Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 388 Hot Search Hot Search!

Chapter 388 Hot Search Hot Search!

The past half an hour has been a torment, and countless netizens at home and abroad are trying to figure out what happened.

I want to know what's going on in the Persian Gulf, why the arrogant fat reporter Sun Jun suddenly cut off the live broadcast, and then reappeared with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and why the aircraft carrier was in chaos.

And what's going on now?

Netizens in China are very anxious, and netizens overseas are also trying their best to understand.

High-level officials of various countries are also asking diplomats, including military exchange personnel and even spies, to inquire about the specific situation.

Although the specific situation is not clear, everyone vaguely feels that something big has happened.

And about half an hour later, the account of the military reporter who was concerned at home and abroad was updated, although there were only a few photos and a few lines of text.

And these photos are horrible!

On the Kenlin aircraft carrier, not a single plane could be seen, the bridge was swept away, and it felt like the entire surface of the aircraft carrier was flattened, leaving only a bruised and swollen North Army soldier with his head in his arms and being trampled under his feet by a monster .

There are also soldiers fleeing on the deck with bloodless faces, and the frightened and powerless expression of Commander Harris.

In another photo, dozens of warships were overturned under the churning of sea monsters, lying and rolling in the sea.

In the third photo, a group of people driving giant flying monsters soared from the deck of the aircraft carrier, facing the sun, while the other group was holding the radar, carrier aircraft and dormitory anti-aircraft guns, and headed towards the distance The cruise ship flies away.

And in the background of each photo, there are countless marine monsters churning in the ocean, which is so mighty and majestic that it makes people feel numb and magnificent!And the flags on the North M warships were all torn and played by monsters in the sea, and they were in ruins.

There are too many, there are too many monsters, there are established ones, and of course there are vague Chinese people who are in command.

The general feeling is that the entire 5th Fleet has been dismantled alive, which is horrible.Those who knew it were real warships, but those who didn’t know it thought it was a brat holding a toy and dismantling it.

That's horrible!
In almost an instant, everyone's perception of the most powerful military force on the earth, the Beibei Navy, was shaken!
Everyone feels that this is not a powerful aircraft carrier fleet, it is simply a pile of scrap metal.

Everyone does not know that this result is not a real and well-prepared confrontation.In fact, if each other is ready to fight, then Longteng's cruise escort monsters will definitely be damaged. Of course, if they win, they can still win. After all, the abilities of Jindan realm monsters are not great.

The fleet's biggest mistake was getting the cruise ships too close together.Then I was stunned when I saw the flickering light spots on the radar and sonar all over the screen, and I didn't know what was going on.

In any case, half an hour later, the social account of the fatty military reporter was updated again, which shocked everyone, including domestic and overseas netizens, and even the high-level military officials from various countries who have been following up and waiting.

Scared, everyone is really scared.

Senior officials and military generals from at least a dozen countries looked at the pictures for more than ten seconds and were speechless.

Among them are high-level executives from East Asia, Japan~Korea, Southeast Asia, and even high-level executives from those powerful countries in Europe.Of course, the high-level brothers in African countries stared even wider, and the big white eyeballs felt as if they were about to fall out.

"Has there been a reply from the North?"

"No sir! We are in contact, and it seems that all our contacts in Beijing have muted their voices."

"Contact again, let our spies figure out what's going on as soon as possible!"

Europe, Asia, and especially the high-level officials of several countries in Asia that previously relied on North Korea and had troops stationed in North Korea were extremely anxious.

lost!The northerners must have lost, and they lost badly!Otherwise, it would be impossible for more than 40 minutes to pass without even a single sound, and the military and high-level officials in Beijing seem to have silenced their voices for a while!
What does it mean, this means that Bei M probably can't afford to lose this person!
The top leaders of various countries are like this, and ordinary netizens in Europe and the United States naturally react more, and they are the first to pay attention to the social account of the fat military reporter.

In just over ten minutes, the fat reporter's social account has more than [-] comments on the latest content, and countless retweets.

My God! what's going on !
The comments are full of similar questions, full of anxiety and curiosity.

Some of them are worried about the North M Navy, but there is no lack of gloating.This is the case even in Europe. There are definitely not a few people who have seen Beima suffer and make trouble, and I am afraid that even the high-level officials of some European countries are like this.

"Is this the most powerful fleet in the world? Could it be that what I knew before was all fake?"

"Is the Fifth Fleet doing renovations?"

"Haha, the people of Country M have today, well done!" Even now, many overseas people still haven't separated the Dragon Immortal Territory, subconsciously thinking that this is their action.

Of course, in fact, it is definitely impossible to separate Longteng Immortal Territory.But the high-level will not admit it, it must be denied.

"You guys are too happy, you dare to draw conclusions based on a few photos? Beima's army will always be the most powerful army in this world!"

"Haha, don't wake them up upstairs, let them have sex by themselves!" These few commenters are obviously the kind of devoted to Bei M, stubbornly persisting.

Now in a short period of time, netizens from all walks of life on the European Internet have already quarreled.In fact, it is similar here, but there are obviously not as many dogs in North China as there are in Europe.

And while netizens on the European Internet were arguing endlessly about this, some were excited when they saw the people of country M stumble, while others desperately defended themselves and defended the North M fleet in their hearts.

After about 5 minutes, the latter apologists were excited!

"What's going on! What about Henry's account! Why is Henry's account crazy!"

"Haha, let me just say it's fake! Defeating Beim, Beim is the most powerful existence on this planet, it's just a dream!"

Henry was the name of the fat man's military reporter.

Yes, after only 5 minutes, the social platform blocked the account of this military reporter named Henry!

Moreover, the social platform mentioned in Henry's previous link that the user was reported for posting false news and has been blocked!
Yes, this social platform believes that the news just now is fake news!
For a moment, everyone was a little confused.

Those European people who previously maintained the North M Fleet had an upsurge, while another part of European netizens felt a little lost all of a sudden.

But soon, someone reacted!
Close the account!Even this low-level move has been done, which shows how big the North M Fleet stumbled!In Europe, countless netizens suddenly realized!
Similarly, netizens in Asia have also reacted.After all, I have been immunized and adapted to the baptism of various rumors and coquettish operations in Europe over the years, and I quickly guessed the tricks behind it!
At the same time, paper cannot keep fire. After more than an hour passed, the officials and military leaders of other overseas countries finally found out what happened at the entrance of the Persian Gulf through various channels, but ordinary people did not know all this.

There is still a lot of hype on the overseas network, especially after social media deleted the account and declared it to be fake news, the quarrel among netizens became more intense.

And it's almost the same in China, it's really high~ tide!

"Haha, let the angry~you guys be disappointed! I want to defeat the Fifth Fleet, and it's a commercial oil cruise ship, just dream!"

"Haha, the Angry~Youth probably won't be able to sleep today, and I don't know what they are thinking, but... they can beat others, haha."

"That's right, Longteng Xianyu is a joke! Just look at it, don't talk about Europe, even the Japanese and Koreans in Asia don't like you! They also launched Lingshi currency, issued national debts, paid back Longteng Xianyu, and played by yourself Go, haha!"

"Don't wake them up, let them go to Y by themselves, ahaha!" On the Internet, a group of people began to celebrate and jubilate.

Although there are only a small number of such people on the Internet, and they have been seen more and more by young netizens in the past few years, but to be honest, this scene really made many young netizens very angry.

However, this scene only lasted half an hour.

Half an hour later, on the Internet, it exploded, it really exploded, and the two major news quickly rose to the top two on Weibo's most searched list.

The first hot search is: Big news!South Korea just officially subscribed for 4000 billion Longteng Xianyu national debt!
And the second hot search is: The latest news, Japan just subscribed for 5000 billion Longteng Xianyu national debt!
(End of this chapter)

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