Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 371 Where is the World Entrance?

Chapter 371 Where is the World Entrance?

Zhang Jiangang had barely experienced the No. 4 Xianting Invasion War, especially after the description of the old man Yanhua Emperor, Zhang Jiangang was confident to resist!
But the problem now is that I don't know the location of the entrance and the opening time, which is the most fatal!
Time, place, quantity, you need to know this information!
"It's hard! I don't think so. After all, there are basically no top-notch immortals who came on the day when the spiritual energy was revived. Even if someone knew, they would definitely not tell you." Zhao Yuxiao said.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiangang felt a chill again!
Not to mention whether it can be prevented, but if it is fully defended, it will be too difficult!
"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Zhang, I'll help you find out these days, but you must notify the countries to prepare for it as soon as possible!" Seeing Zhang Jiangang's expression, Zhao Yuxiao said hastily.

"Okay, okay, hard work..." Zhang Jiangang hurried back.

And just when Zhang Jiangang was rarely in a hurry, not knowing where to find out the location and opening time of the first wave of world entrances, his cell phone rang.

Looking down, it was the call from his daughter-in-law Yin Xiaolei.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiangang hung up directly. At this moment, Zhang Jiangang was in no mood to take care of family affairs.

Zhang Jiangang knew that his daughter-in-law Xiaolei would not call or send videos to him for ordinary things, after all, he could just call through his son Wenjun.

But no matter how big things are, can they be as big as the things we are talking about now?So Zhang Jiangang frowned and hung up again, continuing to ask Zhao Yuxiao what happened just now.

Just after hanging up, the other party called again.

Hanging up again, unexpectedly calling again, Zhang Jiangang frowned upon seeing this.

"Wait a moment." Picking up the video call, Zhang Jiangang said to Zhao Yuxiao and the others.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuxiao and the two nodded, and at the same time Zhang Jiangang came to the next room with his mobile phone.

On the other side, "My lord, is it really as serious as you said?" Seeing that Zhang Jiangang had gone to the next room, Taoist Lu Feng said via voice transmission.

Zhao Yuxiao nodded, "I'm afraid it's more serious than what I said! If Zhang Daoyou can't prepare as soon as possible, I'm afraid Plane [-] will soon usher in a catastrophe!"

"Moreover, he must guard against other immortals and demons taking the opportunity to make trouble! I believe that other lurking immortals and demons will find out about this soon." Zhao Yuxiao continued.

"Then, wouldn't that cause chaos in the world?" Taoist Lu Feng said.Knowing that the first batch of immortals and demons are coming to invade, those immortals and demons who have been wanting to make trouble all this time must be excited to make trouble!
"Well, not only immortal demons, but also monsters! Zhang Daoyou must appease the lurking and deter them before the immortal demons come, and even appease mortals." Zhao Yuxiao added. "It would be better if we can unite, it's difficult, it's too difficult!"

Zhang Jiangang was not in the mood to listen to the conversation between the two, he had already come to the next door at this moment.

"What's the matter, Xiaolei?" Zhang Jiangang asked after picking up the video, while his expression changed from tense to gentle.

Although things are tense, Zhang Jiangang does not want these emotions to affect his family.

"Dad, you are coming back for the last two days. There is something wrong with Xiaoren these two days. I am troubled to see you every day, and I always call you grandpa." Then the daughter-in-law said on the opposite side, and there was the mother-in-law coaxing the child next to her. It's very lively.

In the video, the second child is also staring at the phone tightly, as if he has something to say, and mutters to his grandpa, "Just now".

Although the one-year-old Erbao is still not very good at speaking, he still knows words like 'grandfather, father and mother', including Gang who calls himself Gang and Zhang Jiangang.


This stunned Zhang Jiangang.

You must know that this kid is not called Grandpa on weekdays, even if he sees himself, he will run away!What's the matter, sex change?

"Grandpa, when will you come back? My brother has been calling your name these two days, and he doesn't eat." In the video, Lele also shouted, with strawberry residue sticking to his mouth.

"Call me? What's the matter?" Seeing this, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, even if I ask him, he won't say anything. Dad, see if you can come back in the next two days." Yin Xiaolei said.

"Okay, then I will book a flight back in the afternoon." Seeing this, Zhang Jiangang said. "When did it start?" Zhang Jiangang asked.

"Huh? It seems that it started the day before yesterday. It was wrong for Er Bao to watch TV yesterday." The daughter-in-law said.

"Yes, it's time to watch the animal world." My mother-in-law couldn't help but say something. "Watching hyenas eat the carrion of zebras, and hearing about bacteria, he..."

"Look at the animal world? Rotten bacteria?" Zhang Jiangang was taken aback.

To be honest, Zhang Jiangang has been very busy these days with the big move next Tuesday, and it stands to reason that he has no time to take care of the children.Even taking care of him is to coax Lele, how can he be in the mood to coax Erbao.

Especially when I recently discovered the mysterious primordial bacteria, I am worried and can't figure it out.

But looking at the second treasure on the other side of the video, Zhang Jiangang faintly felt something was wrong.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Jiangang immediately asked someone to book a ticket to Donghai in an hour.

For some reason, even on the way back to the East China Sea, Zhang Jiangang was a little restless, as if something was about to happen.At the same time, Zhang Jiangang was also concerned about the invasion along the way, especially the time and place.

After getting off the plane, Zhang Jiangang returned to Longteng Community without stopping.

Compared with the tense atmosphere outside, the East China Sea, including many other places in China, is very peaceful, just like in the past.The monsters have been suppressed, the Ministry of Cultivation and Huaxia's troublesome immortals and ghosts have been cleaned up, and the mood of the entire domestic people is much less hostile and negative compared to the previous days.

Although the domestic economy has been hit as hard as foreign countries during this year, at least the society in China is relatively stable, and the people are more confident.

If it is said that the only thing that still makes the country more troublesome is the young people.Both the elderly and children have risen, and young people have increased pressure because they missed out on cultivation, including employment, education, etc., which are the mountains in the hearts of young people.

Even during this period of time, the fertility rate of young people in Huaxia has dropped. Without him, they dare not have children, for fear that they will not be able to support them.

In the East China Sea in April, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. The jasmine flowers are crawling on the fence of the community, filled with light yellow flowers. The children are playing, holding the picked flowers in the palm of their hands, and gently smelling the fragrance.

The catkins are floating and dancing with the wind, adding a different kind of peace to the movement.

It’s just different from old people taking care of children in the past. Now many of the children in the community are young people, because the old people in the family have gone out to earn a lot of money.

However, many young people with children have somewhat sad faces on their faces. After all, they start raising children at a young age, and they are useless.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang couldn't help laughing, thinking what kind of thing this is.

We can't let young people be so idle. If they keep idle, they will get sick. It's better to make children at home than this.Thankfully that will change starting next Tuesday!
Seeing that he came back, many young people took the initiative to say hello, with a look of surprise.

Smiling and waving to everyone, Zhang Jiangang hurried home.

In a certain living room of Phase 5 of Longteng Community, two children, one big and one small, were busy with their own business.Lele children are doing arithmetic problems on their own, while a one-year-old kid keeps hitting the wall with his fists, and he doesn't know if he is sick or venting.

"Take it lightly, Shinobu, this kid!" Yin Xiaolei said hurriedly, and she didn't know when the second child fell in love with smashing walls.

"Hey, if our second baby goes out to participate in a boxing match, he will definitely be a boxing champion, and he can stand out." Liu Fangping, the mother-in-law, booed.

"Mom, what are you talking nonsense, you still play boxing matches, this level is hard to find. Who will fight with him, other people's children are still breastfeeding at such an old age." Yin Xiaolei said speechlessly, "Don't hit me, don't hit me! Shinobu, your hands are broken. Tell mom what's wrong with you."

It's just that Erbao shook his head desperately, and continued to smash his fists against the wall.


Yin Xiaolei and Liu Fangping were also speechless.

Looking at the two children growing up at the same time, Liu Fangping felt a sense of relief and happiness in her heart.The life of the son and daughter-in-law is really good. These days, when Liu Fangping takes the children out to play, she often sees some young people with children and some elderly people.

Everyone is talking about young people and the pressure.

In fact, the pressure is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the feeling of powerlessness.They are obviously young, but young people nowadays feel abandoned.

They also want to do their part for this society, but they are so powerless under the strong performance of the uncle and aunt.

For a moment, it felt like the world no longer needed them.

Still have children. Recently, a signal was revealed on the Internet that the country encourages having children.But how to raise after giving birth.

Although her family is very happy, every time she hears young people outside talking about these things, Liu Fangping is also worried about them.

"Grandma, grandma, I'm done, please give me a score." On the other side, Xiao Lele was holding a sheet of arithmetic problems written by her mother, with the answers written all over it slantedly, a bit expectant and apprehensive Looking at Liu Fangping.

"Okay, okay, mother-in-law will show you." Liu Fangping said with a smile.

"Xiaoren, Xiaoren, let's see my sister's score." Yin Xiaolei also said hurriedly, trying to divert Erbao's attention.It's just that Erbao glanced back, then turned back with contempt on his face, and continued to smash the wall.

That means that I have already known the first grade questions.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open.

"Lele!" A voice came from the door, it was Comrade Zhang who hurried back from the south.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Lele's eyes lit up, and then excitedly ran over to her grandpa, wanting a hug.

It's just that people didn't expect that when Zhang Jiangang was smiling and opening his arms, Erbao, who was still smashing the wall just now, moved!
He didn't hit the wall any more, his small body swished towards the door, and then pulled Zhang Jiangang's trouser leg and pulled it into the bedroom, his whole big eyes were shining!

"This?" Confused, not to mention Zhang Jiangang, even Xiao Lele, Yin Xiaolei and grandma Liu Fangping were confused.

What's the situation, when did this kid get so close to grandpa?

"What are you doing, kid?" Even Zhang Jiangang couldn't help asking.

There was no answer, and the little hand tugged at Zhang Jiangang's trouser leg.

"Slow down, slow down." Seeing this, Zhang Jiangang said hurriedly, and at the same time, he followed the little thing into the bedroom while changing his shoes.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, the little guy actually pushed the door and closed it.

Then, under Zhang Jiangang's gaze, the little guy picked up Lele's usual drawing paper and pen, and began to draw on the paper!


You son of a bitch!Called your grandpa back all the way just to let me watch you draw?
With one stroke of the pen, Erbao drew a circle on the A4 paper.

Zhang Jiangang almost died of anger.

Why do you love acting so much?
"What do you mean? Curse me in another circle?" Zhang Jiangang said speechlessly.

A certain kid had a black line on his forehead.

At this moment, Lele and the others also came in with a confused look on their faces.

And soon, looking at the picture drawn by Erbao, thinking about what happened in the past few days, and looking at Erbao's serious and immature face, Zhang Jiangang changed from speechless to serious at first, and then became very strange. Surprise and shock followed!

I saw that it was very simple, Erbao drew a circle on the paper, and then drew a slightly crooked line!
That line, above the circle, is separated by a distance of a few centimeters!
It's like a cover.

Then, the little hand drew a few more lines, to be precise, a few linear arrows, and then pointed directly at the circle!
After finishing the painting, the little guy took a look at Zhang Jiangang. Do you understand the meaning of that little look?Be provocative!
Inexplicably, the muscles at the corners of Zhang Jiangang's mouth twitched ~ twice.Not because of the provocative look in the little guy's eyes, but because Zhang Jiangang seemed to have thought of something.

And when Zhang Jiangang's complexion changed, and Yin Xiaolei's mother and daughter looked confused, Erbao spoke in teeth, then ran to the living room staggeringly with a pen and paper, and turned on the TV in front of everyone!
Yin Xiaolei's mother and daughter were dumbfounded!
He has become a genius, this kid has become a genius!

Especially this little guy not only knows how to turn on the TV, but also can tune the channels, and frowns in a serious manner, just like a little adult!
He is a one-year-old child!
"What's the matter, what is the second treasure doing?" Liu Fangping, the mother-in-law, was even more surprised.

Yin Xiaolei shook her head, I don't know what that means.

"What did grandpa and brother draw? Did he draw that it was going to rain?" Instead, Xiao Lele said, as if thinking of something. "Is my brother drawing the sun, or the earth? What does this arrow mean?"

What Xiao Lele said was very close!
"It should be." Zhang Jiangang just returned, and looked at the TV of Erbaodiao at the same time!
During this time, Erbao has jumped to the animal world after several tune-ups.

On the TV, it is the hyena eating carrion in the animal world, with flies floating on it, and the narration also mentions the deadly bacteria and viruses in the carrion.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiangang's eyes narrowed.

And Er Bao's little hand just pointed at everything in the picture, and then looked back at Zhang Jiangang!
Yin Xiaolei's mother and daughter didn't understand what was going on, but how could Zhang Jiangang not understand!
What is the origin of this little guy!He was hinting, hinting at the emergence of Yuan Bacteria!
It must be so, it must be!

At this moment, Zhang Jiangang picked up Erbao, "What the hell is your kid? Do you know when and where those immortal demons come from!" Holding Erbao high at this moment, when Zhang Jiangang spoke His eyes are bright!

His eyes were filled with anticipation and apprehension!
It can be seen that my second treasure is definitely more than one level stronger than that guy Zhao Yuxiao!
Zhao Yuxiao only guessed it after he told him, but Erbao felt it in advance!It's too mysterious, what is Er Bao's origin!
Why can he perceive these?

It's not important anymore, these are not important anymore!

At this moment, Zhang Jiangang just wanted to know if Erbao knew when and where the first batch of immortal invaders would appear, how many there were, and how powerful they were!How much preparation time man has!
At least know where the world entrance is at that time!

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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