Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 706? We ask to respect the original work

Chapter 706 We ask to respect the original
Understood, you also came through the back door.

I was so scared to death, I thought the boss was here to give a lecture, because he was dissatisfied.

The result is also to stuff people into the crew.

He nodded desperately, promised to reserve a role for him, and promised to help advertise, only to hang up the phone on the opposite side.

"Oh, what is this?" Wang Weimin and Hu Kai couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

The two of them don't know that Yue Hequn, including the six local sects, is also under great pressure now.

In the local fairyland and on the earth, all the people know the six sects, especially knowing that the local fairyland supports the development of the local sects, so they must develop their own line of cultivation.

However, who knows the six sects outside the earth.Especially now that Xianfan, Ziyu and Qi Meijie communicate so frequently.

Not to mention the six sects, even those immortals and demons outside the earth don't even know Zhang's Longevity Boxing.

They only know Zhang Jiangang.

Therefore, Huashan faction and Yue Hequn must participate in this drama!
Talent, mainly talent.

The first one is naturally to make the Huashan School famous in the heavens, and the second one is talent.

Entering the era of the heavens, the Huashan School not only hopes to attract many local monks on the earth, especially the Ziyu monks to come to practice.

They also hope that the immortals and enchanted geniuses from these more than 200 planes will also come to learn and communicate, including the top immortals to come to the Huashan School to teach, serve as guests, and teach, so as to develop and grow the Huashan lineage!
Fortunately, in order to develop the local sect, Zhang Jiangang specially recommended a large part of Ziyu cultivators to the six sects, allowing them to continue to study and promote the development of the local sect.

But this is not enough.

The vision of the six sects is now also taking a long-term view, that is, facing the heavens!

If you don't take the initiative to compete now, especially if you still have Zhang Jiangang's support, then if you don't seize the opportunity, you will not be able to catch up in the future.It takes hundreds or thousands of years to make up the gap!
"Old Yue has too many requirements, and he needs a supporting role, but he also requires the supporting role to be outstanding, and it is...too difficult." After hanging up the phone, Guo Kai next to him complained.

"Yeah, think of a way, I..."

Before the two could finish talking, the phone that Wang Weimin hadn't turned off in time rang again.

Look at the number, I don't know it!
Wang Weimin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just answer the phone.

"Amitabha, may I ask if it is Wang Weimin and Xiao Wang who are benefactors? The poor monk is Shaolin Shi Daxin." Said on the other side of the phone, and even reported a Buddha's name first.

I rely on!

Release the letter!Hosted by Shaolin, veteran and founder of Longteng Immortal Realm, one of the vice-chairmen of the local Immortal Realm, Master Shi Daxin!

Master Shi Daxin's status among the elders of the local immortal world is one or two higher than that of Yue Lao.

"Yes, yes, Amitabha, Amitabha, hello master, what is your order?" Wang Weimin's cell phone almost fell when he trembled.

Guo Kai next to him also hurriedly listened.

"Oh, Houhou, I can't talk about orders. How is the work on the movie "The Charming Emperor" going smoothly?" said the opposite side.

Wang Weimin smiled wryly, and said in his heart that you should speak straight and don't go around the bush.

"Yes, yes, thank you, master host, for your concern. Everything is going well." Wang Weimin said hastily.

"Well, it's good if it goes well. That's it. Xiao Wang, I know that filming is also very hard for you, especially picking actors is a hard job. Xiao Wang, you may know that our Shaolin Film and Television Culture Base has been devoting itself to cultivating film and television talents for these years. Especially after the recovery of spiritual energy, we did not delay, upholding the four cultivators of civil, martial, immortal and shadow."

"How about this, I will recommend a few people to you, and then they will help you, how about it?"

Wang Weimin and Hu Kai have black lines.

Who is helping whom?

"Yes, yes, thank you, master host. No need, or we can solve it ourselves."

"Hey~~~~, why are you being polite. It is the responsibility of Lao Na and Longteng Xianyu to support your work and the development of the local entertainment industry. There are not many, just three or five people."


"That's fine, thank you Master Host."

"Yeah, okay, it's okay. You can use it as you like, and you don't need to pay them any salary or anything. If you are really sorry, then we, Shaolin, as the local six martial arts, can just put out a curtain call advertisement after your movie is over or at the beginning."

"If you need to take pictures, you can come to our Longteng Shaolin. The cost is easy to talk about."

Guo Kai covered his face and was speechless.

Shaolin is still ruthless, and has to pay up.

Sure enough, after hanging up the phone, other bigwigs from the six sects also called.

Some even failed to get through the assistants and office calls.

They need roles one after another, at least to help promote the sect.

After one phone call, both Wang Weimin and Guo Kai's clothes were wet on their backs.

And this was not over yet, when Guo Kai and Wang Weimin answered the call from the last leader of the Kongtong faction, Wang Weimin's assistant rushed in from outside the office with a mobile phone in his hand.

"Director Wang, director Wang, video, someone wants to make a video call with you, and I'll call back in 5 minutes." The assistant said out of breath, his whole face was red.

This red is not tired, but excited.

What time is it, how can I have the heart to video chat with people.

The big bosses of the six sects and the founders of the six local fairylands have already called, and with the six of them in the way, I don't want anyone who calls later and whoever comes in to force someone into it.

Everything follows the process, and this movie cannot be broken!
And even the six veterans can't make random arrangements, and the quality of the movie must be guaranteed.

"Let him wait! Everyone wants to stuff people inside, is there any more rules! Director Wang is on the phone with Lu Lao, the leader of the Kongtong faction, you just tell him that you don't have time!" It is directly said.

Wang Weimin's assistant is in a hurry, Mr. Guo, Director Wang, this big man is not comparable to the heads of our six local sects!
"Big shot~" Wang Weimin's assistant lowered his voice even more.

"Big man?" Wang Weimin frowned.

Who else is a big shot?No matter how big the characters are in the entire local immortal world, they are the four heavenly kings, the young marshal and Mr. Zhang, right?
Damn, couldn't it be Mr. Zhang who called himself?

Just at this moment, the phone call with the head of the Kongtong faction also ended.

"Who? Mr. Zhang?" Wang Weimin hurried up and asked.

The assistant shook his head vigorously, then spoke to the two in a low voice.

After listening, Wang Weimin and Guo Kai's eyes widened.

"Who? His Majesty the Chiyuan Blood Emperor on the 8th plane??" The two were dumbfounded.

"Hmm, not only His Majesty the Blood Emperor, but also Emperor Hong Yuan from Plane 73... His Majesty Jinpeng from Plane 152 all sent videos!"

"Especially His Majesty the Blood Emperor Chiyuan, he said that he had already talked with Mr. Zhang, and wanted to discuss some plots with us, especially the details about the protagonist Anxiong the Great." The assistant said.

"Furthermore, His Majesty the Blood Emperor Chiyuan said that he invited the film crew to go to their No. 8 Demon Realm for on-the-spot shooting, and help us contact those people who have had an encounter with the protagonist Anxiong the Great to assist in the filming."

And listening to this, Wang Weimin and Guo Kai sat down on the sofa in shock, trembling all over.

"Quick, quick, dial back, quick!" Guo Kai, who reacted, said hurriedly, and at the same time he was so nervous that he died.

(End of this chapter)

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