Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 504 1 Must bring someone here

Chapter 504 Must Bring People Back

Travel to a parallel mortal plane?
As soon as the anonymous user's message came out, it instantly attracted the interest of countless viewers and netizens.

Although the development of parallel planes is not balanced due to some specific reasons, there are always exceptions.

For example, the mortal planes of some other planes are actually very similar to the development of the No. [-] mortal plane, only a few years behind the era.

I heard that the No. 38 plane where Lao Zhang is located is not a few years away from the No. [-] plane.

And some planes even coincidentally sat on the two planes with almost the same history, which led to your birth on the first plane, and you were born on the other plane simultaneously.

Of course, this probability is very small, after all, a seemingly small event in the universe can change the trajectory of a world.

The difference is a thousand miles away, and the result is that the people, things, and societies of the two parallel planes are completely divergent, and become two completely different and unrelated planes.

This situation is mainstream.

"This can, this can!"

"If this is really possible, I must save enough money to travel to another plane. I don't know if there is a plane with a similar height to ours. If so, I don't know another parallel plane. My parents How are they doing?" A netizen whose parents were involved in a car accident a few years ago lamented.

Everyone has regrets. In this world, everyone is irreparable, so if there is a world that is almost the same as the No. [-] plane, although the probability is extremely low, everyone wants to relive it.

"I heard that Parallel Plane 95 is still in the stage where our world is similar to the Qin and Han Dynasties, although the history is somewhat different. You say that if I go with some modern weapons, a solar battery, and a mobile phone full of various Information, can I be emperor there?"

"Oh, by the way, I'm on the third floor of the air-entraining phase!" a netizen said excitedly.

"You go, with your strength at the third level of the entraining stage, it would be cannon fodder if you go there, I forgot to tell you, the spiritual energy was revived there two years ago." One person teased.

"There are planes where there is no revival of spirit energy yet. I went there and you said, can you replicate Lao Zhang's miracle?" One person said excitedly.

"You should die, Lao Zhang won't let you go."


"Stop making trouble, there are no more than [-] planes that haven't recovered their spiritual energy. Let alone us, it is said that even immortals and demons can't go there. If we go, we will be invaders. Think about it with these immortals who invaded us. How is it any different from a ghost?"

"The human beings on the 21st plane have not yet developed, and they are all savages. I heard that it is still in the age of dinosaurs. Have you gone there? Form a group."

"Plane 50 is even more terrifying. Humans on it were killed as soon as they established a tribe 2000 years ago. They are all wild beasts. Beasts and monsters have already established a country. Go and try."

Everyone completely opened up the chatter box, and started to fantasize about things that hadn't even been planned yet.

However, it is clear that everyone clearly feels that a new era has begun.

It may take a very long time, but these dreams may not be impossible to realize in the future.

Of course, there are also people who are inquiring about foreign students from the plane. After all, this is a proper and real study abroad.

Although there is no Zi Yu thing in the Demon Realm, they are rich in other materials, and there are countless charm masters far surpassing the local fairy world.

In such an environment, it would be difficult for local foreign students not to improve rapidly after they went there!
The only bad thing is that the Demon Realm is the Demon Realm after all, and most of the other party's material pills are actually for the Demon Clan, not for the cultivators.

For example, there are actually many deficiencies in the plane trade this time, and the pills that many local monks need cannot be provided by the other party, or they do not match.

Even now, these elixirs are temporarily collected by the Demon Realm, and many of them are not the common Blood Spirit Grass in the Demon Realm.

Fortunately, the local fairyland provided the list and audit, otherwise, if you take too much of these pills, something will happen.

There is also the kung fu, and the kung fu of the evil spirits should not be practiced casually, otherwise it will be too late to regret it.

"Who knows whether ordinary students, who have no cultivation talent and have not yet started to practice, can go to study abroad?"

"Same question! Is there any age requirement? Wouldn't it be priority to approve monks from the local fairyland to study abroad?"

"Can foreigners apply?"

"May I ask, is the air sweet over there? Is it Friedham?"

"Depend on!"

"Depend on!"

"Is it safe? Is there Chinese food over there?"

"By the way, what do they eat over there, do they eat people?"

"What do the girls over there think of the human race? Are they having children?"


Soon, the building was crooked.

While chatting, everyone is looking forward to the release of the detailed content as soon as possible.

Subconsciously, everyone still has some fears about the Enchantment World, but this world has never lacked braves and adventurers.

Countless people are already looking forward to traveling or even studying in the Magic World, but they don't know what the specific application requirements are.

At the same time, seeing the general content of the following agreement, everyone's eyes are also full of anticipation.

Especially in terms of bilateral trade, there are too many categories involved!

It can be said that any imported charm product makes everyone very excited, and they can't wait to buy one immediately.

Everyone wants to know when these things will go on sale, where to buy them, and how much they cost!
And soon, the on-site signing ceremony finally came to an end. At the moment when the young marshal Zhang Wenjun and the prince stood up to finally exchange texts and shake hands, there were waves of applause inside and outside the court.

And they knew that what happened here, these pictures, especially the content of the agreement between the two parties, might soon be spread to the underworld, and then spread to hundreds of other great figures in the fairy world and the ghost world.

But they didn't notice that after the signing ceremony, Zhang Jiangang had disappeared from everyone's sight.

A side hall in the local fairy world, this side hall was where Zhao Yuxiao's body was protected before, and there are people guarding it now, but it will soon be handed over to Zhao Yuxiao's immortals for protection.

"Master!" Looking at Zhang Jiangang, Taoist Lu Feng didn't know what to say.

But he was also relieved.

"Go, don't think about anything, and bring your lords back." Looking at Zhao Yuxiao's subordinate, Zhang Jiangang said with a smile.

"Yes!" Wiping away his tears, Taoist Lu Feng nodded heavily and heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

He knew that Zhang Jiangang didn't need to come out to see him off.

But doing this now shows that he still values ​​his lord very much.

After some kind of secret technique, with a momentary pain and ferocity on his face, the space shook and flickered, Taoist Lu Feng walked away with a complicated expression on his face.

Looking at the disappearing place, Fairy Qi Rui's eyes were wet, but thinking of Zhang Jiangang by her side, Fairy Qi Rui hurriedly wiped away the tears.

Phew~ Zhang Jiangang also shook his head.

"How many months old is the child?" Zhang Jiangang asked softly.

"Back to Master, it's been more than three months." Fairy Qi Rui hurried back.

Zhang Jiangang nodded without saying anything, and at the same time, Old Wu had already arrived by his side.

"Brother, Prince Feng Rong is already waiting for you. The prince said that they are trying to find a way to send someone to plane 38, and they are just waiting for you." Old Wu said softly, and then nodded towards Fairy Qirui.

"Well, let's go." Zhang Jiangang nodded and said.

As for what Old Wu said about sending people to the 38th plane, it is naturally not a real person, and it is naturally not himself, but the soul of the master they charmed.

At present, if he wants to send the information there, the Blood Emperor has only one way.

 doodle fly
(End of this chapter)

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