Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 570 Monitor?Good talk!

Chapter 570 Monitor?speak nicely!
WeChat video chat software does not have a beauty function for the time being, but it can be realized with the help of third-party software.

As for why the beauty face is on, it is naturally for safety.

Because, once the beauty face is turned on, even the real mother can't recognize it.

Of course, Zhang Wenjun also made the family easier with a little magic.

After all, it would be over if someone with a heart in the Enchantment Realm found out that it was him.

Although there may not be many people who have seen their own appearance in the No. 8 Charm World, but what if they have?
"En!" Yin Xiaolei nodded hurriedly.

"Dad, I want to play dress-up games too." Xiao Lele next to him said.

Usually Zhang Wenjun and his wife don't let Xiao Lele play with their mobile phones, but occasionally they are 'robbed' by the little guy when he is unaware.

However, Lele is not interested in other functions of the mobile phone. She only likes the beauty camera, especially taking some weird photos, and then using some pasting functions to paste some small decorations on the photos.

Moreover, she is very smug and loves to take selfies.

Once, while Zhang Wenjun was not paying attention, Xiao Lele turned on the camera to take a selfie.

Because the phone does not need to be unlocked to take pictures, so when Zhang Wenjun found out, the latest photos on the phone had already included hundreds of mugshots and dozens of videos.

Take Zhang Wenjun's mobile phone space to death, and the little guy has become clingy now.

After the age of five and a half, to the period of elementary school, children of this age are the most clingy.

Every time I go home, the little guy will stick to it and pull me to play games and do handwork with her.

It can be said that Xiao Lele has officially evolved from a cute little beast that everyone loves to a little mythical beast that dogs hate.

But after all, she is a little girl, so Xiao Lele has already relieved her worries a lot.

Zhang Wenjun knows that this is a process that every child and every family will go through.

According to my mother-in-law, this age group is the most sticky to parents. After entering elementary school, not only will they not push people away, but they may not like to play with adults anymore.

"Little bastard, play with my phone again." Looking at the phone, Zhang Wenjun found that there were a lot of self-portraits of his daughter.

Some competed, some made funny faces, some showed their teeth and claws, and some took pictures of Erbao.

"Dad, don't call me a little brat."

"Okay, little bunny."

"Mom, look at Dad~" the little divine beast in a certain transitional stage said aggrievedly.

Seeing this scene, Yin Xiaolei and Xu Fangping couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Wen can't do this." Xu Fangping said with a smile.

"Well, I know mom, I'm teasing her." Zhang Wenjun patted his daughter's head lovingly, "When you see grandpa later, don't yell, don't call grandpa's name, you know?"

"Well, I understand, but you are not allowed to call me little brat daddy anymore."

"Okay, little bunny."

"Mom, mother-in-law~~"

"Looks like a child, not a normal type~"


"Hey~" In the crowd, a kid in diapers hugged his grandmother's neck and laughed secretly.

"Also, remember that you can't talk to know?"

"Why, Dad... well."

While the family was chatting and waiting, 3 minutes passed in a flash. At the same time, everyone was expecting and nervous. After Zhang Wenjun set up the chat software, he clicked on the video chat application!
The familiar video call waiting sounded, and the whole room immediately became quiet.

After about 20 seconds, the video was cut off with a bang.

Seeing this scene, the face of the family changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Wenjun called again, but after another waiting tone, the call ended again, apparently still not connected.

Zhang Wenjun's heart turned cold, his heart was broken, and it seemed that he had failed!

Tried again, still not working!

And just when Zhang Wenjun was about to call the research institute to ask how the progress was going, the phone rang, and it was a video invitation from his father Zhang Jiangang!
Seeing this scene, Zhang Wenjun, Yin Xiaolei and Xu Fangping's eyes lit up, and they even glanced at each other.

"Success!" Zhang Wenjun murmured even more excitedly, clenching his fists tightly.

Quickly press the switch on, and the next moment, a picture that is a bit stuttering, but becomes smooth in an instant appears!
In the picture, it was Zhang Jiangang, or Zhang Xinxin who was smiling and obviously relieved.

It worked!The local fairyland has really realized cross-plane real-time communication!It can even realize high-speed video calls so smoothly!

And in another time and space, on the No. 8 Charm Plane, Zhang Jiangang holding a mobile phone is similar, and he clenched his fists heavily!
The joy on his face and the excitement in his eyes all appeared instantly as the interdimensional video was connected.

And when Zhang Jiangang's family, who were on two sides, was in the excitement of success, there was another person whose mood changed a lot.

This person is naturally Qi Mei Baze.

Although he verbally promised not to monitor Zhang Jiangang anymore, how could Baze really do it.

After all, firstly, I still have to protect Zhang Jiangang, and secondly, this human guy named Zhang Xinxin really likes to die, who knows if he will play any tricks again.

Therefore, in another room not far from Zhang Jiangang's inn, Baze was dumbfounded when he saw several figures appearing on the mobile phone in Zhang Jiangang's hand and still talking.

"This? What is this?" Baze couldn't help muttering.

Baze does not have the idea of ​​'wow, why is someone locked in this box' that often appears in many online novels.

Because Baze also knows a little bit about things in the mortal world, and knows that these mortals have some strange skills, such as a thing called a telephone.

"The legend is true!" Baze said in surprise, even a little shocked, as his spiritual consciousness monitored Zhang Jiangang.

Because it is obviously in the mortal world in the picture, that is to say, mortals can actually communicate with another plane in a timely manner, and even chat 'face-to-face'!

Being able to chat 'face-to-face' across the barrier of planes really shocked Baze.

He didn't expect that what he had heard before was true.

Mortals do have skills, this is indeed a bit shocking!

Baze couldn't help but move his body, trying to see clearly.

In addition, Baze didn't know any of the people who appeared on the other side of the video.

As for the appearances of Zhang Jiangang, Zhang Wenjun and other important personnel in the legend, Baze has actually seen it before, because His Majesty the Blood Emperor once showed it to everyone in the Blood Court, and asked everyone to take the appearance of every important person in the Purple Yuxian Court Remember all.

Seeing that they didn't know a few people, Baze stopped thinking about it for the time being.

At the same time, Baze became more and more curious about Zhang Xinxin, a young man, and wanted to see if he could find anything from the video call between the two parties, and inquire about Zhang Xinxin's background in the mortal world.

"Hey, let me see who you are, little brother!" Baze said with bright eyes.This kind of pleasure of peeping into other people's privacy made Baze very excited.

Baze believes that when mortals like Zhang Xinxin come to the Demon World, they will definitely reveal a lot of secrets when they chat with family and friends!

Shrinking his eyes, with excitement in his eyes, Baze locked the chat screen tightly with his spiritual sense.

At the same time, in the consciousness, Zhang Xinxin and the family and friends opposite were already chatting happily and impatiently, as if they were talking too much.

"Toot, toot, toot toot...toot toot!"

"En, toot, toot...tootoo...toot toot, toot, toot, toot!"

"Wai Rui Mushroom Da... Dudu Da."

Baze broke out in a cold sweat.

What bird language are you talking about?Speak well to Lao Tzu!

 Happy weekend, good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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