Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 443 Human Rage: Battle!kill!

Chapter 443 Human Rage: Battle!kill!

I couldn't see anything, and there were explosions everywhere.

Sanqian Meimei was ambushed as soon as she entered the No. [-] plane before she could figure out the situation.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !


The dense flame-like thing was still pouring down, and the voice was even more depressing, as if urging death.

"My lord, we have been ambushed!" Among the rebellious army, the evil spirit called Haicha said in horror, and even hurriedly took the elixir.

Almost at the same time, a broken arm flew over and hit his back directly.

On the other side, Anshou was also frightened into a cold sweat.

Right in front of him, dozens of demons who were at the peak of their spiritual cultivation stage were killed by the explosion, their flesh and blood flying all over the place.

The flames soared into the sky, and even poured in backwards.

On the other side, more than a dozen unknown weapons that looked like flying swords but were billowing and spewing fire unreasonably rushed in. The speed was so fast that everyone's blood weapons had no time to resist, and fell directly into the team of 3000 people , followed by a rumbling explosion.

Hundreds of demons were directly blown away, and their broken arms were burned all over the place, screaming incomparably.

Some demons hit that thing with their weapons by chance, but immediately there was a violent explosion, turning the bloody weapon into a ball of fire.

There are also some small and long tube-shaped things pouring in like lightning, and there is no way to hide, and then it explodes again, hitting the dead and sticking to the wound!
And there were too many, hundreds or even thousands of them, the impact of lightning and lightning came like a torrential rain, and as soon as it came in, it exploded, blooming everywhere, and the army of three thousand demons who exploded directly suffered heavy casualties.

There is no time to breathe at all, it's too miserable!
In this transitional zone between the entrance and exit of the world, it is simply purgatory on earth in an instant.



"Block it! Ah!"

"Damn mortal!"

"What magic weapons are these!"

In the panic, the demons even fled in all directions, but the space is so big, it's like catching a turtle in a jar, how to escape?
Moreover, the passage to the world has no retreat, and the road behind has already begun to annihilate. There is only one way, and that is to rush out!

terrible!Are we all going to die here today?

"Ah! Help me, my leg!"


The flames filled the air, the gunpowder smoke shrouded, and there were huge explosions that continued, so that no one could see anyone, and many demons couldn't even hear their own voices, and the ears and eyes were all shaken by purple-black blood.

That's horrible!
Moreover, these weapons have no spiritual power at all, which means that they are all weapons invented by mortals.

It's terrible, when did mortals reach this level?

Before they met face to face, the army of three thousand demons who had been domineering and ready to kill the Quartet before became terrified.Even some of them have collapsed.

"Kill! Rush out!" Of course, they were more enraged, and rushed out from the exit that seemed to be close at hand like crazy!

Just, swish swish! !Rumble!
As soon as they rushed up, the demons with hundreds of people were driven back directly, and the entire army was almost wiped out!
"My lord!" Haicha said anxiously.

Looking at the dark hunter who was still defiant before, he was a little confused, and he became a little sober after being shouted by his subordinates, "Set up the formation! Set up the formation, rush out!"

"Shadan Qimei restores her cultivation immediately, quick, quick! Damn, damn mortal!" An Shou said angrily, his face pale.

At the same time, with a bang, Anshou's momentum changed. While recovering his previous Nascent Soul stage cultivation base, at the same time, the power of rules that had just touched the threshold was released, with anger and murderous look in his eyes.

It's just that the breath was released, and the next moment, it was raining fire and rushing in from not far away, hundreds of them!
In an instant, the demons in the front row were taken away again, and they didn't even have time to set up the formation!

Explosions, bangs, flames, and panic completely disorganized the 3000-strong team.

Seeing this scene, Anshou's eyes could kill people, and even with a movement of his body, a sword split a flying mysterious weapon and after it exploded, Anshou rushed up directly, killing several people in a row.

"You bastards, why panic! Set up formations, set up formations, fight out with this deity, and kill all these lowly mortals!" Although he said so, his blood weapon sword and the cylindrical flame-breathing sword just now When the weapon hit, it still frightened Anshou, and his hands were trembling even with a sweet heart.

What a weapon!
I am an existence in the Nascent Soul Stage, so, unexpectedly, I let myself like this under the impact!
"Set up the formation!" After carrying a flying weapon that he had never seen before, the subordinate also shouted hoarsely, and it was even heard through the audience.

"Set up the formation! Kill it!"

After killing several people in a row, coupled with the angry shouts of the two masters, the leader Anshou and Haicha, the demons in the small space finally calmed down a little, and hurriedly formed formations and rushed out desperately.

While charging, everyone shouted like red-eyed and set up an formation, kill them!

At the same time, in a short period of time, only a little over 3000 of the 100 people remained, and nearly [-] of the five hundred Golden Core masters died.

What's more, the remaining ones who didn't die were also mixed with serious and minor injuries.

And this is no more terrifying!

Just when everyone was setting up the formation, releasing their previous cultivation bases, and trying to rush out with the help of the formation!
Suddenly, accompanied by a thing as bright as the scorching sun rushing in from the entrance, all the demons felt a fear from the soul.

The eyes seem to be instantly blind, the body's blood seems to be drained instantly, and even the soul is about to be drained. It is the fear of doomsday.

What kind of weapon is this!
All the demons were frightened.

Almost at the same time, everyone except Anhun couldn't help vomiting blood.

"Blood array! Set up the array!" Seeing this scene, Anshou sound transmission shouted, and at the same time, the power of rules that just touched the threshold was completely released!
blood array!That was a formation made with the blood sacrifices of three thousand demons!
Even so, boom!
Even more powerful than before, I don't know how many times the explosion sounded, there was still heat, and the impact!
Even though there was a blood formation, in an instant, an unknown number of demons in the front row were blown away, or even melted, and rushed out backwards!
"Damn it! Damn it! This deity is going to kill all of you lowly mortals! Set up formation, kill, rush out!" Finally, after an unknown number of people died, Anshou shouted almost hysterically.

At this moment, Anshou can't wait to eat mortal flesh and drink mortal blood.

And his own heart is bleeding!

3000 people! Of the 3000 people, nearly half of them were killed before meeting mortals, and I don’t know how many were seriously injured, shame!shame!

Formation, formation!Anhun's heart is bleeding.

And when the formation was dispersed and these demons formed their formation again in a panic, another wave of attacking flames flew in, mighty and mighty!

At this moment, the demons are really going to collapse.But at this moment, those who can fight at this moment, and still rely on their speed and strength to barely stabilize and rush towards the entrance of the cave, I am afraid that there are only a few Jindan masters left, as well as those top-level powerhouses with deep foundations.

While the bombing continues, the exit that seems to be within easy reach has become the death line for all evil spirits.

"Rush! Rush!" Anshou was already crazy, red-eyed.

"Don't resist, dodge! Go out! Shadan master has a chance to dodge, rush out, Shadan master rush out! Don't form formation! My lord, don't form formation, escape first!" That subordinate Haicha finally came to his senses and roared even more.

It would be fine if those weapons were just one or two, but now there are too many, so they must not be piled up!

Get out, get out!Escape one is one!
(End of this chapter)

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