passed minute by minute, day by day, Zhang Jiangang was immersed in it.

The 3.2 times change in flow rate of Kongming Hourglass bought Zhang Jiangang too much time.

And with the passing of each day, Zhang Jiangang's strength is gradually becoming stronger, and he is heading towards the Golden Core stage.

Also, the watermarks of scale-like beasts, mortals and demons on the little red book became clearer and clearer.

And when Zhang Jiangang practiced for about the tenth day and the outside world had passed for three days, a major event broke out at the base.

Through the entrance of the world, a large number of monsters came in.

What's even more frightening is that everyone guessed the location of the entrance was wrong. The entrance of these gangsters is in an inland river in the base.

About 2000 fierce beasts crawled out of the river, killing them as soon as they appeared.

And this group of guys is very cunning, as soon as they appear, they will disperse and scatter to kill.It is clear that they want to avoid the heavenly soldiers and generals and avoid being surrounded.

Among them are dozens of demon king-level beasts comparable to the Jindan stage, and one demon-level beast comparable to the Nascent Soul stage.

However, none of these Emperor Yanhua told Zhang Jiangang, let alone let him make a move.

"The mighty emperor!"

"The real king is mighty!!" There was cheering in the base, and countless heavenly soldiers and generals waved their arms high, with blood on their faces.

The entire inland river called Baisha River is full of corpses, and blood flows like a river.

Won, but tragically!

Even so, the four demon kings escaped, and the Nascent Soul stage beast was seriously injured by Emperor Yanhua.

If Emperor Yanhua hadn't arrived in time, the loss would have been even more serious.

Seeing that the entrance to the world that appeared randomly after an hour was closed, and the monsters were killed and retreated, the immortals in the fairy court also breathed a sigh of relief.

In just one hour, the entire base almost encountered a catastrophe.

Fortunately, the emperor came three days ago, otherwise the next battle would be unimaginable.

Even so, at least tens of thousands of people were killed in the base, and hundreds of heavenly soldiers and generals were lost!
"Great Emperor, why didn't you let your grandson come out to help?" Even if they won, Mao Zun and the others were puzzled and even slightly dissatisfied.

"Yes, Zhang Daoyou is very powerful. If he was here, hundreds of heavenly soldiers would not be killed here. There are tens of thousands of people." Even the good old Beiyu Jiuku Tianzun couldn't help but say.

Seeing so many people die, Beiyu Jiuku Tianzun felt distressed.

Look around, there are dead bodies everywhere, and ruins everywhere.Limbs are everywhere, and the entire Baisha River is full of blood!
"Because he can't contaminate our karma, and he absolutely can't take the initiative to contaminate it." Emperor Yanhua said, and then glanced at Tiandi Yinhao, who was also injured not far away, "The mistakes we made must be done by ourselves. solve."

"These people died because of us." Emperor Yanhua pointed to the corpses of countless mortals in the base, including the corpses of some rising fighters who desperately protected the world in times of crisis. "If we're gone, they're completely hopeless."

When he said this, Emperor Yanhua looked at Tiandi Yinhao.

And hearing this, Yin Hao's expression changed.

He understood that the other party was talking to him!
Similarly, other immortals are similar.That's right, if we leave, they will have no hope at all, the immortals also murmured.

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(End of this chapter)

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