Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 575 I want to explode my liver

Chapter 575 I want to explode my liver
It was so!
It turned out that it wasn't that my grades were poor, but that the readers of the Demon World didn't know how to operate.

Seeing the user author's analysis and revelations, all the web writers understood.

At the same time, looking at the results of the "Rebirth of the Charming Emperor" and the dazzling reward of one billion book coins, the eyes of countless Internet writers in front of computers and mobile phones are red, and their adrenaline is slowly rising.

This result is not ordinary fire, it is quite fire!
Not to mention ordinary Internet writers, even a large number of great gods have their hearts beating wildly.

One billion book coins, equivalent to 1000 million Huaxia coins.

To be honest, this number means how many great authors can earn so much manuscript fees in a year?
At this moment, many great god-level writers are already moved.

Even some traditional writers are greedy, for fear that they will not be able to catch up with this trend.

Of course, if the No. 73 Immortal Realm also opens the Internet later, novels with the theme of Xianxia can also make a lot of money.

However, the first has to wait a long time.

Second, the theme of Xianxia itself is a popular theme on novel websites, and there are millions of Xianxia novels in the library.There is too much competition.

"Farewell, I'm going to code!"

"I'm going to try it now, first worship the Great God of Pepper and Salt. It turns out that the Great God's collection is only more than 400, so my 78 collections will be balanced."

"You guys talk, I'm going to teach the book lovers how to operate it."

Time is gold~money, a large number of people ran into the lively post just now.

The rest of these people are basically authors who did not follow the trend and write novels about ghosts in the first place.

Even so, at this moment, while they are envious and jealous here, they are also imagining that they are writing a ghost novel, and then grabbing cakes in the new market.

On the other side, in the university dormitory.

"So that's how it is." The third child finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that my grades were not only not bad, but very good!

"Third brother, your grades in this book are pretty good. Among all the books on ghosts and ghosts known in the forum, except for "Rebirth of the King of Charms", you have collected a lot of the rest." Said the roommate on the left.

"That's right, his book collection is 411, and yours is 345. In fact, the gap between the two of you is not that big." The boss of the dormitory also said, "Hurry up, you should follow the instructions in the post."

At this moment, the boss of the dormitory seemed to be more anxious than the third child.

"That's right, third child, hurry up, it must be that the readers of the Magic World don't know how to operate it." Another roommate also said.

"Good, good." Hungry, the third child, also nodded desperately, and his hands were a little trembling to be honest.

Without him, the results of "Rebirth of the Charming Emperor", a book whose collection is not much different from his own, are so amazing and shocking.

It was so shocking that the third child felt numb from hunger.

On the first day of uploading, he received a reward of one billion. For a former Xiaopu Street like the third child, this is simply astronomical.

Not only that, no one in my family's grandparents, grandparents, seven aunts and eight aunts earned so much money.

While thinking as if his head was empty, at the same time, the third child tremblingly clicked on the novel writer's assistant, preparing to send an announcement to the readers of the enchanting world, introducing how to operate it.

On the other side, the boss of the dormitory was not idle either.

"Third brother, after your book becomes popular, you have to get a brother." The boss said wretchedly with a smile while flipping through the special chapters of the book "Rebirth: The Charming Emperor".

"And me and me, I'll start writing later, the third child will leave a chapter for my buddies."

"Yes, yes, yes." The other two agreed jokingly.

But the eyes were obviously moved.

"Okay, I know." Hungry was the third child who opened the latest chapter editing page, but was so excited that he didn't know how to operate it.

Fortunately, there is a manuscript saved. This situation is so exciting that I can't even write the chapter testimonials.

If you don’t save the manuscript, maybe in this situation, the excitement of the code words will disappear, and the whole person will be frozen.

Hungry is the third child who knows that the author's creative mood is very important, and many times he can't stand the great sorrow.

It's okay to be excited, but not overly excited.

Many authors sometimes get hot when they write, and their creative emotions are affected, and finally they can't hold it anymore.

Similarly, it's okay to be appropriately depressed, but you can't be too affected by negative emotions, otherwise the creative mood will be greatly reduced.

To be honest, I am hungry because the third child feels that he is too excited now, and his mood is affected.

Fortunately, I have a 30-word manuscript, so it doesn't affect my creation.

Just take it easy.

"Third brother, look! This is how the operation introduction of "Rebirth of the Charismatic Emperor" is written." At this time, the boss of the dormitory said suddenly, pointing to the reading software on the phone.

"Let me see~" Hungry is the third child and said on the phone.

Hunger is the third child's eyes are shining while watching.

It seems that the author of the Shekong forum analyzed it correctly, the readers of the magic river city in the magic world really don't know how to operate it.

I saw that in the words of the author of "Rebirth of the Demon King", in this chapter, and in the comment area, the author has used eighteen martial arts, exhausted all kinds of methods and taught the readers how to operate.

Not only that, the communication between the readers and the author in this book is much more lively than my own, especially after these charming readers figured out how to operate it.

At the same time, the youngest took a look, and just now, "Rebirth: The Charming Emperor" exploded with another 5 words!

In other words, today, this author uploaded 15 words!

You must know that his book has not been released yet, and to be precise, it was uploaded on the first day.

At the same time, this guy also promised that there are still 5 words waiting before midnight today!

"My God, what's the speed of this guy?" The roommate next to him was surprised.

"It's not his hand speed, he's saving too many manuscripts." Hungry, the third child, was also shocked.

It seems that I am not the only one who saves many manuscripts.

"Third brother, how many manuscripts do you have? Is it enough?" the boss of the dormitory asked even more.

"30 characters is enough for now." Hungry is the third child said, "But even so, I have to type desperately."

In addition, although my hand speed is not top-notch, the advantage is that I am still a college student with strong energy. Coupled with the blessing of spiritual recovery, the third child feels that it is possible for me to update [-] words a day.

The most important thing is that these readers of the Enchantment World are new to online literature, so many plots can be written by themselves, without worrying about being poisonous or blunt.

After watching the situation of "Rebirth: The Charming Emperor", the third child has more or less a bottom line in his mind.

At the same time, he did what he said, returned the phone to his roommate, and the third child got busy directly in the writer's zone when he was hungry.

Hungry is that the third child intends to pass another update and explain the situation at the end of the chapter.

Not only in the chapters, in the comments, but also in this chapter, etc., you have to operate it yourself!

"I'll help you explain the introduction in the comments!"

"Let me help you with the introduction in this chapter~"

"I am coming too."

Brother Dahu, a good roommate who went to battle, and several other roommates also hurriedly participated.

And just when everyone took out their mobile phones and was about to operate, suddenly, the third child's mobile phone rang, and it was the information of the writer's assistant client on the mobile phone.

And accompanied by this ding, when the third child saw the harvest of the information from the writer's assistant, the third child's eyes lit up and his heart trembled.

Similarly, several roommates hurried over to see it.

And the content is:

""The Charming Emperor's Son-in-Law" received 1000 starting coins from the readers of Devil River City Tiger Bell!"

this!There is already a reward!

Hungry is the eyes of the third child and others.

It must be that the readers of the Enchantment Realm understood after reading the introduction of "Rebirth of the Enchanted Emperor", and then they themselves were also rewarded. This enchanting reader came to me to tip.

(End of this chapter)

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