Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 695 Instant Noodle Slays Monster Beasts!

Chapter 695 Instant Noodle Slays Monster Beasts! (Second more)

This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, especially the insistence of the Chinese civilization circle.

The things that Chinese civilization or Eastern civilization care about are really different from other civilizations.

According to the previous development trend of the Western Hemisphere, the No. [-] plane is bound to become another fairy world where people eat people in the future.

Just look at the current situation of more than 200 other mortal worlds, basically this is the trend.

The establishment of Longteng Immortal Territory extinguished this crisis.

Watching Zhang Jiangang's speech in the live broadcast, the people on the Internet nodded in their hearts.

Even overseas netizens who were watching the live broadcast had similar reactions.Because they really don't want to go back to the doomsday life a year or two ago.

Even a small number of immortals who watched the live broadcast couldn't help but agree.

However, neither these immortals nor the local people know that Zhang Jiangang's purpose of saying these words in an interview today is not for these, but for a more fundamental reason, that is, resources!
So Zhang Jiangang actually said these words to the countless immortal demons in more than 200 planes of the heavens, including the bosses, because he knew that these immortal demons, including the Heavenly Emperor and Blood Emperor, were also watching.

However, the issue of resources still has to wait until the end of this mission.

Resources are a big problem, and Zhang Jiangang hopes that the public will know about it.

I hope you guys know about this too.Then we discuss how to solve this problem together.

"One of the goals of this mission is to protect our monks as much as possible and reduce casualties. At the same time, we also want to test the progress of our earth's technological strength in the past few years, which is basically the case." Zhang Jiangang said.

"Okay Master Zhang, thank you for accepting our interview."

"Okay, thank you."

The short interview ended, but the atmosphere did not ease up, but became more tense.

Because the peacekeeping operation of [-] monks entering the country that everyone was expecting is about to begin.In addition, although Zhang Jiangang's interview is over, the person in charge of the project team is still explaining to the host, especially when the battle is fought.

At the same time, as the action was about to start, the live broadcast screen turned into a satellite live video again.Among them, it can be seen with the naked eye that in the sea area east of Beiyangzhou on the 25th plane, there are marine monsters raging everywhere, overwhelming the river and the sea, which is extremely terrifying and depressing.

And as the screen moves, the monsters on the coast are densely packed.

In the towns further inside, it is also common to see fighting, chasing, fleeing, gunpowder and smoke, as if it is the end of the day.

This scene stimulated all the viewers who watched the live broadcast, including those representatives who had stationed troops on other continents on the 25th plane to maintain peace.

The atmosphere became tense.

And they also noticed that in the network war room where the screens were switching from time to time, the game players began to become nervous, with serious expressions and sweaty palms.

Some players adjusted their breathing even harder, ready to fight at any time!

Because of the previous interview session, plus the final rehearsal and deployment before the battle, the start time of the battle has obviously just been postponed, and now it is about to arrive at [-]:[-] a.m. Tianjing time.It was obvious that everyone was very nervous.

The countdown has started, and the time has come to the last ten seconds.

In the direction of the major live broadcast channels, all the immortals and enchanted viewers, including more than 200 planes, dare not blink their eyes at all.

In a temporary hall of the headquarters of the Alliance of Heavens, nearly 150 representatives of immortals and demons from all walks of life also gathered here in tacit understanding, all watching the live broadcast in front of the big screen.

With the countdown, everyone can already see that all the gamers in the War Room of Longteng Network have put on their headphones, their hands are on the mouse, and their eyes are fixed on the screen.

"Your Majesty, the Longteng Net Battle Troop has been prepared, please give instructions!"


Following Zhang Jiangang's word "beginning", the eyes of the audience in more than 200 planes of the heavens shrank.

The next moment, the screen turned, and above the previous square, a world entrance suddenly appeared, mainly glowing purple, a huge and colorful passageway, as if it came from Nine Heavens!
"3, 2, 1! Lift off!"

As the commander's countdown ended, on the ground of the square, more than [-] huge special flying swords, more than ten meters long and three meters wide, buzzed.

Then, a flying sword broke off the ground, and then soared into the sky!

It was extremely shocking, a hundred thousand flying swords formed a frenzy of flying swords, like a mighty school of fish moving in unison in the ocean!

It seemed like an army that couldn't see the end at a glance, rushed directly into the world entrance leading to the No. 25 mortal world in the sky!
The mighty, swishing sound of breaking through the air makes people feel as if they are on the scene.

"There are three types of unmanned flying sword strike groups on this mission. The first is the reconnaissance unmanned flying sword. Their mission is mainly reconnaissance, and at the same time, high-altitude filming of the mission process."

"The second type is the attack-type unmanned flying sword. In addition to the attack power of their own spiritual weapons, they also carry a large number of modern weapons through the built-in Qiankun space, including radar, including spiritual power locking and feedback receiving devices, And there are auxiliary attacks such as smart chips."

"The third type is the unmanned flying sword that detects and strikes! They can carry out beyond-the-horizon strikes while patrolling intelligence!"

During this process, everyone can still hear the host's introduction.

And the picture after a while is truly shocking!

Investigating the unmanned flying sword should be the first step to No. 25 Charm of Mortal Realm.

Then, the screen switched to the shooting angle of a certain unmanned flying sword, and I saw countless flying swords rushing into this plane out of thin air above a certain sea area in the eastern part of Beiyangzhou in the 25th Charm Ordinary Realm!
More than [-] flying swords came out in a file, and then stretched across the sea, covering the sky and the sun, covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers around.

It can be seen that the unmanned flying swords that just came in are still a little unstable, some are falling, and some are flying randomly.

But when the screen was turned, the whole live broadcast screen was divided into two parts, one was the first-line screen, and the other was the screen of the network war room.

Everyone saw the players in the network war room tapping keyboards and mice quickly, without the slightest panic.

In an instant, the entire formation of [-] unmanned flying swords stabilized, like countless sword-shaped flying pythons straddling the sea.

In the ocean below, you can even see countless roaring marine monsters, and they are dumbfounded seeing this scene.

The unmanned flying sword bee swarm tactics have completed the first step!
What does this mean? It means that the idea of ​​commanding unmanned flying swords across planes is a success!
It shows that people in Zi Yu World don't even need to enter other planes, and they don't need to have direct casualties, they can enter other planes to kill the enemy!
At this moment, looking at all this, all the representatives in the temporary hall of the Alliance of Plane Headquarters have stood up, looking at the scene shot by the high-altitude reconnaissance unmanned flying sword with shock in their eyes.

And right now!
"Kill!" A voice command came from an unmanned flying sword on the sea of ​​plane 25!
In other words, these unmanned flying swords are not only capable of detection and killing, but also equipped with a dialogue system, speakers, etc.!
And following an order, the Hundred Thousand Flying Swords dived directly towards the sea surface, and then splashed huge waves on the sea surface with bang bang bang.

Then, accompanied by pieces of blood, the screams of sea monsters, and the flying limbs of sea monsters, in the live broadcast screen, the sea monsters who were still arrogant and still showing off in the ocean Run away with your life!
At the same time, the screen was switching from time to time, but the most shocking thing to the immortals and demons in more than 200 planes was that the screen switched to a certain player in the network war room on plane 1, or even in his own study!

With a cigarette in his mouth and a box of instant noodles next to him, this player is operating a flying sword with its own camera, radar, sonar and smart locking device, chasing and killing a group of marine monsters!Just like playing a game!

Is this really a war?Moreover, this is a cross-plane war!
terrible!You have never seen such a fight!


 good night

(End of this chapter)

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