Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 366 Your family is a wealthy family

Chapter 366 Your family is a wealthy family

For such an important thing, it seems that the fourth child let Sao En bring it here casually, but Zhang Jiangang also felt the caution of the fourth child, for fear of being discovered by the North American side.

In addition, in North America, the fourth child of the Zhang family is under border control.So it is not bad to find the illegitimate grandson of old jack to come to China.

Of course, border control is said to have been lifted since Zhang Jiangang came back, but I don't know why the fourth child is still so cautious.

On the other side, the second uncle sent you to find me?
Hearing Zhang Jiangang's words, especially the first time he heard a legendary cultivator transmitting voices in his mind, Sao En's eyes lit up.

Because everyone knows that monks whose cultivation base is lower than the stage of recuperation cannot carry out sound transmission of spiritual consciousness.

The person sent by the second uncle turned out to be a legendary strong man in the recuperation period!You must know that in North America, it is said that except for a small number of Chinese elderly, the people who can transmit voices are all big figures such as immortals and demons!

"My second uncle? Where is my second uncle?" Sao En asked excitedly.

"I don't know where your second uncle is, but I know where your uncle is, get out of here quickly." Zhang Jiangang said through voice transmission, tugging on the guy's ear.

On the other side, the young man named Zhao Qiang next to Xiangxue looked over in disbelief, especially at Xiangxue's mother, Wang Lifen.

"She...she is your mother?" Zhao Qiang stammered.

So beautiful, so young!

No, why is it so familiar?

Xiangxue's mother, Zhao Qiang, had seen the photos when she was in college. It was the family portrait that Xiangxue, who was in love, showed her.Including her mother, sister, and her sister's children, they didn't look like this at the time, let alone so young and beautiful.

More importantly, Zhao Qiang felt that Xiangxue's mother looked very familiar at the moment, but he just couldn't remember where he saw her.

While walking over, Dameichang changed to the dignified and smiling expression before, but looked at Zhao Qiang with some dissatisfaction.

"Mom, who is this?" Seeing her mother and the middle-aged man walking over with a little foreigner, Xiangxue asked anxiously, for fear that her mother would be cheated by the middle-aged man.

"Ah... Hello, Auntie." Zhao Qiang also greeted, and at the same time gently pulled Xiangxue's lapel and asked in a low voice, "Is it really you~Mom?"

"This is your Uncle Zhang Ye." Damei said to her daughter, and at the same time glanced at Zhao Qiang, "You are Zhao Qiang, right?"

Uncle Zhang Ye?But Xiangxue couldn't cry out, while looking at Zhang Jiangang, she held her mother's hand at the same time, "Mom, when did you guys start? Aren't you with Uncle Zhang? Why did someone come out suddenly? What if Uncle Zhang finds out? "Xiangxue whispered.

"Uncle Zhang? Which Uncle Zhang?" Damei was taken aback on purpose.

"It's Zhang Jiangang, Uncle Zhang, does he know?" While asking in a low voice, Xiangxue took a sneak look at Zhang Jiangang.

Maybe because she thought it was not polite, Xiangxue still nodded slightly towards Zhang Jiangang.

As for Zhao Qiang, he didn't know the situation of Lao Zhang and Damei, so he called Uncle Zhang to Zhang Jiangang.It can be seen that this young man named Zhao Qiang is quite polite.

However, when Xiangxue said, "It's Zhang Jiangang, Uncle Zhang", the young man Zhao Qiang's face changed. Suddenly, he seemed to remember why Xiangxue's mother was so familiar, but it was a little blurry!
"He likes to know or not, it doesn't matter to me." Then Damei came back on purpose, and even glanced at Comrade Zhang.

"..." Zhang Jiangang had black lines all over his head.

"It's Grandma Wang!" At the same time, Zhang Jiangang pulled the dumbfounded grandson Sao En and said.

With all this pulling and talking, Shawn was even more confused.

what?grandmother?This beautiful oriental woman who is countless times younger and more beautiful than my mother, I call her grandma?

"Oh, hello Grandma Wang, I'm Sao En."


Damei, Xiangxue, and Zhao Qiang were all speechless.

"Ahem, Lifen, do you need me?" Zhang Jiangang asked even more.

"No, you go get busy." Da Meili said after giving Zhang Jiangang a blank look.

"Hey, good." Zhang Jiangang replied hastily.That's right, Xiangxue didn't need to do it herself for such a trivial matter, besides, it was difficult for an upright official to decide on housework.

"What are you looking at, let's go." At the same time, after finishing speaking, Zhang Jiangang took the cheap foreign grandson and left, "Where is the thing your grandma asked you to bring back?" Zhang Jiangang asked as he walked.

"Oh, at the bar, I asked the waiter at the bar to watch it for me." Shaun said hastily.


I beat you and me to death!

Pulling the foreign grandson, after finding the suitcase he brought back, Zhang Jiangang led the people to leave quickly to see what the fourth son asked Sao En to bring back.

As soon as Zhang Jiangang's grandfather and grandson left, "You are Zhao Qiang, right? Sit down." Wang Lifen said softly, and sat down gently at the same time.

"What's your plan with Xiangxue? I heard from Xiangxue that your father and grandfather think our family is small and not good enough for you?" Wang Lifen said softly.

But even so, Damei's aura is also very large.

So old that Zhao Qiang felt that sitting in front of him was not Xiangxue's mother, but the family's grandfather.

"I don't need auntie, I can just stand up. I've already made up my mind, I'm going to marry Xiangxue. If my father and grandfather don't agree, then I'll leave home and be with Xiangxue..." Zhao Qiang hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

Hearing this, Damei smiled. "Really? Don't care about your father and grandfather? Then if we let you join our family, would you be willing?" Damei was naturally joking.

"Yes!" Zhao Qiang said without even responding, no matter how he recovered after speaking, "Huh?"

"Mom!" Xiangxue on the side stomped her feet anxiously, and her expression changed even more. "Mom, don't scare him."

"Hehe." Damei smiled, "Okay, okay, let's sit down and talk."

"My mother was joking with you." Xiangxue hurriedly comforted the startled sweating Zhao Qiang.

"Ah?" Zhao Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that luckily it was a joke.Originally, the father and the old man at home were very opposed to it. If this is a marriage, it would be so mad.

On the other side, Da Meili was also looking at her daughter's boyfriend.After all, it was the first time seeing Damei.

Zhao Qiang sat down slowly, but while sitting carefully, halfway through the sitting, Zhao Qiang's expression changed, he finally remembered!
A picture from a few days ago appeared in my mind, a live broadcast picture facing the whole of China!And it was paired with the Zhang Jiangang that Xiangxue mentioned earlier.

Almost instantly, Zhao Qiang stood up abruptly, then glanced at Xiangxue, then at Wang Lifen.

"A... Auntie, are you... are you the secretary-general of Zhang's Longevity Boxing Association, the director of the Cultivation Department, Ms. Wang... Ms. Wang Lifen?" Almost stuttering, Zhao Qiang said in shock.

Omg, absolutely!

I said why is it so familiar, it was the woman sitting next to Zhang Wenjun on the rostrum during the live broadcast that day!In real life, it looks better than on TV!

Xiangxue, Xiangxue, why didn't you tell me earlier, it's not that your family is not worthy of our family, it's simply that our family is not worthy of your family!

"Sit down, it's not important. What's important is what you two young people think, sit down and talk." Look at Wang Lifen and said softly.

On the other hand, in a certain hotel in the capital, Shaun opened the suitcase and rummaged through it to find two bottles of wine, which were indeed foreign wines.

"This is the gift my grandma asked me to bring to my second uncle, but my grandma said that I must hand it to my second uncle in person." Holding two bottles of wine, Shaun said.

Apparently, Sean thought it was two ordinary bottles of wine.

In addition, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the international routes, especially the routes of China Airlines, have completely released the transportation of liquid items. After all, there are monks escorting each flight, and many materials are also liquid.

Alcohol is the most lethal to certain things, but the fourth child actually 'soaked' things in wine like this, which shows that he is afraid of this thing.

Two bottles of wine?As soon as Shaun finished speaking, Zhang Jiangang took it over.

The wine is very transparent, with a light and transparent golden color, which looks no different from ordinary Jiu.

"Hey, where is my second uncle?" Seeing this, Sao En became anxious.

"You wear it in the hotel, and someone will arrange for you to meet your second uncle soon." Zhang Jiangang went back directly, and did not restore the appearance of the old version of Zhang Jiangang.

After speaking, Zhang Jiangang went straight out of the hotel.

"Hey!" Sao En was still confused, but when he chased him out, he found that the middle-aged man had long since disappeared.

Isn't it just two bottles of whiskey, as for grandma?

He didn't know how shocked Zhang Jiangang was at the moment, and he was even more anxious!
There was a flash of brilliance on his hands after he went out, and the unique restriction on the two bottles of wine that was blessed by the fourth child disappeared, and Zhang Jiangang felt two strange energy fluctuations from the wine body!
(End of this chapter)

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