Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 399 You Ruined Our Childhood~Crying To Death

Chapter 399 You Ruined Our Childhood~Crying To Death
Although the ancient teleportation array is a weakened version, in his opinion there are only two possibilities, otherwise Zhang Jiangang would never be able to build it.

Either they found new ancient relics, or there were top immortals from other planes who came into contact with fellow daoist Zhang Jiangang and provided them!

Zhao Yuxiao suddenly turned his head and asked the two subordinates.

It's just that Zhao Yuxiao was disappointed by the answers of the two subordinates, "Return to my lord, it seems not."

"Yes, my lord, indeed not." Fairy Chery also returned.

"No?" Zhao Yuxiao was taken aback, "Go, find him immediately."

At this moment, Zhao Yuxiao had too many questions in his mind to ask Zhang Jiangang.At the same time, he never expected that Zhang Jiangang would have mastered such a complex and advanced teleportation formation technique.

What does this mean? It shows that Zhang Jiangang may also have high attainments in other formations, such as some attack and defense formations!

Where did this guy get these things, Zhao Yuxiao sighed even more.

I don't know why, every time after retreating, every time I feel that my strength has risen to a higher level, every time I see Zhang Jiangang, the changes are even greater and more mysterious.

While thinking about this, Zhao Yuxiao's master and servant walked up to the teleportation formation.The next moment, the five-element and eight-diagram diagram under the feet suddenly rotated, and the runes on it rotated at high speed, and the brilliance flashed!
Then, Zhao Yuxiao felt that the three of them slowly, very steadily and quietly disappeared in place accompanied by the psychedelic power of the five elements!

"It's amazing." Zhao Yuxiao was shocked by this scene.

And the next moment, when Zhao Yuxiao and others came back to their senses, the three of them had already arrived at the most mysterious island in Longteng Immortal Territory, Longteng Island!
Before they could see what was outside, Zhao Yuxiao and the others could already hear voices from the island.

"Look, look, look, there's another one!"

"Oh my god! It's really amazing to be able to teleport people out of thin air!"

"This is the teleportation array? I really want to go up and try it."

"Try it? What about three spirit stones at a time, sitting for three years for nothing."

"Whoever has sat on this thing, tell everyone what it feels like, tell me quickly."

"Uncle Guo has sat down, and I have seen it several times."

The fuzzy teleportation array is very lively outside, a lot of people are guarding the teleportation array to watch the fun.

"It's Zhao Yuxiao! Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao, have you left Lao Zhao?" When they saw clearly who was coming, everyone cheered.One of them, a white-haired old man with a crew cut and sitting on a small bench in a white vest, big pants, and flip flops, shouted even more excitedly.

While shouting, the old man stood up from the small bench excitedly, and even the huge clouded leopard beside him had his eyes widened with excitement.

Lao Zhao?When will I become old Zhao Guo Fugui!You are Lao Zhao, and your family is Lao Zhao!Zhao Yuxiao was speechless.

"Oh, Fugui is here too." Zhao Yuxiao glanced at Guo Fugui, stunned for a moment, then surprised.

As expected of a strong Zi Yu!The strength has risen so much again.

And the strength of these onlookers is not low.

Seeing that it was Zhao Yuxiao, everyone was very excited, even with a little admiration.After all, Zhao Yuxiao's influence and popularity in China are also very high.

"Ahaha, isn't this taking the young people to watch the fun?" Comrade Guo Fugui said even more excitedly after tying the clouded leopard to the nearby willow tree like a cow, "Have you heard, old Zhao, Beiyu?" The Great Heavenly Venerable for Suffering has already been settled, and it is you."

As soon as these words came out, the people at the scene exclaimed.

"I've seen the great Tianzun!" The others even booed.

"Eh hehe, okay. Don't call me old Zhao from now on. Fugui, where is Master?" Zhao Yuxiao asked awkwardly.

"Okay, old Zhao." Uncle Guo said, fanning the cattail fan, "Oh, Master, he is exchanging land with Yuan Lao in the east. Go east and walk more than 270 miles along the orchard of Longteng Island."

"..." Call me Old Zhao!

"Thank you so much! Let's go!" Not daring to talk to Comrade Fugui anymore, Zhao Yuxiao spewed out a flying sword from his hand in the next moment, and then stepped on the sword and went straight to the east!

Although Lu Feng and Fairy Qirui didn't have swords, they were not slow to follow!
The scene of the three of them, especially Zhao Yuxiao stepping on the sword and flying straight to the east was very shocking, and it even caused a burst of exclamation.After all, there are not many Jindan masters on the entire earth.

"Flying with the sword! Oh my god, Jindan is so cool!" Beside Guo Fugui, someone even exclaimed enviously.

"It's so strong, it's worthy of being the number one fairy in the world!" Another girl shouted excitedly.

Taoist Lu Feng and Fairy Qirui were quite pleased with these words.The number one fairy in the world, our lord is so cool!Of course, there are more or less immortals' sense of superiority.

And at this moment, the speed of Zhao Yuxiao's flying sword soared, and after a loud bang like an explosion, the person and the flying sword flew towards the east, which was extremely shocking!

This scene frightened many people to cover their ears and their faces changed.

"What's going on?" Someone even exclaimed.

"What's going on? Hehe, let me, an immortal, tell you, it's because my lord's speed is so fast that it caused a reaction with heaven and earth, the power of the five elements..." Daoist Lu Feng muttered softly, secretly proud of himself.

That's amazing?My lord was even stronger when he was in the fairy world!

After all, you don't understand. After all, the power of the five elements and the reaction of the heaven and the earth are too profound. In short, it is enough to be tall.

Let me tell you this, every monk in Yujianfei will encounter this situation. It has been many years since the fairy world of our plane has not figured it out yet.

When Yujian flew and encountered an explosion, it means that you are already a veritable golden core powerhouse!This explosion sound is a sign of Jindan's stability!
Taoist Lu Feng was still proud and was about to chase after his lord, but he heard a voice behind him.

"I know I know! Don't be afraid, everyone, it's no big deal! It's a sonic boom! When an object's speed is close to the speed of sound... the moment it breaks through the sound barrier, a sonic boom will form, which shows that Zhao Datianzun's speed is just at that moment It's faster than the speed of sound, it's amazing!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, so simple, I thought there was something wrong with Tianzun's flying sword."

"How is it possible, the strength of the Great Tianzun is just a sonic boom. Elementary school students know the knowledge."

Pfft~~ At this moment, Taoist Lu Feng almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Sonic boom?My fairy world has studied the problem for countless years, is the sonic boom that elementary school students understand?

Fairy Chery was similar, almost tripping over a rock!
How excited they were when they broke through the Jindan Yujian in the fairyland and heard the explosion. They couldn't sleep for several months just to hear the sound.It's not just the two of them, let me ask which Jindan powerhouse is not like this, the result, the result!
You bastards, you ruined our childhoods!

Fortunately, Zhao Yuxiao was already flying at supersonic speed, otherwise he would have fallen off the flying sword after hearing the scientific explanation behind him.

But even so, Zhao Yuxiao was quickly surprised by the back, because he felt the majestic aura behind him.

Turn around suddenly.

"Oh, this is a sonic boom? Then I will do this trick, I will do this trick! Old Zhao Tianzun, wait for me, I will go with you!" Comrade Guo Fugui threw the cattail fan into the sky , and then stood up domineeringly, and then, rumbling~ Old Guo Yushan flew, chasing Zhao Yuxiao!


At this moment, Zhao Yuxiao's lips were trembling.

Jindan!Fugui has actually advanced to Jindan, even though he is far weaker than himself!
Although Fugui's strength is much worse than his own, but this growth rate is too fast, right?The two haven't seen each other for more than ten days, how come their strength grows so fast, isn't it said that it will take more than two months to cross the tribulation?
Even Taoist Lu Feng and Fairy Qi Rui who were running on the ground were also taken aback.

It's so embarrassing, Mr. Fugui, we are also immortals after all, can you show some face?We are still running on the ground, you can already fly with a sword!We immortals don't want to lose face?

Next time, hurry up and ride the whole mount, or it will be too embarrassing, the two thought in their hearts.

"My lord, it seems that the strongest masters of Zhang's Longevity Fist mysteriously disappeared in batches for a period of time, and then they all became much stronger when they came out." The voice transmission of my own adults.

"Disappeared for a while? Secretly speed up the cultivation collectively and urgently improve the strength?" Looking at Zhao Yuxiao again, he was taken aback.

Combined with the previous events, Zhao Yuxiao's expression changed.

Get ready!Zhang Jiangang is preparing for battle!Could he already know the time of the invasion?

Although it was just a guess, Zhao Yuxiao was also shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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