Chapter 604 Rank twelve! (Second more)
The master actually wants to teach himself and Jiudaixiong to practice!
Both of Meng Tuo's bodies trembled.

As a demon, in fact, like a monk, there is no family, no school, no inheritance, so it is too difficult to find out and practice by yourself!
Not only is the cultivation slow, but there are many loopholes in the cultivation path.

In fact, the two are slightly better, but not much better.

Both Meng Tuo and Jiu Daixiong's enchanting skills were obtained by stealth.Although it is also a relatively systematic ordinary exercise, but after all, there is no one to guide it on the way of cultivation, and I don't know how many detours it has taken.

Even if some detours are taken wrongly, they will have a great negative impact on future cultivation.

Throughout the journey of cultivation, there is definitely a difference between having a master and not having a master!

"Thank you master!"

"Thank you, master, for the grace of rebuilding!" The two knelt down in unison, their gratitude beyond words.

The two of them didn't know that Zhang Jiangang was not as tall as the two of them in terms of the single-round enchantment realm.

It is said that he is guiding the two of them to avoid detours, but in fact Zhang Jiangang wants to avoid detours, and at the same time he is familiar with the enchanting skills, alchemy and weapon refining.

It's just that Zhang Jiangang was embarrassed and said, "You two, explain to me how to cultivate Mei Mei."

"Very good, a child can be taught!" Zhang Jiangang nodded, and at the same time, several books of exercises from the two people's previous storage magic weapons appeared in their hands.

"What kind of exercises do you two practice?" While talking, Zhang Jiangang was still pawing at the dozen or so books of exercises.

These exercises were obviously obtained by the two of them, even by murder.

"Master, that blood scroll is mine." Meng Tuo said hastily.

"The golden one is mine." Jiudaixiong also said hastily.

"Well, let's start with you. You explain it and show it to me. I'll take a look at this exercise and give you a detailed review." Opening the golden scroll, Zhang Jiangang said very seriously.

Kudaixiong was overjoyed, and after responding, he hurriedly showed or explained how he usually practiced, the problems and difficulties he encountered, including the emotional reactions during cultivation, etc.

From the first time he came into contact with this exercise, until now he is still at the third realm of Chongxu, Jiu Daixiong is afraid of missing any details!
However, after a long time, Jiu Daixiong worked hard to perform and explain, but Comrade Zhang just didn't give any verbal feedback.

The whole Kudaixiong was in a hurry.

If you don't speak, you just don't speak!
But the facial expressions are very rich.

Sometimes he frowned tightly, as if he had discovered a terrible loophole in Jiudaixiong's cultivation process.

Then after a while, when he heard Jiu Daixiong preach another place, Zhang Jiangang gave him a knowing smile, full of appreciation and affirmation.

Master, why don't you say anything!Why do I not understand?
You do not understand?Anyway, I already understood, Zhang Jiangang just smiled and said nothing.

"Monto, tell me about your situation."


If the two of them are speechless and expecting very much at this moment, I don't know what Zhang Jiangang thinks of his own cultivation and what advice he will give.

Then in the next few days, the two of them really had nowhere to go.

After staying in the Kongming hourglass for 4 times the time for twelve days, the two of them fully recovered, and their cultivation has improved a lot.

To be precise, the ceiling of the two of them has been raised, and the upper limit of their cultivation has been raised!
And after their cultivation was restored, the two became Zhang Jiangang's training partners, or test subjects!
"Ah hiss, pain, pain, master, please spare me!"

"Ah!! My legs, my arms!"

"Master, my meridians are all messed up, please stop~"

In the next few days, the two were tossed to death.

Knowing that they had suffered this kind of crime, the two thought that they might as well die sooner.

At this moment, Jiudaixiong finally realized the pain and despair that was dragged on that day.

The master doesn't even need to move, just a single thought can instantly make him, a majestic and enchanting master of the Three Realms, lose his fighting power in an instant!
And this is just the beginning!

In the past few days, Jiudaixiong discovered that the master's supernatural power has become more and more proficient and stronger day by day!
At the beginning, the owner could only divide his body into five sections for control, and then change the speed in real time.

At that time, although I was also very uncomfortable, and I couldn't organize an effective counterattack in a short time, but at least I wouldn't hang up directly or be paralyzed.

But day after day, the master went from the first five levels of divine control to the seventh level, to the tenth level, and now to the current twelve level!
Several times, I was dragged back from the gate of hell by my master with the 'Reincarnation Scroll' and 'Samsara Pen', and my meridians were chaotic and I died suddenly!

"Master, stop, please stop quickly~" On the other side, Meng Tuo, who has advanced to the eighth realm of Chongxu in the past few days, and has improved by nearly two small realms, also shouted on the ground wearily.

At this moment, Meng Tuo felt as if he had become an arthropod, his body became segmented, and it was extremely difficult to connect them.

The most frightening thing is the destructive power and explosive, unexpected backlash that caused the meridians to be disordered in an instant, causing the power of the evil spirit to attack and fail!
If it is light, the meridians will be completely destroyed, if it is serious, it will be killed instantly!
That is really a terrifying supernatural power that can kill low-level cultivators in an instant, including demons of this level!
Below the eighth stage, when the speed does not change rapidly at the same time, a slightly more powerful demon will not die, but will instantly lose the ability to resist and be slaughtered.

However, if the meridians of the eight segments of the body change at irregular rhythms while the body is segmented, then I will be unable to resist at all!

Constantly and irregularly changing speed, the person being attacked must either protect his heart, or wait for death!
Anyway, with Meng Tuo's current strength, at the eighth stage, he can only withstand the master's five consecutive speed changes!

Of course, if you count the time of blessing, that is six times.

Because the very moment of being captured is a shift in itself.

And after six times, I basically stepped into the gate of hell!

And six times, it's a lot to say, but the master can complete it directly in the blink of an eye, or even faster!
It's really scary!

And this is only the eighth stage, you must know that the master has already reached the state of being able to control the twelve stage freely.

Twelve segments refers to dividing the opponent's body meridians into twelve segments, while at the same time changing the speed of these twelve segments of body, meridians, blood flow, and movements in a random and free manner!
When the master was conducting the [-]-stage experiment on his own capture, Meng Tuo didn't dare to use the power of charm, and even didn't dare to breathe, and tried his best to let his blood slow down first.

This is also suggested by the owner.

Because, at that moment, the more you burst out with all your strength, the more you let the meridian and charm in your body run at high speed, the faster you will die!
In addition, the [-]-segment body division is not average, you don't know which part of your body will be segmented, whether it is an important part or a minor part!
Therefore, no one knows how strong the master is.

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(End of this chapter)

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