Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 427 Immortal faction rules people?

Chapter 427 The Immortal Camp Talker?
Normally, a ghost or a fairy can't be seen, but today I finally had the courage to come out to relax, to see the fearful expressions of mortals, and to see the jokes, but all the monsters and ghosts came out.

Gu Ming never expected that there are so many immortals and ghosts hidden in a small county town of 10,000+ people!

Gu Ming doesn’t know, not to mention that they are ignorant of ghosts and spirits, even Zhang Jiangang didn’t expect that a movie can attract [-]% of immortals and spirits, although this may be the first real mortal and real monk in human history. A movie about the entrance to the world shot by real monsters.

All in all, it's too busy.

"What about you?" Bite the bullet, Gu Ming sent a sound transmission to the demons and immortals in the front, back, left, left, and right, but his heart was pounding.

As for Gu Ming's subordinates, they were very annoying, and wondered if they could let them watch the movie well.I finally spent a lot of money to buy a movie ticket, can you take care of my viewing experience?

"Us? Of course we talked to Long Teng!"

Gu Ming didn't expect the immortals from other planes to come out.

And the fairy charms of other planes are similar.

What's more, they didn't expect that if they came out out of curiosity and boldness, those beasts on the eighth plane would be so bold and dare to come out to join in the fun, so they wouldn't be afraid of being caught?
Everyone subconsciously doesn't think that the ghosts of the eighth plane dare to come out. After all, during this period of time, the ghosts of the eighth plane are all acting as ghosts with their tails between their legs. And I'm free to watch movies.

This gut is too fat.

"How to talk about it? Zhang Jiangang's son has never agreed." Gu Ming said simply.As for the subordinates around him, they were already sweating profusely, feeling like they were sitting on pins and needles.

Gu Ming's subordinates swore that they would never go to the movies again in their next life.

I have never encountered such a dangerous scene in my previous life.

A movie that mirrors reality draws out so many demons and immortals, and it also shows that the mentality of demons and immortals is a bit messy at this stage. It is a kind of anxiety, expectation, fear, and at the same time want to see jokes but also want to take advantage of it, etc. A state of emotional anxiety.

And just as this group of demons and immortals were communicating with each other through sound transmission, on the big screen, the first 3D movie in human history with live performances of real monsters, beasts and immortals had already begun.

Immortals and demons were hiding among the ordinary audience, wearing 3D glasses and watching, the atmosphere was very strange.

At the same time, Gu Ming didn't know that these immortals and ghosts could only be said to have come together by coincidence, but in Huaxia Tianjing, there was a movie theater on the fourth floor of Yida Plaza there, that was a real group of immortals.

In the No. 100 auditorium of that movie theater, only a dozen or so of the more than 3 seats were vacant, and the others were watching movies wearing [-]D glasses, all of them were immortals!
Sitting in the front row is the immortal Zhao Yuxiao from Plane 73.

"Everyone, let's watch the movie first, and let's discuss it after it's over." Looking at the scene that had already started, Zhao Yuxiao said directly to the other plane immortals he had summoned in the screening hall.

"Actually, Zhao feels that the situation on the No. [-] plane is very good now, and everyone doesn't have to fight like in other planes of aura recovery." Zhao Yuxiao went on to say, "Just imagine, if we were in other planes, what would we do now?" what are you doing."

"Let's not say it's been a year like now, even after ten years, we immortals from different planes won't have the opportunity to sit here like we are now without worrying about the immortals from different planes playing tricks on each other."

Because this playback hall was banned, people outside could not hear the content inside.

After hearing Zhao Yuxiao's words, an immortal who was two seats away in the same row frowned.

Every face behind the other 3D glasses was also touched.

"That's right. In other ordinary recovery planes, let alone a year or two, even decades have passed and the situation has not stabilized. The immortals and demons are all vying for territory in the mortal world, fighting, assassinating, almost It exists every day." A fairy sighed.

"There are still mortals, miserable and chaotic." Another immortal couldn't help but said.

In contrast, on the No. [-] plane, mortals controlled the situation and formed a short-term balance.

The immortals and demons did not dare to attack randomly, and they all concentrated their strength to fight against the same enemy, and this enemy was still the weakest mortal in everyone's eyes.

In other planes, the immortals monopolize everything, and the price is that the mortal world has become a battlefield between immortals and demons.

It can be said that the casualties of other mortal planes of recovery are more than ten times higher than that of plane one, and the other planes are not the plane of Ziyu.

"So what, this world is supposed to be like this!" A fairy retorted directly, with a rage in the eyes behind the glasses.

"But Sun Daoyou, that's not the case on the first plane." Zhao Yuxiao said directly, and at the same time turned his head to look at the fairy who was speaking behind him.

"That's not because of that bastard Zhang Jiangang."

Hearing this, some immortals in the theater sneered, some were furious, some were silent, and some shook their heads with a smile.

"You can't say that about Sun Daoyou, Zhao is definitely not saying good things about Zhang Jiangang, but Sun Daoyou, just imagine, if there is no Zhang Jiangang, if immortals and demons are allowed to fight each other in the Ziyu World, Sun Daoyou, how many immortals do you think we can live?" , there will be a few people who will be lucky enough to sit here today."

When the words came out, everyone was taken aback.

Zhao Yuxiao's logic is indeed a bit weird.But everyone still couldn't help but think about it.

Indeed, in other planes, because of the fighting between immortals and demons, as well as between immortals and immortals, the proportion of immortals dying is very high.

Both immortals and demons are here to grab the territory, and mortals are no longer a threat, they are just a group of ants, so the immortals and demons can't kill them directly.

And this is still the early stage, after the entrance to the world is opened in the late stage, when the army from all sides arrives, it must be a dark and horrible scene!
It seems that the war happened in the mortal world, but it was actually crushed by this war meat grinder, so there is no fairy himself.

In such a comparison, after Zhang Jiangang quickly rectified the human world and established absolute control over the No. [-] plane, it seemed that the status of immortals and demons was in a more miserable situation. They seemed to be hunted and killed by mortals, but in fact they were far less miserable than other radiation planes.

If it was changed to another radiation plane, more than 100 people in this theater would have already fought.

"What do you want to say, Zhao Yuxiao?" That fellow Daoist Sun spoke again.

"I want to say that it is better not to break this balance for the time being, so we must help Zhang Jiangang resist the evil invasion at the entrance of the world on June 25." Zhao Yuxiao continued. "Zhao is also reflecting these days. I am wondering if we can find another way to balance all of this, instead of killing each other between us. Of course, I mean the short term."

"And it's not just us immortals who will die a lot of people, the lives of mortals are actually their lives." Zhao Yuxiao continued.

"Hmph, mortal, hehe." Someone laughed directly.

"Another way? You mean to let Zhang Jiangang continue to be arrogant!" Daoyou Sun said coldly again.

"I've seen enough of Zhang Jiangang's virtues! We can help with the world entrance this time, but it can't be without any benefits!" The other immortals also echoed.

"It's not unreasonable for me to say what Zhao Daoyou said. The current Zhang Jiangang can indeed achieve a certain balance between us. I think this can be done. Let's work together to resist when the world entrance opens, but!" A person in the fourth row The immortal master paused and continued, "However, once the demon at the entrance to the world is resolved, we will catch Zhang Jiangang immediately! If he refuses to give in, we will kill him and support his son!"

"Let his son be the puppet of our immortal camp, then everything will be easy to handle. We will discuss the distribution of benefits in our immortal plane later!" The immortal said with his eyes shining.

"Good way! Then let Zhang Jiangang and the others go first, and we'll take action when they both lose!" one echoed.

The eyes of the other immortals brightened one by one, "If it is possible, it is best to catch all the masters of evil spirits outside the No. 8 plane who came to help out! At that time, the Ziyu plane will belong to our immortals!"

"Yes! We immortals are all one family, and we can talk about anything behind closed doors! Fellow Daoist Jiang is right, Zhang Jiangang can't be killed, or let his son be our puppet." This is really a great opportunity, the immortal who speaks Thinking of it in my heart, I was even faintly excited.

"If that's the case, then we can't push Zhang Jiangang and his son too hard. We can make a proper compromise in these two days!"


Zhang Jiangang, Zhang Jiangang, I never thought you would give us this opportunity yourself!

On the other side, after hearing these words, Zhao Yuxiao shook his head inwardly.

We immortals are all one family?Do you believe this?

Sure enough, fellow immortals from other planes are full of desires, and their wild nature is hard to tame.How dare they take advantage of the situation at the entrance of the world to loot and imprison Zhang Jiangang in the name of aid!

"Zhao Daoyou, what do you think? You, Zhao Daoyou, will be in charge of this matter. After the matter is completed, we will recommend you to be the speaker of all the planes and fairy world camps facing the No. [-] position!" A person who came here specially from Xiangshi today The immortal surnamed A said excitedly, looking at Zhao Yuxiao with a gleam in his eyes.

"Yes! I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"Agree! We are willing to recommend Zhao Daoyou!"

Hearing this fairy's words, the eyes of the others changed, they were obviously a little excited, and their hearts were beating wildly.

Of course, there were also a few immortal masters from the top planes with comprehensive strength, whose faces changed. It was obvious that they were very unhappy after hearing everyone say that they were going to recommend Zhao Yuxiao.

After all, although Zhao Yuxiao is now popular in the world, but the fairyland on plane 73 is only above average, how can he be the head of the fairyland camp?
However, this unhappiness was covered up in an instant, and these immortals understood the overall situation.

However, the reactions of these immortals have already been captured by Zhao Yuxiao. After all, in terms of resources, Zhao Yuxiao is one of the high-level officials in the Dragon Immortal Territory, which is not comparable to other plane immortals, even if the other party is a super immortal master.

Zhao Yuxiao smiled wryly in his heart, how could he not understand this little thought.

 Please recommend a monthly pass, good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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