Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 315 You are mistaken, I am the overlord in the water!

Chapter 315 You are mistaken, I am the overlord in the water!

Swallowing the golden elixir and the nascent soul is much faster than their own cultivation, although there will be bottlenecks and sequelae in the later stage.

The roar sounded on the surface of the sea, and the entire sea surface was full of strong winds and huge waves.

The spreading waves even rushed to the coast of Daluo Temple in the distance, crashing into pieces of huge waves and hitting the reef, even rushing to a higher place.

Under the chanting of the triangular shark and other leaders, other unspeakable marine beasts are also eager to try, like a wild horse battle group that is about to run free.

In the vast waves, Zhang Jiangang and the others are so insignificant, as if a small boat that is about to capsize is surrounded in the center.

However, because of the strength shown by Lao Hu and others just now, even though they were besieged, the sea beasts did not rush up immediately.

Seeing this, especially Sun Jiacheng and others who were trapped in the center and swayed in the waves, their scalps became numb.

Sun Jiacheng and others all looked at Zhang Jiangang.

"Humans, hand over... hand over the golden core!" On the opposite side, the giant triangle shark was still roaring, not fluent in human language.

Roar!At the same time, countless sea monsters echoed with various roars.

In the sky, there are also a large number of flying marine beasts cooperating, swooping and circling, whining and covering the sky.The most of them are the kind of beasts that are somewhat similar to flying fish. Of course, there are also a large number of feathered bird beasts, but the proportion is very low.

In addition, it can be seen that these native beasts and monsters are no more than ordinary beasts and fishes, but have very high spiritual intelligence.

But in this creepy environment that seems to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, Zhang Jiangang, who has recovered his middle-aged version at this moment, is very calm.

Hand over the golden core?Zhang Jiangang smiled.

"Brother, the local fierce beasts can already talk out their words." Seeing Zhang Jiangang laughing at Old Hu, he said while guarding against the fierce beasts.

"Well, the earth's environment is changing faster than we thought." Zhang Jiangang glanced at the triangular shark talking to him, and responded to Lao Hu with a nod.

"And directly speak Chinese." Zhang Jiangang added, "Hey old Hu, if the marine monsters in Europe can speak, will they speak Chinese, English, French or German?"

"..." Before Lao Hu could answer, Sun Jiacheng and Tuhu already had black lines on their heads.I thought to myself, when is it time for adults, you are still in the mood to tell jokes.

We were surrounded by a Jindan stage, a dozen resting spirits, and probably tens of millions of beasts.

"Um, I don't know either. Maybe they speak Greek. Isn't it said that there are gods in foreign countries?" Lao Hu returned.


"Damn~" Seeing that Zhang Jiangang and the others ignored him, the triangular shark roared angrily, causing countless beasts to roar.

The roar was so loud that it was like hell, and Sun Jiacheng and the others felt their scalps go numb.There are too many of them, as expected of the ocean, the monsters in the ocean are really not comparable to those on land.

To be honest, Old Hu, Sun Jiacheng and others are not afraid of the scene before them, what they are afraid of is all the seas on the entire earth!
These are just the monsters that rushed over after seeing Du Jie in the sea area near the Daluo Temple. If it was replaced by the entire Atlantic Ocean and the oceans of the entire earth, it is unknown how many monsters there are.

These Zhang Jiangang also looked in the eyes, to be honest Zhang Jiangang breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it is near the sea, and there are many, but not to the point of being uncontrollable.It is estimated that they were attracted to them by crossing the catastrophe, otherwise, so many marine beasts would not have come here.

But although he breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang Jiangang frowned.

The scene in front of him made him think of more.

Whether it is the monk world in the records or the fairy world in the records, the entire environment basically has a big problem.

That is to say, whether it is a monk or a mortal, at the beginning, we all emphasize land and despise ocean!

At the beginning, they paid attention to cultivating immortals in the mainland, and they didn't set foot in the sea for the first time, which caused the sea monsters to grow bigger and their tails couldn't lose their size.

Of course, this is also the reason for the lack of ability at the beginning.

If the No. 1 plane Earth has the ability but does not do it, it will be terrible.

It's not too long before the spiritual energy recovers. The entire world of earth monks and marine monsters are just in their infancy, and it's still too late to make a move.

But if it is delayed again and again, until the sea monsters grow up completely, it will be completely over. Whether human beings have the ability to march into the sea is even a matter of opinion!What's more, the oceans on the earth are still spreading, and no one knows how far the area of ​​the oceans will expand in the end.

No matter which world it is in, the monsters in the boundless sea of ​​stars develop the fastest, and they are also the most powerful in the end.

But now is not the time to deal with these things. What Zhang Jiangang wants to do more is to go back and find out what happened to the earth in the past few months, and the other is to go back and see how his family is doing.

In addition, it is scary that the local fierce beasts have spiritual intelligence, but on the other hand, it is actually a good thing.

"Hey...kill, kill them!" Seeing that Zhang Jiangang and others didn't take him seriously, the triangular shark finally couldn't help it.

As soon as the roar fell, countless other low-level marine beasts rushed towards Zhang Jiangang like a tidal wave, as if they had been spayed with chicken blood.

In the sky, those flying marine fish beasts also swarmed up, like a locust covering the sky.Those wings, those fish mouths and fins were even more like daggers, rushing up in the sky exuding a menacing cold light.

Seeing this scene, Tuhu and the others tensed up and were about to resist.

At the same time, the triangular shark also noticed the change in Tuhu's expression, with some complacency and sarcasm in his eyes, and then the triangular shark's figure changed suddenly.

For these small human beings, monsters like the triangular shark have a natural look down on them.

The arrogance in their bones makes them think that these humans are a group of ants, and more importantly, a group of food!
The sea is one's own sea. If these ants dare to enter the sea, they are courting death and sending food!
Accompanied by countless sea monsters under its command, it saw the triangle shark open its mouth wide open, revealing its huge penetrating teeth, and then a sudden suction came out from inside.

In an instant, a gust of wind blew up, making Sun Jiacheng and the others unsteady almost instantly.

What's more important is that this suction seems to carry a disturbing force, which makes people feel dizzy and want to pass out.

With one bite, the triangular shark directly sucked in the huge amount of seawater in front of it, quite a bit like a whale swallowing the world, the might of the overlord in the water!

Overlord in the water? Am I the one?
When Sun Jiacheng and the others were a little nervous, seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang smiled slightly, and then his face turned serious!
The next moment, Zhang Jiangang's body glowed light blue like sea water.

At the next moment, things that shocked Lao Hu and the others, the triangular shark, the huge waves around and the countless ferocious sea monsters in the sea happened!

The sea water changed from under Zhang Jiangang's feet, spreading towards the surroundings with lightning speed!

Among the waves on the surface of the sea, among the countless fish and monsters wandering below the sea surface, a group of 'fish' with almost the same color as the sea water appeared along Zhang Jiangang's feet!
Because these 'fish' are completely the same color as the sea water, they can't be distinguished with the naked eye at all, and they look more like transparent fish.

These 'schools of fish' swim extremely fast, some keep pace with or pass by other fish monsters, and some go back and forth!
And some 'fish' jumped out of the water, and were extremely shocked in the entire stormy sea.

And when these fish jumped out of the water one by one in groups, everyone finally saw what they really looked like!
It’s too shocking!

Where is the fish!Those are water figures, little figures made of water!

On the surface of the sea, these hundreds of thousands or even millions of little people jumped out of the water like small fish and plunged in again.

In the waves, these little people jumped out of the waves and surfed in the rising sea water.

On the bottom of the sea, these little people wandered side by side with other marine monsters, and the dense density made people suffer from intensive disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is even more shocking is that the monstrous huge wave that was just rolled up by the group of monsters was still a huge wave when it rushed into the sky, but in the process of falling, the huge wave suddenly shattered, and then shattered into hundreds of thousands of pieces made of water. Transparent little people!
Some were turning somersaults, some were running on the sea, some were making faces, and some were like a group of ants enveloping a ferocious beast in the ocean and gnawing hard.

Some were jumping and pulling down the flying sea monsters that were flying on the sea surface, causing screams one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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