Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 66 My Old Zhang Wants to Be the Setter of Cultivation Standards!

Chapter 66 My Old Zhang Wants to Be the Setter of Cultivation Standards!
Hearing Zhang Jiangang's words, Horn hall guessed what was going on at once, and his face turned pale.

On the other side, Pang Juanjuan and the others didn't know this.

Seeing that the apprentice she was about to accept had such a relationship with Mr. Zhang, Pang Juanjuan said with a smile, "It's more than that, even Director Li's song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" was written by Mr. Zhang."

"Enting, in the future you can learn more from Mr. Zhang and move around more."

"Mr. Zhang, you don't know. I'm preparing to accept the child in the En Hall today. It just so happens that you are here today. Please be a witness, I..."

Pang Juanjuan didn't know what was going on inside, so she talked enthusiastically to herself.

But halfway through the talk, Huang Zhong next to him gently pushed Pang Juanjuan, signaling Pang Juanjuan to stop talking.

Pang Juanjuan was not that kind of stupid woman either. She glanced at her old friend Huang Zhong and then at Zhang Jiangang.

"What's wrong?" Although she didn't say it, Pang Juanjuan's eyes signaled Huang Zhong's arrival.

Huang Zhong didn't speak, just shook his head, what he meant will tell you later.

"It's easy to say, child, don't worry, I will take care of you in the future." On the other side, Zhang Jiangang looked at Horn Hall with a half-smile and said.

Hearing this, Horn Hall trembled.

And after a while, the exchange forum started, and about ten minutes after the exchange started, Pang Juanjuan, who was sitting in the front row, glanced at her mobile phone, then turned her head slightly to look at Huang Zhong who was sitting next to Zhang Jiangang, and suddenly He glanced at the Horn Hall in the last few rows, then shook his head.

There were three messages on WeChat on the mobile phone, two of which were sent by the Huang Feihong series crew and the brokerage company where Hall Horn was located.

The second one is Huang Zhong, "Sister Pang, Ning Que Wu Lan, the apprentice you want to accept is not of good character, I suggest you not accept him today. You may not know, last month... and just now in the elevator. The most important thing is that Mr. Zhang has written a playbook of Huangmei Opera here, you must take down this playbook, I am reading it, and pass it on to you for you to read after reading it!"

And in the back rows of the venue, "What! What the hell did he do!" Huo Qiming was shocked when he heard his son's words, and he was even more angry.

"Well, it must be him. Otherwise, how could I, an unknown little actor, offend a big director like Director Li."

Touching his hot neck, Huo Qiming's face turned ashen.

"Dad, why don't you give in to him, I think this old thing is hard to deal with." Looking at Zhang Jiangang who was sitting in the vice president's seat in the front row, Horn Hall said.

"Hmph, there's no way! Don't jump to conclusions, maybe your movie is because of other things. Let's pay homage to Mr. Pang today. This matter is more important than anything else today. What a ghost, this old thing When will you write Peking opera?"

Huo Qiming looked puzzled.He admitted that Zhang Jiangang was good at Peking opera when he was young, but he has never heard that he could write plays.What's the situation, what has this old guy been through all these years?
Today's main purpose is to worship a teacher.Pang Juanjuan's contacts and circle are there, even if her son can't make a movie this time, it doesn't matter, as long as Pang Juanjuan, a big tree in the Huangmei opera world, is tied to Pang Juanjuan, it will be easy to talk about filming and filming in the future.

"Well, I know Dad." Horn Hall nodded, but he was still worried.

"Dad, why don't you give in to him, I'm afraid." When Huo Enting said this, he happened to meet Pang Juanjuan's eyes looking back.

Seeing that look, Horn hall felt very uncomfortable.

"What are you afraid of! There's no way for me to give him a soft door." Touching his aching neck, Huo Qiming grinned.

Zhang Jiangang, who was sitting in the front row at the moment, had no time to care about the father and son sitting in the back row. He was currently communicating with people from the opera circles present at the meeting.

Since it is an exchange meeting, it is naturally interspersed with impromptu performances by professional actors of various genres, including famous actors.

But Zhang Jiangang could feel that these representatives of the opera industry were very pessimistic about the opera industry, very pessimistic!

Everyone's consensus is that the common people don't like to go to theatres, especially the young people.

On the one hand, they talked freely about industry experience, seeking innovation and development, and on the other hand, everyone's pessimism can be heard.

But during this process, Zhang Jiangang was thinking about other things.That is what the president of the Jiangdong Opera Association said during the exchange just now, Longevity Fist.

Sure enough, I guessed right, not only myself, but also other people who are influenced by opera can also help when they practice the longevity boxing and other self-cultivation skills.

Just now President Xu said that when he was practicing Changshouquan, he had a lot of insights from listening to the drama, and he felt that he had made progress.

Just now Pang Juanjuan also said that her mother often listened to operas, and then she practiced Changshouquan much more smoothly.

It's not just the two of them, President Xu also said that several people who practiced Longevity Fist he knew had this situation.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought." Zhang Jiangang sighed in his heart.

The traditional operas on the earth in the previous life suddenly became popular after the aura recovered, and this earth will definitely be the same.Because traditional opera, including some works of art with strong cultural color, these things are good for cultivation, especially for the state of mind.

Another point is that through the communication just now, Zhang Jiangang knew that the progress of President Xu's first set of Longevity Boxing was actually a little behind that of old Wu Wu Deming.Xu Yongmao and Zhang Jiangang remembered this name.

If you use the words after the recovery of the spiritual energy, it means that Wu Xu Yongmao's cultivation level is not much worse than Wu Deming's!It's just that there is no spiritual energy now, but once the spiritual energy recovers, the two of them can immediately become considerable little masters!

Fortunately, I came to this exchange meeting, otherwise I would have missed so many things, Zhang Jiangang sighed in his heart.

One of today's harvests is that the art of traditional opera is not only useful to oneself, but also has an edifying and auxiliary effect on all those who practice self-cultivation skills.

The second harvest is progress!That is, it is not only Wu Deming who has made rapid progress after practicing Longevity Fist, but also people like Xu Yongmao.

Because I usually only care about cultivation and promotion, I have not seen many people practicing Longevity Fist.

But now it is roughly estimated that among the millions of people, I have met such a few people. As a result, Wu Deming and Xu Yongmao have cultivated to this level.It is conceivable that according to the proportion, among these millions of people, it is unknown how many people have already completed the first set of cultivation.

From the beginning of imparting the exercises to the present, there are actually more than 1000 "apprentices" that Zhang Jiangang has personally met.Moreover, not all of the more than 1000 people talked carefully and observed the progress carefully. After all, I didn't have that much time.

"It is necessary to count the progress of the cultivating uncles and aunts! It is not the progress, but the realm!" Zhang Jiangang sighed at this moment.

Confused, my top priority is actually not to launch a second set of Longevity Fist, but to develop a set of levels or rank standards for Longevity Fist!

Comprehension is divided into realms and levels.

In fact, Zhang Jiangang paid attention to some questions while chatting with the people from those sects who came to buy songs.In particular, the Wudang Sect, which is a Daojia sect, has historically divided the realm of cultivation, so as to avoid being exposed when the car crashes.

However, Zhang Jiangang came to a conclusion through chatting with the Taoist teacher, that is, Wudang Sect and other Taoist sects on this earth divide the realm of cultivation in historical documents, which can be said to be self-contained and self-contained. imperfect.

This is the same as the Earth in the previous life. In the early stage, everyone was fighting on their own. It wasn't until a few years later that there was a unified standard of the realm according to the records in the ruins.

The realm standard or realm stratification is actually a very important thing.If you don't know the level of realm, you can't continue to practice with the exercises, and you can't use the exercises to guide your practice, which will lead to half the effort.

It's okay when there is no aura, but once the world has aura, there must be a standard!
 Thanks to Zuoyiziyi, Fengxueluan, Famaozhiweiwei, Langfang Awei, xyhgyf, Baby Don't Love, Ask Me to Know, etc. for the rewards and support of children's shoes.

  Happy Children's Day. In a blink of an eye, it will be another college entrance examination season. I wish all candidates will perform exceptionally well and get good grades in the exam. Come on!

  A new month has begun, and I'm begging for a wave of reward support, recommendation support, and collection support!

  In addition, tonight at 1023571210 o'clock v group: [-], waiting for everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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