Chapter 4

Zhang Jiangang knew that it was one aspect of the young couple's training of Lele, but they also blamed themselves for spending money indiscriminately, and they also blamed themselves for pampering their children.

Why didn't Zhang Jiangang know this truth? After all, he was about the same age as the couple in his previous life, and before his spiritual energy recovered, he often criticized the old man for spoiling children on the Internet.

But I just took Lele to make up for it because I just watched Lele and haven't bought a good dress or played with a good toy for more than three years.And the things they bought were not famous brands, they were just things that many families would buy for their children.

In the final analysis, the life of the young couple is too difficult.If life is better, Lele doesn't need to buy these things by himself, the young couple would have already bought them by themselves.

Why do you have to be poor if you can live an ordinary life? It’s mostly because you are really poor.As a parent, who doesn't want their children to have a better life.

Some things still need to be relaxed and moderate, not too coddled, but not too deliberately strict.Proper guidance is best when it comes naturally.

"Okay, okay, I bought it for Lele on my own initiative. For more than three years, Lele has never worn a decent dress or bought a serious toy. What if I bought something for her? You can lose a piece of meat, and you don’t buy it every day. You two are busy all day long, and you are not at home with her all day long. When you come back, you will either send her to watch TV, or you will be impatient. If you just meet her and train her, what do you want to do?"

In Zhang Jiangang's view, parents show impatience at every turn, especially scolding children is more terrible than pampering them.

Not to mention the latter, the impatience and reprimand of the former is likely to lead to introverted, unconfident and insecure personalities in the child in the future.

What's even more frightening is that children may not like to communicate with adults when they grow up, and keep everything in their hearts.

"Dad, you're spoiling her again. How can we spend so much time with her? Don't we still have to go to work?" Son Zhang Wenjun said in a low voice helplessly.

Looking at his daughter-in-law, he glanced at Lele and then at Zhang Jiangang. "Wenjun, Dad, I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest first." After finishing speaking, daughter-in-law Yin Xiaolei went to the master bedroom without eating.

Zhang Jiangang could tell that his daughter-in-law was dissatisfied with him.That is to say, the daughter-in-law is not only filial, but also good-natured and well-educated. Some daughter-in-laws might have turned their backs.

Of course, I am a young man after all, so I just spoke bluntly.

"This?" Zhang Wenjun was taken aback.

"Okay, okay, go and coax. Don't worry, your father is also a person who knows that being too pampered is not good for children. I know it in my heart, go, Lele, I will coax you." Zhang Jiangang didn't want to embarrass his son. Said, touching the granddaughter in his arms.

This little guy actually fell asleep.

"By the way, don't put too much pressure on you two. You can't earn enough money. The most important thing is good health and a happy family."

Looking at his father again, Zhang Wenjun sighed and nodded.

But just after two steps, Zhang Wenjun came back and took out his wallet from his pocket.

"Dad, how much did you spend today?" Zhang Wenjun took out more than 1000 yuan while speaking.


"You don't have much money in your hand, and you spent so much today. Take this money and treat it as it is."

Before he finished speaking, the money was pushed back by Zhang Jiangang.

"Put it all together, your father still needs some money from you. People of my age don't usually have much money to spend. You two can keep it for yourselves."

"Besides, what's the matter if you give me the money I bought for my granddaughter, take it back." Zhang Jiangang stared at him and then said, "Hurry up and go see your daughter-in-law. What I said just now was a bit serious, so go."

No matter how old a son is, he is still a son. When Zhang Jiangang stared at him, Zhang Wenjun remembered the scene when he was reprimanded by his father when he was a child, and then took the money back with a shiver.

"Hey, wait a minute, Mr. Wen, this is for you." Zhang Jiangang suddenly thought of something, and took out a card, which was the shopping card given to him by the boss of Dongfang City today.I don't know how much money is in it.

"Shopping card? Dad, where did you get it? You can just buy things directly, and you have to go through a lot of trouble getting a card." Zhang Wenjun was taken aback.

"I don't have time to get that. It was given to me by the owner of the shopping center when I was singing in Dongfang City today. You can take it and use it. It probably doesn't have much money in it. Oh, by the way, the rice is in the pot, so you can make do with it." Eat some."

"I won't eat if I'm not hungry. Sing? You can sing?"

After a while, his son Zhang Wenjun returned to the master bedroom.

Watching this scene, Zhang Jiangang sighed.

Money, it seems that no matter which earth you are on, it is not easy for young people.

"It's still your little guy who lives happily and carefree." At the same time, he glanced at his granddaughter who had fallen asleep in his arms and was still drooling, Zhang Jiangang said with a smile.

And just when Zhang Jiangang was sighing here, the old man's phone rang beside him.


"Old Zhang, why didn't you come to the square dance tonight? Are you avoiding me? Let me tell you that today we changed a new square dance accompaniment, which is very nice. And Lao Wang has something for you explain."

Zhang Jiangang smiled wryly, looking at his dance partner named Wang Lifen before he was reborn.

Zhang Jiangang knew that this 50-year-old former square dancing aunt's partner was interested in her ex.But, my mental age is only in my twenties, aunt, please let me go, this little fresh meat.

"Why am I hiding from you? I'm here with my granddaughter, and I just fell asleep. Let's talk about it later." The square dance is so strange and scary, Zhang Jiangang hurriedly hung up the phone after speaking.

Does the new square dance sound good?Can it sound better than Little Apple and the most dazzling ethnic style?Can it be better than "We Are Different"?Zhang Jiangang smiled, and then carried his granddaughter to the bed in the second bedroom, and then practiced according to the exercises he got from the memory of his previous life.

Although there is no aura, Zhang Jiangang is not here to become an immortal, but to live a few more years in good health. After all, no one knows whether the world will recover or not.

In the other room, when he saw his wife lying on the bed choked up and crying softly, Zhang Wenjun felt uncomfortable.

"Don't cry, Dad asked me to apologize to you. He said he spoke too hard. Don't pay too much attention to it. People in their era were like this. Don't think too much about it." Patting his wife on the shoulder, Zhang Wenjun Said.

"I'm not blaming my dad, I'm just angry with myself. Being in my 30s has caused me Lele to suffer so much. I haven't even bought him a better toy or clothes. I feel uncomfortable, and I'm not a good mother." I didn't expect that it would be better if I didn't talk about it, but Yin Xiaolei cried even more when she talked about it, and directly covered her face with the quilt for fear that the neighbors would hear it.

"Hey, it's my fault that following me made you suffer." Hearing these words, Zhang Wenjun's heart ached.

I have failed in the past 30 years.If my father hadn't paid the down payment for me, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have this 70 small house now.

Fortunately, I bought it early, and now the house price in this part of Donghai City has risen to almost [-].

Gently, Yin Xiaolei stood up and looked at her husband.

"Honey, do you think we'll be like this for the rest of our lives? It doesn't matter if we are a little bit tired, but I feel bad when I think of Lele." With tears in her eyes, Yin Xiaolei said.

"No, no, everything will be fine." Patting his wife on the shoulder, Zhang Wenjun hurriedly comforted him.

But in fact, Zhang Wenjun is also a little confused about the future.

"Oh, by the way, did you know that Dad took Lele to Dongfang City to sing today. Have you seen Lele's rabbit toy and balloons? Dad won them back. The boss of the shopping center even gave Dad a A shopping card." Maybe to comfort his wife, or maybe because he didn't want to talk about that heavy topic, Zhang Wenjun said suddenly.

"Singing? And giving something? Just your dad's voice? Let me see." Although her voice was still a little choked, Yin Xiaolei wiped her tears and said while taking the shopping card.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wenjun wiped off his cold sweat.The daughter-in-law is really foolish, so she forgot what happened just now.

That's right, if it wasn't for being a good fool, how could it be possible for her to marry her home.

But having said that, Zhang Wenjun treats his wife absolutely wholeheartedly.It's really impossible to quit your current job. Instead of being angry at the company and getting that little money, it's better to work hard for your family!
Zhang Wenjun's only comfort is that although life is hard, at least the family is harmonious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenjun looked at his wife.

"It's really a shopping card. Dad really won it by singing? Why don't I believe it?"

"Hehe, don't talk about you, I don't believe it. Come on, let's go to sleep. Lele just happened to be in Dad's room and fell asleep, hehe."


"You know, hehe." Finally, her daughter slept next door, Zhang Wenjun would not be willing to take this great opportunity.

But the smile on his face hadn't dissipated, and his hands and feet were still being used together. His wife, Yin Xiaolei, spoke and pushed him away.

"Don't!" Yin Xiaolei's expression was a bit wrong.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Wenjun was taken aback.

"I have."

"Ah!! Is the second child pregnant?"


"I am not Cao!"

(End of this chapter)

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