Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 691? The Big Brothers Regret Voting

Chapter 691 Big Brothers Regret Voting
Increase the input of troops, and directly increase the level from 10 local monks to [-].

One hundred thousand elites, I am afraid that there are not so many masters above the Jindan stage in the entire Longteng Immortal Territory.

And what can monks under the golden core stage do?Not safe at all.

In case something goes wrong, how much will the local Ziyu cultivator of the game have to lose this time.

Moreover, it was revealed that the peacekeeping operation of 10 people will be broadcast live globally in three days, and with the help of the base station of the Ziyu plane, it will be broadcast live to the planes of the heavens!
This is not Zhang Jiangang, he will definitely not be able to do such a silly thing.

One announcement after another was released on Longteng's official website, making more and more people think that Lao Zhang might really be taken away.

Because this pile of piles is not Lao Zhang's style of doing things at all.

It can be said that in the next three days, the entire Internet and even the Ziyu Internet searches in the heavens are all talking about this matter.

The hot word 'Lao Zhang was taken away' reached the top for three consecutive days and remained high.

But what surprised everyone was the scale of 10 people, but among the registered Ziyu monks in Longteng Immortal Territory that everyone came into contact with, no one seemed to have heard of the transfer order.

Because Longteng Immortal Territory exists apart from the secular society, everyone cannot change Zhang Jiangang's decision.

So in the past three days, everyone was anxious and worried, and of course dissatisfied.

This dissatisfaction was with Zhang Jiangang.In other words, it was for the person who seized Zhang Jiangang.

Some uninformed middle-level officials in Longteng Immortal Territory even took the initiative to find Zhang Wenjun and other high-level officials, hoping to find out.

But Zhang Wenjun and others just let them not worry, everything is under control.

We are all in control, how dare we rest assured. 10 people, if something happened that day, the entire No. [-] plane might be over.

As time passed day by day, to be honest, even the representatives of the heavens and the big bosses of the blood courts and fairy courts were a little uneasy.

In addition, from the beginning to the end, Zhang Jiangang himself never showed up, which also aggravated everyone's worries.

Time passed quickly, amidst the anxiety of all the people, and even the attention and anxiety of the bigwigs from the heavens, three days passed by in a flash.

At Huaxia Beijing time that day, it can be said that the people of all the major planes of the heavens are all paying attention to this incident.

Those planes that have imported various mobile phones and tablets in large quantities, the immortals and demons hold these terminals and open the official website of Longteng Xianyu to wait.

Because there are few mobile phones and tablets out of stock, a large group of immortals and demons gathered together to watch the live broadcast with imported projectors.

Yes, with the opening of plane trade, as everyone thinks, the sales of terminals such as mobile phones and tablets are the best.Right now it's simply in short supply.

So much so that it directly drove the sales of computers, projectors, etc.Especially the sales of projectors have skyrocketed, and Huaxia's suppliers have made a lot of money.

The inventory of the previous few years was emptied at once, and it even drove the development of related industries around the world.

Eight o'clock in the morning, the heavens are looking forward to it!
Needless to say, the people on Plane [-] have already opened the live broadcast link with their mobile phones and computers, staring at the picture that is temporarily snowflakes and dare not leave.

Similarly, at this moment in all the Blood Courts and Heaven Courts of the heavens, all the Blood Emperors, Heavenly Emperors, Great Emperors and high-level officials are also waiting.

It's absolutely pompous.

At 08:30 in the morning, there was finally movement.

When the picture changed from snowflakes to real pictures, the heavens seemed to be quiet.

On the earth, countless people watch it through the Internet, as do the representatives of the No. [-] plane.The same is true for the great figures in the worlds of the Immortal and Charm worlds in the various planes.

And almost as soon as the screen was opened, the hearts of the people in Ziyu World were chilled.

Because, in the picture is a huge square!

And on the square, there are densely packed 'flying swords' inserted into the ground!It looks like there are definitely one hundred thousand, and only a little more.

It's over!Countless people on Plane One said in shock.

In fact, some people on the Internet thought that Zhang Jiangang might be joking, but this scene tells everyone that everything that happened these days is true!
10 flying swords, it seems that Lao Zhang is really going to send 25 people into the No. [-] Charm of Mortal Realm.

The weapons are all set up, and it's time to send someone.This is the same as marching and fighting. It is clearly the last preparation before preparing to march.

When the time comes, the Hundred Thousand Purple Immortal Realm will come to this field, and after receiving their respective flying swords, they can start drawing!


"It's over, Lao Zhang is playing for real!"

"Absolutely 10 people! You look at the light of the flying sword, at least it is a middle-grade spirit sword used by Jindan stage monks! Old Zhang, old Zhang, what are you doing, you are crazy, you, come out and say something Well, at least it will make us feel at ease!"

"Old Zhang, die! The life of our Ziyu cultivator is not fate. For your vanity, let us 2000 monks take their lives. You forgot how [-] people died last time!"

While watching the live broadcast, the people on the Internet were anxious and angry, and some even cursed.

On the other hand, seeing this scene, the fairy courts and blood courts of more than 200 planes were also taken aback.

Like the people on the first plane, in fact, before the last second, the supreme and bigwigs of these planes still retained a glimmer of hope.I feel that Zhang Jiangang will not be so impulsive, even under the pressure of their people, he should finally stop.

But now?It seems that Zhang Jiangang still decided to go his own way.

No. 33 Blood Court Temple, in front of the giant projection live broadcast.

"This!" Above the temple, the officials and bosses of the Blood Court were stunned, and even glanced at each other.

"It's over, everything is over. The Zi Yu world is over!" A big charmer sighed.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Jiangang seems to be serious about it." A high-ranking member of the blood court said to the blood emperor who was sitting on the main seat.

Looking at the blood emperor on plane 33, not only did he not show any joy, but shook his head.

"It's because I overestimated Zhang Jiangang." The blood emperor sighed.

"Yes, Your Majesty, who would have thought that he would be able to do such a thing. After all, Zi Yu World will have to pay the price for Zhang Jiangang's ambition." All the officials echoed.

Blood Emperor No. 33 also nodded, but he thought further.

"After today, the heavens and the world will be in chaos again." 33 Blood Emperor said with some disappointment and worry.

As soon as the Ziyu world collapsed, the tacit understanding that was barely maintained before the more than 200 planes of the heavens came to an end.

Similarly, the situation in Xianting No. 188 is similar.

"Trash, rubbish! What are you doing in such a hurry in Ziyu World!" The No. 188 emperor had a stronger temper, and stood up angrily, pointing at the live broadcast screen and yelling. "Is there any news from Ziyu World? Have they seen Zhang Jiangang!"

Emperor No. 188 looked at a general angrily and asked.

During these two days, the Heavenly Emperor of Plane 188 asked the people below to find Zhang Jiangang more than once, and strongly urged Zhang Jiangang to stop this operation!Without him, Zi Yu's world collapsed, and the first unlucky one might be the lower level fairy plane like plane 188!
Who will be the most proud at that time?Of course, it is the super-first-tier planes such as the four major planes, as well as those first-tier fairy worlds and enchanting worlds.

God, why am I so stupid!Why did I have to vote for it!Why!
The four planes have monopolized the heavens, and when the time comes, will they still have the good fruits of these lower planes?

"Back... back to Your Majesty, the representative of our Ziyu World has not seen Zhang Jiangang." Said that day with cold sweat.

"What? Get in touch again, hurry up!" No. 188 Tiandi said angrily and anxiously.

Yes, at this moment, the Heavenly Emperor of Plane 188 has regretted it!
Not only him, but the rest of the bottom layers and even most of the upper-middle-level high-level planes regretted it!
Only now did they realize that they were too impulsive to patronize revenge before.

If something happens to Ziyu World, they will be the ones who will soon be unlucky!How great it is now, Ziyu Trade and Tiantian Trade are open, you can get whatever you want, and you can even bargain with the four major planes!

But if Zhang Jiangang fell, and the balance of the heavens created by Ziyu World was destroyed, then the bottom, middle and even some of the upper planes of myself would have nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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