Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 724 Fake, don't believe it

Chapter 724 Fake, don't believe it

Chapter 420

Start interstellar exploration!
What matters is development!
An endless world of purple royal materials will be opened in front of everyone!

This is the envy of the immortals who are watching on the earth.

Originally, everyone was already very envious of the Ziyu materials on the No. [-] plane, but Zhang Jiangang and the local fairy world are officially preparing to start interstellar exploration and interstellar development!

what does this mean?
It means that for the No. [-] plane, the people will have more resources to cultivate, especially Ziyu resources.

And for the Immortal Realm of the Heavens and the Charm Realm, it means that more and more Ziyu materials will flood into the plane trading market, even exponentially growing!

Even, some previously prohibited and embargoed Ziyu materials will be put on the shelves!

Although the earth is still growing rapidly, it is too small after all.

You must know that in the entire universe, even in the entire Milky Way and solar system, there are many, many planets that are larger than the earth.

And if the above is true as what the local fairy world said, then there are definitely purple imperial supplies!
"God is too kind to these mortals on plane one."

"Yes!" Many immortals and ghosts who were watching exclaimed.

Seeing some mortals beside them cheering, they were even more envious.

Sure enough, as mentioned in the following content, with the development of interstellar resources, Ziyulongteng World will adjust the order of magnitude of trade in the heavens, the trade list, especially the embargo list!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of all the representatives stationed in the local fairy world lit up, and they wished to send this information back to their respective fairy courts and blood courts immediately.

Sure enough, the following content mentioned continuing to strengthen plane cooperation, strengthen plane trade, and prosper the plane market!
These planar immortals and demon representatives who watched were very excited.

In fact, everyone knows that, except for some of them like Zhao Yuxiao, these representatives of the immortals and demons of the planes are mostly immortals and compradors of demons from various planes.

For example, even the Dark Hunt of the No. 8 Blood Court is a plane comprador, and even the largest comprador in the trade of the heavens.

Therefore, the policy of the local fairyland in the next 100 years is to expand the trade scale and trade list, and the benefits will naturally be first of all them and the people behind them.

These guys are definitely the first to support.

To be honest, although they are representatives of various planes, their position is actually standing with Zhang Jiangang.

Not to mention that Zhang Jiangang and the local fairy world are going to expand trade, even if they want to shrink, or even engage in moths, they will take the initiative to stand on Zhang Jiangang's side, and even find excuses for the No. [-] plane to explain to their respective fairy courts and blood courts.

So when they saw the next hundred years of development of cultivation strength, scientific and technological strength, especially the combination of technology and cultivation of military strength in the next hundred years on the first plane, they were a little embarrassed at first, but in the blink of an eye they were thinking of replacing Zhang Jiangang wanted to make an excuse, and then explained to the people behind him and Xianting.

Tens of thousands of masters in the fusion stage and one thousand masters in the tribulation stage in a hundred years, this number is indeed terrifying!
But, don't forget, their opponents are the worlds of Immortals and Demons.

Such a comparison is not enough to worry about.

It can be said that a comprehension force of this scale may not have a chance of winning against a certain fairyland, even a down-and-out remote town in a certain fairyland, especially the level of the four planes.

As for technology, it is better for them to fool those big shots after they go back.

After all, so far, no one believes that the ultimate future of technology will be more powerful than cultivation.

Everyone is still reading the more than 30-page announcement, but everyone's excitement has long been uncontrollable.

On this day, it can be said that the entire No. [-] plane is unprecedentedly lively, and the excited cheers of the people can be heard everywhere.

Bars, restaurants, etc. are all people who are happy to prepare a big meal.

Various media are also frantically reporting, analyzing the Centennial Plan just released today, and judging the spirit and core of the Local Immortal Plan.

People analyzing online are everywhere.

At the same time, today was busy with more than 200 representatives of immortals and demons from different planes.

They are also taking the time to analyze the original intention of this century-old plan, the meaning behind it, as well as its influence, core spirit, background, and various planning considerations in the local fairyland.

They not only analyze by themselves, but also go to the Internet to read the analysis of ordinary people.

Because they have to sort it out as soon as possible, and then send it to the home plane to provide their own opinions and suggestions to the bosses of the plane.

Because the big shots on the plane still attach great importance to the suggestions of their representatives. After all, they have been in the No. [-] plane for several years, and they know relatively better about the people in the No. [-] plane and Zhang Jiangang.

After summarizing, they sorted out a few points and also had a few doubts.

But upon closer inspection, they were all directed at Zhang Jiangang.

The first point is that Zhang Jiangang is indeed preparing to develop a cultivation civilization, but his focus is definitely on technology!

This shows that Zhang Jiangang is absolutely at a loss for the future of cultivation in the Ziyu world, especially after seeing more than 200 ghost worlds and fairy worlds in the heavens, he feels desperate!

This is definitely the point, absolutely let the people above know, believe it or not.

The second point is that it can be seen from this report that Zhang Jiangang has given up his ambition of competing for hegemony in the heavens!All the plans are almost all in consideration of domestic demand and the development of the No. [-] plane itself, and hardly mention anything about the changing situation of the heavens.

Third, it is certain that the local fairyland will definitely expand and expand in the matter of plane trade in the next 100 years, expanding to a degree of openness that the heavens and planes cannot imagine.

Resources that could not be bought in the past, or that were exported in small quantities, will be released on a large scale in the next hundred years or even a few years!

They really want to be a platform and make this kind of money.

This is definitely a good thing for the heavens!
Fourth, regarding the number of local monks and their cultivation goals within 100 years mentioned by Zhang Jiangang, we absolutely do not need to worry about the worlds of Immortals and Demons.We guess they are doing it for self-preservation, so don't be fooled by their so-called ambition, we should support their approach.

Especially within a hundred years, they don't plan to deeply interfere with the struggle between the various aspects of the heavens and the various aspects, which is definitely a good thing.After all, the No. [-] plane is one of the five constants in the Alliance of Heavens, and has almost the final say.

Fifth, and the only point of doubt is that Zhang Jiangang and the local fairy world don't seem to be too worried about any major changes in the No. [-] plane in the next century.

This can be seen from this report.

Eloquently, representatives from all walks of life sorted out the report overnight, and then prepared to send back their opinions and analysis.

Almost all representatives believed that although the [-]-year plan for the first plane was a bit ambitious, the local fairyland obviously gave up the route of playing a greater role in the heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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