Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 580 It's Terrible to Eat a Lot of Food

Chapter 580 It's Terrible To Eat Too Much (Second)
Because it is the first time to read an online article, Baze does not read ten lines at a glance like some old whites, for fear of missing the details in the article.

But even so, Baze read more than half of the [-]-character book written by the third child who was hungry after eleven o'clock last night for several hours, and was in a state of excitement.

Especially this kind of rebirth or reincarnation plot made Baze couldn't help but think of himself.

To be honest, how many people have never had regrets in their lives?Even if he is as strong as a soldier in the blood court, Baze struggled all the way back then, and he also had regrets, and there were times when he was powerless and regretted.

Looking at the content of the novel, Baze became more and more excited, and didn't get anxious until he saw that the battery on the screen was not enough.

Although the communication has been established in a small area of ​​Magic River City, the power supply is not enough, so these demons can only go to the business hall to charge tomorrow, or buy a few fully charged power banks for backup.

But the business hall said that the power system of Magic River City will be set up soon, at least the main shops and big families in the city will be powered on.

But at this moment, Baze is not the only Mohe City ghost like Baze. I don't know how many ghosts are awake in the middle of the night, or lying on their sides, or lying on the bed, smiling into their faces under the light of their mobile phones.

And just when Baze was completely immersed in the refreshment of online articles, in another inn room, Zhang Jiangang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally a chance to get rid of this guy.

At the same time, Zhang Jiangang's Kongming hourglass is not only lying on a mobile phone, but also has a bloody mask that looks like a bleeding face.

This is exactly the blood-stained mask that Baze refined for himself, which can conceal his identity as a mortal and make himself look exactly like the evil spirit.

There is also a mobile phone. The screen of Zhang Jiangang’s mobile phone placed in Kongming’s hourglass is also the book "Zui Son: The Charming Emperor", and he looks at the comment area and this chapter.

Seeing Baze's comments and messages, there will be one more in a while, and Zhang Jiangang smiled.

Although I don't know if I can temporarily get rid of Baze tomorrow, at least Zhang Jiangang feels that the chances are quite high.

Zhang Jiangang even wondered if this guy, Baze, was watching him now, especially after reading this guy's comments and what this chapter said one after another.

"Internet articles are poisonous, especially like this hungry third child who eats too much." Looking at the content, even Zhang Jiangang couldn't help but sighed with a smile.

Even Zhang Jiangang doubted whether Baze was watching him at the moment, and he probably devoted himself to reading novels to relieve his boredom.

If he could get rid of Baze temporarily tomorrow, then he could go to buy some enchanting pills in large quantities first, and then find a place to hide them and quickly improve his cultivation.

Not only that, if possible, I have to buy a little more and bring it back when the time comes.

There is also the matter of the power of rules and the Nine Palaces Chapter, so I have to hurry up.

It is not easy to come to the Charm World, especially the power of the dark rules is so weak now, and the potential for improvement in the Charm World is so great, Zhang Jiangang will not miss it.

Of course, you can't leave Magic River City too far, or you won't be able to guarantee your safety, so you can just stay in a few surrounding cities.

But because every city has teleportation blood formations, Zhang Jiangang is not afraid of getting lost.

And as long as one of them is there, he has the Blood Edict and Longteng Immortal Edict for the exchange between the two worlds, and it takes only a few minutes to leave and return to the mortal world.

To be honest, Zhang Jiangang did not expect to solve all the problems in just one month during this trip. Zhang Jiangang only hoped to solve one or two goals.

At least Zhang Jiangang doesn't need to worry about the communication experiment now, and the rest is his own private business now.

I don't know if I don't come to the Demon World, but Zhang Jiangang felt the comprehensive strength gap between the No. 8 Ziyu plane and the No. [-] Demon World.

And just when Zhang Jiangang was thinking about this, there was an extra WeChat message on his phone, which was sent by Wen Jun.

"It's all arranged." Son Wenjun said in WeChat. "Can you get rid of that demon who watches over you tomorrow?"

"It's hard to say, but at least there is a chance. I will find a chance to leave by teleporting the blood formation." Zhang Jiangang returned to his son.

Because the phone is in the Kongming hourglass, Zhang Jiangang is not worried about Baze and others seeing it.

The reason why I chose Baze's "self-driving tour" when I first entered the world of enchantment was because it was easier to deal with one person than a group.

Although the blood court didn't say anything, Zhang Jiangang knew that not only himself, but every mortal who entered the enchanted world was monitored by the blood court.

From another point of view, this is actually a kind of protection.

And I asked Baze to come out to watch at least fewer people, and there was an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Of course, Zhang Jiangang believes that after the cultural exchange of tourism and study abroad between the two worlds deepens, the other party's surveillance will definitely be much less.

What Zhang Jiangang has to do tomorrow is to put on the blood-stained mask, then enter the Kongming Hourglass, and leave by ear.

"I really didn't expect that the Internet article you thought of would have such a big impact, and now we are all discussing it here." The son sent another message.

"Well, I didn't expect that my fellow daoist in the Blood Court would be dazzled by reading novels." Zhang Jiangang returned.

"The main reason is that they usually have too few entertainment methods to pass the time, and the novel writers in our plane can also fool around, dare to write anything, and don't touch the emperor or the blood emperor."

Zhang Wenjun sent a dumbfounding expression.

"Talk to several novel websites, so that these writers must guarantee to export our own values." Zhang Jiangang added.

In fact, the authors of web novels include readers in the mortal world. Most of their values ​​are very positive, even very simple and idealized.

Similarly, in fact, the values ​​​​of demons and mortals are in conflict in some respects.

But everything now is just buried in the word Shuang.

At the same time, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

In this case, many so-called cultural exports are actually weak.

Therefore, since the unrestrained web text has this opportunity, it must not miss the output.

"It's okay to fight and kill, but you can't kill indiscriminately, you can't massacre, and you can't write completely according to the readers' ideas. Especially if it involves ordinary people, beautify it if you can." Zhang Jiangang said.

"If possible, try to create a mature system of people from the three realms, immortals, demons, and even demons, so that these writers can write some kind demons to help mortals, instead of being ants and ants when they meet mortals. This kind of thing..."

"For example, the balance of the three realms, such as mortals... etc. You let Chinese scholars also study and study, and come up with a set of theories."

"The theoretical system is actually very important."


Zhang Wenjun sent a string of ellipses, Dad Xindao, you are too good at fooling around.

But it is true that the theoretical system is really important.

No matter what it is, only when the underlying theory and system are established can there be real development later.

In addition, whether it is a demon or a fairy, it is true that when you see a mortal and open your mouth, you will be an ant. This kind of concept is too common.Of course, in terms of strength, this is true.

But no matter whether it is wrong or not, mortals can't sit still, at least they should use it to change the ideology of demons and immortals.

Useless or not, this sort of thing has to be done.

The battlefield of public opinion and ideology, sometimes if you don’t occupy it, others will.

Although the weak are weak, it is not a reason for not speaking up.

Now I finally have the opportunity to export, don't miss this opportunity.

 (3[▓▓]Good night
(End of this chapter)

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