Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 299: Three Gifts from Emperor Yanhua~

Chapter 299 The Three Gifts of Emperor Yanhua~
The momentum is like a rainbow, and the morale is like a rainbow.

"Long live Your Majesty~" Even Beiyu Jiuku Tianzun and other immortals knelt down excitedly.

Including the God of Rescue Kuku, including Hu Sitianwang, Jiuyou Zhenjun and other main fighters, all knelt and obeyed.

Mao Zun, the purple-browed old man and the others had uncertain faces, obviously not expecting it at all.

"Okay, okay! All the Qings are in peace, don't leave, don't leave~" But at this moment, the Emperor of Heaven didn't pay attention to the appeasement faction and compromise faction like Mao Zun Zimei.

At this moment, Yin Hao only felt relaxed all over.

Emperor Yanhua nodded, and gently stroked his white beard.

The mortals in the base cheered even more, even the people in the slums cheered.

Because at this moment they had hope, they felt that the base, including the whole world, was no longer a backwater, no longer hopeless.

But most of them don't know that the reason why this happened is thanks to two people.One is the comforting and smiling Emperor Yanhua not far away, and the other is the mortal named Zhang Jiangang who was hunted out of the city a few days ago.

Even in the next two days, Immortal Court on Plane 64 adopted Zhang Jiangang's policy on Plane 64 almost entirely in terms of the cultivation method and the development plan of the entire base and Plane [-].

Although Emperor Yanhua didn't want his grandson to take the initiative to contaminate the karma of plane 64, Zhang Jiangang, who was passive, had already been contaminated.

In the next period of time, the entire base was very lively.Every day, countless people are so excited that they can't sleep. Countless people get the exercises after passing the talent test of the city's fairy court, and then practice excitedly all day and all night.

At the same time, countless mortals from other bases also came here because of their reputation, even regardless of life and death.

The various registration and testing stations at the base are overcrowded every day.

And half a month later, Xianting sent two groups of heavenly generals to other bases for the first time, preparing to train the entire human gathering place on the 64th plane into one, so that everyone can cultivate immortals!

Maybe these mortals will never reach the golden core, but at least they have hope at this moment, with the ability to protect themselves, and can even provide a steady stream of strength to resist fierce beasts.

Time flies, Futukang Shiyi Taibao and Lao Hu are not idle in these days.

Take all the time to practice, especially take the time to communicate and learn with the immortals on the 64th plane!
Although most of these immortals were unable to break through the Nascent Soul Stage or even the Golden Core Stage, they had too much cultivation experience.Sun Jiacheng and others often benefited a lot from just giving some pointers.

Even Tuhu seized the time to communicate, especially looking through the information about the Mei family saved on the 64th plane, including the exercises that were confiscated when they were in the fairy world.

Zhang Jiangang did not contact them for more than two months, because Zhang Jiangang was also immersed in cultivation and accumulated progress.

And because of Kongming Hourglass, Zhang Jiangang has been practicing for more than half a year.

Zhang Jiangang had overestimated himself before, or underestimated the difficulty of Jiu Gongzhang's cultivation to hit the golden core.

Before, he thought that giving himself four or five months would reach the stage of hitting the golden core, but it has been more than six months in the blink of an eye.

For the entire six months, Zhang Jiangang hardly went out, devoting himself to cultivation.I have never been so happy in this life, including the previous life.

At the same time, in the past six months, the old man Yanhua Emperor only came in three times, and each time he came back to point out Zhang Jiangang's cultivation and answer Zhang Jiangang's questions.

It was already a month ago when I came back last time, and before leaving, the old man said that he would retreat for a while.

Although puzzled, Zhang Jiangang knew that since the old man chose to retreat, there must be his reasons.

Also during the six months of the Kongming Hourglass, two people were extremely depressed.

That is Miyero and Kodoro who were taken into Futukang before.Others practice happily outside and spend time and wine from time to time, while these two brothers work overtime day and night.

Both were numb.The instant noodle boxes are piled up like a mountain, and the whole Futukang workshop smells like old sauerkraut.

Moreover, when Sun Jiacheng and the Twelve Taibao were in Futukang, at least they had TV to watch, and there were news broadcasts. These two didn't even watch TV.Because Zhang Jiangang forgot both of them.

On the other side of the Kongming hourglass, Zhang Jiangang was covered in flames, and he was like a silent Buddha in meditation.

The surrounding spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the spirit stone in the hand rushed towards the flame like a moth to the flame, helping to ignite it.

Above the head, a suspended phantom of the little red book is also burning and flipping.

At the same time, the difference from before is that there are three more watermark portraits at the bottom corner of the cover of Xiaohongshu at this moment, and it is becoming richer.

One is a human race, the other is a demon, and the other is a ferocious monster covered in scales.

As the flames burned, these phantoms floated and suspended, as if drifting with the current.

And behind Zhang Jiangang, there is a huge phantom of a tower more than ten meters high, and the first floor is burning like an alchemy furnace.The flame that rushed out was extremely hot, as if it was going to burn everything.

As the momentum of the flames increased, Zhang Jiangang's eyebrows trembled slightly with his eyes closed.

The flame was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

But when the critical point was about to be reached, Zhang Jiangang suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, the flames on the body, the flames on the Little Red Book, and the flames permeating the pagoda shrank quickly, and everything visible to the naked eye was absorbed into the Jiugong Pagoda, and then the phantom of the Jiugong Pagoda was directly absorbed into Zhang Jiangang's body .

"Up to ten days!" Looking at Zhang Jiangang again, he muttered excitedly.

In ten days, that is to say, in the past three days or so from the outside world, I will be able to officially attack the golden core!

And at that time, it's time to go back.

Thinking of this, feeling the huge change in strength, Zhang Jiangang returned home like an arrow.

At the same time, about one-third of the spirit stones I brought around my body were consumed by myself.With the flames on the first floor of the Jiugong Pagoda, Zhang Jiangang found that he was consuming spirit stones faster.

Some of them were used to cultivate Xiaohongshu and Niubi, some were sucked into the Nine Palaces Pagoda, and most of the rest were absorbed by themselves.

It's a pity that the old man is in retreat, otherwise Zhang Jiangang would have liked to tell the old man the good news immediately.

In addition, Zhang Jiangang was a little surprised by the retreat of the old man Yanhua the Great.Originally, I planned to use this time to ask the old man for advice. After all, his cultivation experience and knowledge are much higher than my own.

In the end, who would have thought that the old man stayed in the Kongming hourglass for less than three days during this period of time, and it was still at three times the speed of time.

"It doesn't matter! Continue to practice, let's attack to the critical state of Jindan first!" Zhang Jiangang shook his head, and he was about to continue to attack.

For ten days, Zhang Jiangang didn't want to wait a day.If you can hit the impact one day earlier, otherwise, you will always miss it in your heart.

And just when Zhang Jiangang was about to strike while the iron was hot and continue to practice, a voice came from outside the Kongming hourglass.

"Gangzi~ Counting the time, you should be able to overcome the tribulation in a few days, right?"

The voice belonged to Emperor Yanhua.

The old man is here!Zhang Jiangang was overjoyed, and then hurriedly invited people in.

"Grandpa, ten days at most, after ten days I will be able to cross the tribulation!" Looking at the old man who came in, Zhang Jiangang excitedly announced, "Have you succeeded in retreat?"

At the same time, seeing the state of Emperor Yanhua, Zhang Jiangang's expression changed.

Because he found that the old man seemed to be a little older and a little tired!
Looking at Zhang Jiangang, Emperor Yanhua nodded with a smile.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Jiangang hurriedly asked.

"It doesn't matter, just recuperate for a while." Emperor Yanhua said, "Ten days? Okay, just for these ten days, I will give you some guidance."

"Today I brought you three gifts."

"Gift? What gift?" Zhang Jiangang was taken aback.Could it be that the old man has retreated for several months just to get gifts for himself?
Thinking of this anticipation, Zhang Jiangang feels distressed and moved.

Looking at the expression of Zhang Jiangang, Emperor Yanhua smiled in relief, and at the same time waved his hand, "This first one is most of the skills that I and the Emperor of Heaven have accumulated for you in No. 64 Immortal Court, which have been recorded for countless years. All the information about the Three Realms and Zhou Tian!"

As soon as the words fell, with Emperor Yanhua waving his hand, rows of bookcases full of classic books suddenly appeared from all directions, and then gathered towards where Zhang Jiangang was standing, like a roaring train.

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(End of this chapter)

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