Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 347 Using the Scientific Method to Survive the Tribulation

Chapter 347 Using the Scientific Method to Survive the Tribulation
Sure enough, when the words came out, everyone else looked at Zhang Jiangang.

Although there are tutorials, everyone still feels unreliable.

Because everyone has searched on the Internet before coming here, and also consulted other monks and even some immortals sent by pro-mortals, it is a very dangerous thing to go through the catastrophe at sea, it is more than ten times more dangerous than on land!
And as far as everyone knows, there are not only monsters in the nearby sea area, but also a lot of them. I heard that there is also a monster that is suspected of being in the Golden Core realm, and several quasi-Golden Core monsters.As for other levels of monsters and beasts, there are countless.

As long as there are a few of these monsters rushing over when I am crossing the catastrophe, then I will die, and the power of the catastrophe will be locked on the monsters and doubled!What's more, monsters are hard to tame, and they like to take advantage of the fire to loot, so how could only a few rush over.

"Hehe, don't worry." Zhang Jiangang said with a smile after patting Lu Pingping on the shoulder and looking at the crowds of onlookers who were cheering and calling his name.

"Are you ready?" At the same time, Zhang Jiangang looked back at Zhang Wenjun, the son of the president of the Longevity Boxing Association.

"Well, everything is ready, Dad." Zhang Wenjun nodded.

"Well, let the warship and plane retreat [-] kilometers, and it will start in an hour." Zhang Jiangang nodded, and then looked at the thirteen people, "Listen to what I tell you in the next hour, and make sure you remember everything clearly."

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly nodded heavily, not daring to be distracted at all.

They really don't have much choice.If they don't believe in Zhang Jiangang, they can only survive the catastrophe in the next month or even a week, and they will definitely die by then.

The spectators outside the restricted area in the distance watched the fun while wishing to put their heads on the beach and listen to what Zhang Jiangang was talking to the group of robbers.

At the same time, they noticed that members of the Longevity Boxing Association were distributing things to the thirteen, including some pills and some magical weapons.

At the same time, as the time draws near, everyone's hearts are raised in their throats.

Time passed quickly, more than 50 minutes passed in a blink of an eye.Everyone noticed that the expressions of the thirteen robbers became more and more dignified during this process, and they changed several times, either showing shock or doubt.

And at this moment, Zhang Jiangang finished speaking and stood up from his seat.

"Pingping, you are the first to come." Zhang Jiangang who stood up looked at the one named Lu Pingping and said.

"Ah? Me?" Lu Pingping's face turned pale instantly.

After hearing Zhang Jiangang's words, the other twelve people breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly patted their chests.

Not me, the first one is not me, everyone murmured in their hearts.

Similarly, the people watching from a distance also saw this scene.

"It's that high school student named Lu Pingping, that Lu Pingping was the first to cross the catastrophe!" Someone said while watching with a telescope.

"Let me see, let me see."

"Didn't you say that the live broadcast started at one o'clock in the afternoon? Why did it start at 09:30 in the morning? Isn't the live broadcast going?"

The crowds were crowded, and everyone seemed to be more excited than the monks who were about to cross the catastrophe in the distance.

And in this atmosphere, when everyone was excited and worried about the high school genius named Lu Pingping, the next moment, a shocking scene that they will never forget for a lifetime appeared!

In the binoculars, Zhang Jiangang patted Lu Pingping's shoulder with a smile, then turned his head and shouted to the sea.

"Golden Horn, come out!" The voice was very flat, but it was deafening as if it came from nine days away, and even the people watching from hundreds of meters away could clearly hear it.

And the next moment, something even more shocking happened.

Accompanied by the voice falling to the ground, a huge monster with a length of 80 meters rushed out from the distant sea, bringing up a wave, covering the sky and blocking the sun, which was extremely shocking!
This scene really feels a little doomsday.

And one rushed out of the water.

"Hey~~Old Zhang"

At the moment when it rushed out, the giant shark-like beast with a triangular head was even more bloody and mouthful.

"I rely on!"

At this moment, everyone was taken aback, except Zhang Wenjun from Zhang's Longevity Boxing Association and other high-level executives from the Cultivation Department who already knew about it!
Many viewers were so frightened by this big guy that they fell down on the beach, trembling all over.

Even Zhao Yuxiao and other pro-mortal and immortal representatives were taken aback.Of course, these immortals were not afraid, but caught off guard!Out of mouth, this... This is a monster in the Golden Core stage!
"I can talk! That shark can talk!"

"Mr. Zhang, that monster actually called Mr. Zhang as Mr. Zhang!"

"Scared me to death, scared me to death, this thing is almost as big as a warship."

"The beast, how can the beast speak!"

At this moment, everyone even forgot about the robbery. They were all frightened, or attracted, by this monster who spouted human words, and there was a lot of discussion on the coast.

Even some comprehension soldiers who were in charge of maintaining order were shocked and couldn't help but take a second look.

Not only the triangular shark, but also more than a dozen smaller marine monsters emerged on the sea surface. The small ones were more than ten meters long, and the larger ones were 30 to [-] meters long. They all surfaced respectfully and obeyed orders.

At this moment, everyone was too shocked to make a sound.

No one expected that there were so many scary guys hidden under the calm sea just now.

Being able to speak, the triangular shark must be a monster in the Golden Core Realm.As for the other dozen or so smaller marine monsters of various shapes, they all have strong auras, and their ferocity is terrifying.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Jiangang asked indifferently while looking at the triangular shark while the audience was stupefied.

"Get ready, Fangyuan 3... is already empty, Mr. Zhang, roar~" Triangle Shark returned in an unproficient human language, even roaring.

"Further outside, the Golden Horn has been completely sealed off. Anyone who dares to break in, die, roar~"

"Roar~" "Roar~" Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen other powerful marine monsters also echoed, their roars shaking the sky.

empty?This group of monsters emptied the nearby sea area of ​​life!

Hearing this, everyone understood what happened.

No wonder, no wonder Mr. Zhang dared to let these thirteen go to sea to survive the catastrophe, no wonder!

At the same time, although they understood why Zhang Jiangang was so bold, they still couldn't figure out why Zhang Jiangang had to be at sea.After all, if there is no such thing as a monster, there are so many places in China.

The grasslands in the north, the Gobi desert in the northwest, and even some mountain forests are inaccessible. Why do you have to come here?What's the benefit of crossing robbery here?
Amid everyone's doubts, Zhang Jiangang nodded, then waved his hand.

The next moment, with a roar, the Golden Horn shark flicked its tail, and led the dozen or so monsters to swim towards the far sea.

More than a dozen giant beasts broke through the sea and left behind a long wave like a dozen warships.

At the same time, a huge transparent flying sword suddenly appeared under his feet, and Zhang Jiangang stepped on it, "Come up, let's go!"

"Ah? Oh." The Lu Pingping hadn't gotten out of the shock just now, and said hastily after he realized it, and at the same time jumped onto the flying sword with a strange expression on his face.

Then, the flying sword rose from the ground and rushed straight to the sea ten kilometers away.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of countless people lit up.

This is the first time they have seen someone flying with a flying sword!
"Mr. Zhang is also a master of Golden Core stage!"

"Awesome! Let me just say, if you can kill that Lu Zhouyi in seconds, how can Lao Zhang not even get the golden elixir!"

Excited discussions erupted.


"It's so cool, when can I fly with the sword."

"Return the sword, you go through the tribulation first and become a master of Jindan."

While everyone was discussing, the official cameras of the Cultivation Department and the Longevity Boxing Association were also rushing to shoot, including the helicopters in the sky in the distance. After all, these are first-hand information.

Many onlookers even regretted not bringing binoculars. The distance was fine just now, but now Lao Zhang and the others flew over ten kilometers away in the blink of an eye. Although the visibility at sea was okay, it was too far away.

On the other side, the people with extra hearts and binoculars were happy, and their eyes were very excited to watch in front of the camera.

"Huh? What's that?" Through the binoculars, many people were taken aback by what Zhang Jiangang, who was about to fall on the sea in the distance, was doing.

In sight, ten miles away, the Dujie high school student named Lu Pingping had already landed on the surface of the sea.At the same time, he waved his hand, and suddenly a huge, probably tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters high, like a cage-like magic weapon was protruded by him, covering the sky above him, and at the bottom was a floating on the sea.

And after a few simple explanations, everyone saw that Lao Zhang immediately returned to the beach with Yujian, and then looked solemnly in the distance in the direction of Lu Pingping.

(End of this chapter)

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