Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 63 Your father-in-law is quite stylish~

Chapter 63 Your father-in-law is quite stylish~
Real estate agent Xiao Liu swears that he has never accepted such a client.

After making phone calls in the middle of the night, the two parties signed the contract before four o'clock in the morning the next day.I am still in a daze, but the agency fee has been paid.

And the reason why the uncle is so anxious to buy a house is just to have his own bathroom!
Willful, really willful.

Uncle, do you still need a son, grandson is also fine.

"Grandpa, here is the key, please take it. The real estate certificate and other procedures..."

"All right, all right, as long as you can live in the new house first." Zhang Jiangang said as he picked up the key, even more admiring.

On the other side, the young man who was driven all the way to the east coast and west coast by a phone call didn't slow down either.

The house that has been hanging with the intermediary for more than two months and has not been moved, is it just sold?

The contract and the deposit were all in hand, and the young man still couldn't believe it.

The most important thing is that when I called at 01:30 midnight, I got the deposit at [-]:[-] after signing the contract, and it was still dark.And the price was not mentioned by the other party, so they bought it at the original price.

Uncle, how anxious are you?Even after the contract was won, the young man still wondered if he was sleepwalking, after all, the bright moon in the sky was still in the sky.

The young man didn't know that although there was no bargaining, the price of this house increased by [-]% after only one and a half months, and at the same time Donghai City restricted purchases.However, the young man didn't lose money. After all, after getting the money, he also bought a set in another place in Donghai City. It was a win-win situation.

"Dad, where are you going? Why did you come back so early in the morning?" In the early morning, when she saw her father-in-law entering the door with dark circles, Yin Xiaolei was stunned for a long time.

"It's all right, everything is ready?" Zhang Jiangang said, holding a can of newly bought Laoganma and a kraft paper file bag in his hand.

"My father-in-law, good morning~" Yin Xiaolei's mother, Xu Fangping, had a rosy complexion, and put breakfast on the table at the same time.

"I don't know what you like to eat, but I steamed some steamed buns for you, stewed a carrot soup, and fried a side dish." Xu Fangping added.

Hearing the radish soup, Zhang Jiangang's body trembled.

"My grandpa's favorite is old godmother." Xiao Lele, who had already sat down, said while drinking hot milk, "Isn't it grandpa?"


You little Lele, grandpa loves you for nothing.

"My father-in-law, don't mind what I say. It's really not good to eat this kind of food. I... Oh, by the way, I folded your quilt for you."

"As I get older, smoking is not good for my parents-in-law, so I should smoke less in the future. Besides, Xiaolei is pregnant again, and the room is small, so once the smell of smoke comes in, it won't come out easily."


Big sister, I have smoked a few cigarettes today since I was born again.

Slap, the brown paper file bag was thrown on the table, along with a bunch of keys.

"Enhao dear mother, you are right, I will pay attention to it in the future.""

"Xiaolei, it just happens to be Sunday. You will take your mother to see the new house later. You and your mother will figure out what furniture you need to buy. Oh, by the way, leave the room with the bathroom in the south bedroom to me."

"What new house, Dad? You bought a house? When did it happen?" Yin Xiaolei was taken aback.

"This morning. The house is still in Longteng Community, next to Lele Kindergarten." As he spoke, Comrade Zhang Jiangang dipped the old godmother in steamed buns and started eating.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaolei, I've already contacted the moving company for you. If you're pregnant, don't do it. Just let them move." Zhang Jiangang continued, chewing on the buns, "I won't be at home today, I'm going to the city. Nan to participate in an exchange event, you work hard, and after you are done, take your mother and Lele to the fun places in the East China Sea."

Comrade Zhang Jiangang said, Yin Xiaolei, especially Xu Fangping's mouth opened wide, and her momentum weakened.

At the same time holding the key and glanced at the contract, Xu Fangping gasped.

Even after Comrade Zhang left twenty minutes later, Ms. Xu Fangping still hadn't recovered.

"Xiaolei, where did your father-in-law get so much money? It's 60 million, the full amount~" Xu Fangping asked her daughter in a low voice, watching Comrade Zhang leave after closing the door.

"My father-in-law has opened a company now, and even Wen Jun works in his company." Yin Xiaolei said with a smile, shaking her head at the same time.

The reason why I haven't told my mother about this is not because I want to hide it, but because I have an uncle in my family.When she married Zhang Wenjun, it was her uncle who objected, and her uncle was a gambler. Yin Xiaolei was afraid that her uncle would find out and ask her father-in-law to borrow money.

Of course, Yin Xiaolei felt that her uncle should not be her father-in-law's opponent.

"Ah? Your father-in-law's company? Wenjun works in your father-in-law's company?"

"Well, my father-in-law asked me to go to work, but our store manager is very kind to me, I have never agreed. Wait and see, I will resign when the second child in my stomach grows up. Wen Jun is also very good these days. Busy." Yin Xiaolei said.

Indeed, Yin Xiaolei feels that her husband has become busier since he started working in her own company. For example, this morning he went to the company after eating two bites of food.

Sure enough, working for others is different from working hard for your own family.

But even though he is busy, my husband is full of fighting spirit every day, and his complexion is very good, as if he has become younger, and his mood is much more cheerful.

"My God, when did your father-in-law become so powerful? Hasn't he been repairing shoes in the community?"

"I don't know either." Yin Xiaolei said with a smile.

On the other side, Yin Xiaolei's mother also took out a kraft paper bag at some point, with tens of thousands of dollars lying in it.

"Take Xiaolei, since your father-in-law bought you a new house, mother will repair the car for you. Save your uncle who is always thinking about my retirement money."

"Mom, take it back, we have a car."

"Ouyou, look at my brain. If you have a car, you can take it. If you let me go, I'm afraid your uncle will miss it. By the way, don't tell your uncle about this." Xu Fangping patted her head and said.

"Let's not talk about Xiaolei, your father-in-law is quite impressive now. What exchange meeting is he going to? By the way, did I talk too much yesterday and your father-in-law is unhappy?" Xu Fangping looked at The look at the door is also different.

"I don't know what exchange meeting he attended, he didn't tell me. Don't worry, Mom, my father-in-law is not the kind of person with a small belly." Yin Xiaolei hurriedly comforted, "But since he came back from the hospital, my father-in-law seems to have changed. That’s right. Don’t look at him in his 60s, but sometimes he really looks like a young man, and maybe he’s not used to being kept in charge of him.”

"Oh, by the way, do you know the old Wang in our community? Some time ago, that old Wang Pengci'er was a high school student, but he was beaten up by my father-in-law in front of the people in the community, and ran away without saying a word."

"O~ It's the old Wang with a particularly bad mouth, the old Wang who was in the drama troupe with your father-in-law back then, last time I came to sneer at me?"

"Well, it's him. Now that old Wang hides from everyone in the community, and no one wants to talk to him, since he was beaten by my father-in-law."

And at this time the phone rang, "Hello, is this Ms. Yin? We are from Dabing Moving Company, may I ask..."

 Thanks to 'Left-handed No. [-]' children's shoes for their rewards. Congratulations to him for becoming the new rudder master of "Rebirth, It's Okay to Be Later". I also thank Langfang Awei, Ziyajiang, Qing, Wu children's shoes for their support, and finally ask for another wave Recommendations, favorites, book lists, and rewards~~Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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