Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 541? I am a scientist

Chapter 541 I am a scientist
Zhang Jiangang didn't understand the rules related to space, but Zhang Jiangang knew that the Kongming hourglass must be related to the power of space rules!
Moreover, it is not only the power of space rules, it must also be related to the power of time rules.

Although space magic weapons are rare, many people have heard of them.

However, Zhang Jiangang, the magic weapon of time, has hardly heard of it, not even the old man, Emperor Yanhua.

The flashing runes in the dome are as gorgeous as a starry sky.

Zhang Jiangang knew that some of them were runes and inscriptions that manipulated time.

Even though he couldn't understand it himself, Zhang Jiangang judged based on his feeling and that he was the owner of this magic weapon, which runes were responsible for the empty hourglass space and which ones were for time.

"Who is the master of this Kongming hourglass, who can combine the power of two rules into one magic weapon!" Zhang Jiangang couldn't help sighing.

Moreover, this person's control over the rules of time and space is definitely not entry-level, but terrifying.

And what's even more weird, this magic weapon was actually damaged when I discovered it, and it hasn't fully healed even now.

That is to say, the owner of the magic weapon was broken when he was fighting with others!
"Experts, all masters!" Zhang Jiangang exclaimed.

And this magic weapon is thrown away as soon as it is said!
This is really a comparison of people to death, and comparison of goods has to be thrown away.

Zhang Jiangang forgot that although the creator of the Kongming Hourglass has comprehended two rules, Zhang Jiangang is not bad, after all, he has only practiced for such a short time, and he has already mastered three rules!

In the following time, with the assistance of a large number of staff in the research institute, including some project team engineers, Zhang Jiangang officially started his days as a code farmer and an assembly line worker.

All components, all modules, as small as the chip must be upgraded and repackaged by the power of rules, even including the replacement of Ziyu Lingli.

During these days, Zhang Jiangang has become a numb machine, and most of the operations are explained by the people in the project team.

However, there are also some that Zhang Jiangang himself tried to bless, such as embedding part of the runes of Kongming Hourglass with high precision.

Not only that, not only packaging every day, but also experimenting and testing every day, and then recording data to summarize experience and detours.

After a long time, Zhang Jiangang actually had some knowledge in the communication field, and even a little bit of professional understanding of high-precision manufacturing, such as chips.

There are failures every day these days, but small improvements every day.

On the operating table of the Kongming Hourglass, Zhang Jiangang remained motionless, with an extremely serious expression, and his eyes were precisely saying that his consciousness was tightly locked on a tiny thing.

The surrounding researchers, including Professor Qiu, were all in admiration of the earnestness.

Those who know know that this is the master of the local fairyland, but those who don't know think it is an old scientist.

"It's amazing! The most powerful lithography machine at present is nothing more than this?" Through a high-precision microscope, Guo Nanqing, the team leader, sighed as he watched Zhang Jiangang operate the Ziyu rule chip that was lithographically etched.

Others also gathered around a lot.

"Don't talk, don't disturb Mr. Zhang." Professor Qiu said hurriedly, with admiration in his eyes.

I admire not only the stability and precision of Zhang Jiangang's operation, but also his proficiency, and more importantly, Zhang Jiangang's professionalism.

"I really didn't expect Mr. Zhang to be so serious in his work. He deserves to be the No. 1 on our planet." Seeing this, a staff member said with spiritual sense.

Although they are scientific researchers, everyone not only received support in scientific research, but also gave priority to support in cultivation, especially in terms of elixir.

There is a joke in the circle, that is, Mr. Zhang keeps supplying us with pills, just for fear that we will die early.

Although it was a joke, it can be seen that the local fairyland attaches great importance to scientific researchers.

Therefore, most of the researchers in the research institute have a good cultivation base, and basically 80.00% of them can do the sound transmission of spiritual consciousness.

"You're so handsome, Mr. Zhang! Look at Mr. Zhang's side profile! Sure enough, the most handsome man is a serious man!" Seeing that Zhang Jiangang was packaging the chip for the final time, a female researcher couldn't help but send a voice transmission to her colleagues.

Indeed, wearing a white coat, working slowly as if time stood still in the dust-free laboratory, and the serious and devoted side face is indeed very impressive.

"It's amazing! With this precision, why do I still feel that Mr. Zhang's operation is like slow-motion, but it is a nano-level operation! You can see that Mr. Zhang's lithography time seems to have changed, and it is all blurred." Others People also said.

"It's so handsome! It's a pity that I'm too old."


"Hush~" Zhang Jiangang wiped off his cold sweat.

The scientific researcher of the female project team blushed instantly.

"Can Mr. Zhang hear our sound transmission?"

"Shhh, keep talking." The two female doctors just said shyly through voice transmission.

On the other hand, although the operation is extremely demanding, even Zhang Jiangang has to be careful, and he has to keep the flow rate at the operating end slowed down relative to time to achieve a more stable operation.

However, Zhang Jiangang enjoys this kind of extreme concentration. He completely empties his mind and doesn't have to think about all kinds of worldly and worldly troubles.

All in all, great stress relief!
Of course, before that, Zhang Jiangang had actually failed more than ten times.Although this is a necessary failure of the experiment, Comrade Zhang also ruined a lot of things, after all, he started from scratch.

"This is much more difficult than simply using the power of rules to fight!" Zhang Jiangang couldn't help sighing while operating.

The power of rules, especially the power of rules for water, Zhang Jiangang's operation at the current stage has actually reached the micron (μm) level, and even reached the 100 nanometer level!

Of course, if the single operation is used, the accuracy can definitely be improved, such as now!After all, it can be operated on a large scale, let alone a single unit.

However, that is a large-scale operation after all, that is, the kind of piece by piece without much precision.Zhang Jiangang has never tried single operation before.

Zhang Jiangang has not paid so much attention to it all the time, but now he really pays attention to precision. Zhang Jiang just discovered that he still has a lot of room for improvement in the operation of the power of water rules!

These days, Zhang Jiangang also found that his microcosmic control over the power of water rules, even soul rules, and dark rules has been enhanced when he is operating chips at the nanometer level.

In other words, this thing is not only a decompression artifact, but also a microscopic understanding of the power of rules is indeed helpful!
"It's fun~" Zhang Jiangang couldn't help shouting while operating, and he never tired of it.

fun?Professor Qiu and the others couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that Mr. Zhang is really an old urchin.

Professor Qiu really didn't expect Mr. Zhang's character to be so kind and approachable.

More importantly, looking at a regular chip that was about to be packaged, Professor Qiu was really excited and admired.

So steady!Mrs. Zhang is stable!

Professor Qiu knows the difficulty of completing chips of this level, not to mention other Jindan monks, even the world's highest precision lithography machine can't make it, and the yield rate is not so high, especially in new materials and new blessings. basis.

(End of this chapter)

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