Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 351 Escort Formation Monster Beast Legion!

Chapter 351 Escort Formation Monster Beast Legion!
"Hey~ Thank you, my lord~"


There was a roar, and there was joy in the overwhelming river.

The big squid sprayed out a puddle of black ink out of excitement, and the sea surface with a radius of hundreds of meters was completely black.

"..." On the deck, the others couldn't stand it anymore.

"Are these really monsters?" An old man from the cultivation department couldn't help asking.Why did Xin Dao think of feeding the koi in the park when he saw this scene?

"Of course, these monsters have already entered my father's monster list." Zhang Wenjun said with a smile, and at the same time he was a little proud.

Zhang Wenjun is also more confident about the future of mortals on earth.

Because he knew that the scene in front of him was just the first step of the old man's plan, and he also solved the shipping problem of the earth along the way.

And for other people who are watching at the moment, everyone really can't figure out how Zhang Jiangang did all this.

Even a few Zhang Jiangang fans who admired him so much thought it was due to Zhang Jiangang's personal charm. After all, Comrade Zhang is now a god-like existence in China. Of course, this must be a joke.

As soon as I come back during this period, I will take drastic measures to quell the riots in the Longevity Boxing Association, and eliminate the infiltrating immortals and evil spirits.Today, all 13 people successfully crossed the catastrophe, sweeping away the haze that has been hanging over the heads of the local monks in China for several months.These two incidents really made Zhang Jiangang's prestige rise again and again.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed by in a flash.The public monks in Huaxia, including the Internet, are still immersed in the excitement and joy of crossing the catastrophe in batches and breaking the curse of the Golden Core Tribulation. The high-level executives also had reservations about Zhang Jiangang's plan two days ago. They only felt that the scenes on the warship were too too shocked.

But two days later, at Huaxia Shanghai Port, all these reservations disappeared.

The port of Shanghai Stock Exchange can be said to be the real number one port in the world at present!

Since the recovery of spiritual energy, especially since the rise of marine monsters, it can be said that more than 90.00% of other ports in the world have suffered heavy losses, and their throughput has plummeted.

Even the major ports along the Huaxia coast have been greatly affected, but the losses are considered optimistic in comparison.

Global shipping has been affected, but several important ports in China are relatively safe.

Even though the Shanghai stock market now carries a large proportion of the world's throughput, its daily throughput has dropped a lot compared to before.After all, the problem is not with the port, but with the route.

In the early morning, the sun is shining, and the early morning sunshine in the cold winter makes the whole port feel warm, full of vigor, as if it is more hopeful.

Densely packed containers filled the wharf, huge cranes were busy working, huge freighters docked on the shore, consigned pieces of containers, and it was extremely lively.

"It's so lively today." On the pier, a staff member who was inspecting the handling of containers wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed.

"Yeah, it hasn't been this lively for a long time." Another person checked the cargo information in his hand and echoed.

"It would be great if it was like this every day." The staff member wearing a white hard hat just now continued.

"Who says it's not, but I don't know if these goods can reach overseas safely." Said the person next to the documents.

Although lively, it is still a lot worse than before.For example, the port of Shanghai Stock Exchange can be said to be a fully automatic port before, and basically no one can be seen.But now many equipments have been destroyed after several sea monster attacks, and it will take at least another month to repair them.

At the same time, looking at a giant cargo ship with a capacity of 25 tons being loaded in front of them, the eyes of the two were full of expectations for the future.

Not only that, today is also strange, the number of freighters coming to the port that can't stop many ships in a day has more than five times today!
Are you afraid of accidents when so many freighters go to sea at the same time?

Although it is said that the more active the port is, the better, but the two are also a little worried about the sudden skyrocketing situation.

It's just that worrying is nothing, the two of them want to go to another pier in the port at the moment, because it is ten times, a hundred times more lively than this side!
"Mr. Zhang has come to our port, do you know?"

"Why don't I know? If it wasn't for my busy schedule, I wish I could go there now. I heard that the staff over there are crazy, and some of them fainted from fright."

"That's it! It's unbelievable. I was almost scared when I saw the photos posted in their WeChat group, not to mention their people at the scene. Mr. Zhang is really a god~"

The two were chatting while working, and they obviously wanted to go to another pier immediately to have a look.

Similarly, the crew and persons in charge of the super freighter of the Huaxia Shipping Group that is loading the cargo at the moment are similar.

They were also worried that the voyage was too dangerous and they were afraid of being attacked by monsters halfway. The 20-ton giant ship is no joke.

And there are more than a dozen giant ships with a slightly smaller capacity lined up behind.It's too dangerous to have so many ships, such a long route, across the ocean, and to forcibly pass through the strait attacked by monsters!
Looking at the freighter with containers stacked higher and higher, and other freighters waiting to be loaded on the coast in the distance, the captain of the Huaxia Shipping Group freighter was very worried, and he didn't know when the soot fell off the railing.

"Captain, didn't you say that someone would escort us? Why hasn't there been any movement until now? I've inquired. The navy doesn't participate at all this time. Isn't this killing people?" The subordinate next to him couldn't help but say.

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't believe others, you still don't believe the Ministry of Cultivation and Mr. Zhang. Wait, the group said that they will give us news soon. The group said that they also received orders from above, and they don't know the specific situation. In short, let us rest assured Just don't ask more questions."

"Relax? How can I be reassured? We have such a big ship, and there are more than 20 ships from various ocean-going companies, including overseas ships, and they have to cross from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. What should we do if something happens?"

While the two were talking, a high-level freighter next to him couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at the photos and videos posted on WeChat on his mobile phone.

"What are you looking at? What time is it?" Seeing this person's reaction, Captain Hu Longmao couldn't help asking. "Look."

"Oh, it's all right, my God, I'm scared to death. Take a look, Hu!" The man excitedly handed over the phone while talking.

After picking up the mobile phone, when they saw what happened at another terminal in the Shanghai port above, the faces of the captain Hu Longmao also changed.

Another person yelled out in shock.

"My God, what's the situation! This is, this is too exaggerated!" Hu Longmao's assistant couldn't help shouting.

At this moment, several people looked at their phones in shock.

At the moment, it was not they who were the most shocked and excited, but the dock workers on the shore of the second pier and the dock workers who were moving and dispatching goods through various mechanical equipment.

It was more than shock. In just over an hour, many dock workers were so frightened that they almost peed, their legs trembled and they couldn't walk!
At this moment, there is no ship outside the No. [-] pier. Instead, there is a mighty army of marine monsters!
Awow, it feels like people are suffering from dense disease, not to mention timid people, even bold people can't stand it!
In addition, these sea-like monsters threw pieces of sea-like materials, including spirit stones, sea-like spirit grasses, and spirit materials, onto the shore of the emptied No. [-] pier!

It’s too shocking!

Some employees were too frightened to say anything, and some took the opportunity to take pictures while working with trembling hands.

I can't hold it steady, I really can't hold my phone steady!
"Oh my god, this... This is more than the number of monsters that attacked the port last time!"

"I'm scared to death. Can anyone help me? My legs are weak. Did Mr. Zhang call them here? They won't attack us, right?" the employees said tremblingly.

But even though they were afraid, everyone didn't run after recovering, instead they surrounded the pier.Even some employees and senior management who were not at the pier sneaked over.

"Of course it was Mr. Zhang who asked them to come here. You didn't see it. There were three bigger ones before. There was a big squid that was bigger than the boat. Mr. Zhang and the others brought them to the abandoned dock." One person said , looking at the sea surface of Pier 2 with excitement in his eyes, his face was all red.

"It's so shocking!" Even the Cultivation Department and the top military officers who were standing on the side of the pier to check and maintain order couldn't help sighing, feeling that their worldview had been impacted.

Chuan~pin, it's too scary!This group of monsters are rumored to be sold by humans, and it's scary!Through the pyramid-like supply of monsters from low-level to high-level, and the group-style pull down, the ocean monster army not only expands quickly, but also collects materials quickly enough!
"Chief, Mrs. Zhang is amazing! It...they couldn't have emptied the entire ocean, right? There are too many." A middle-aged man next to a senior military officer couldn't help but say.

"It's not too much, it's just that you've seen too little. But, it's's a lot. The ocean is really big."

"Yes, the day before yesterday at the Jinluo Temple meeting, I was skeptical, but Mr. Zhang was taken aback today." The senior executive just now also sighed. "However, although they are monsters, they must not withhold their supplies. Tell the relevant person in charge that the pills and land-based meat refined from these things must be delivered to them according to the ratio that Zhang Lao explained."


"Also! In the process of getting along with them, such as this escort process, unless it is a matter of principle or a major issue, such as massacring human beings, try to restrain yourself and respect their habits, you know?" The military senior Look back again.

"I know, I know, don't worry, chief."

What's more, the outside world doesn't know that besides the already known elixir, meat, and status among monsters, Zhang Jiangang actually has other bargaining chips to integrate the ocean monsters.Otherwise, this group of monsters wouldn't be able to get annoyed, and the bargaining chip would still be deadly.

And the other side.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to Mr. Zhang's." Upon seeing this, the senior military officer nodded and said at the same time.He knew that the materials in front of him were not the most valuable, and all the good things were in Zhang Lao Dock.

And this high-ranking officer knew that Mr. Zhang was teaching the three golden core monsters before escorting them.

Yes, the large-scale escort formation after a few months is precisely a monster!

 happy new year~~
(End of this chapter)

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