Is it okay to be reborn later?

Chapter 739? Plane Stirring Stick!

Chapter 739: Plane Stirring Stick!
Zhang Daoyou really won't settle down!
Looking at the so-called gossip in the news reports, and seeing the emails from Xianting urging an investigation, Zhao Yuxiao felt that the whole world was going to be in chaos!
"My lord, you said Master Zhang did it on purpose?" Daoist Lu Feng said with puzzled faces when he heard his lord say that Zhang Jiangang was too bad and cruel.

"What do you think? Do you really think our Fellow Daoist Zhang is a good man and a good woman?" said Zhao Yuxiao, who glanced at Taoist Lu Feng.

"Sure enough, the one who should have come has come." Zhao Yuxiao sighed even more.

From the very beginning when Zhang Jiangang suggested the establishment of the Alliance of Heavens and the Plane Trade Platform, Zhao Yuxiao knew that Daoyou Zhang's original intention was definitely not to prosper the heavens, but to maintain peace.

Who will believe this?

This guy is just to bind the heavens together, so that these more than 200 planes and the Ziyu world share weal and woe.

In that case, since the interests of the major immortal worlds and the enchanted world are there, the idea of ​​fighting the Ziyu world will have to be considered.

In the past two years, because of the plane trade cooperation and the development of the Alliance of All Heavens, the entire Heavens are thriving.

Although there were occasional frictions with each other before, it was nothing compared to the wars and massacres of the planes countless years ago.

All the planes, immortals, ghosts and even the emperor-level figures think that everything is on the right track, and they enjoy and look forward to enjoying this kind of benefits and atmosphere forever.

But they forgot that these were not Zhang Jiangang's original intentions at all.

What is the first original intention? Naturally, it is to protect the Zi Yu world!
How to protect?Of course you, the Immortal World and the Charm World are in chaos, and you are in chaos without affecting the stable development of Ziyu World!

Moreover, the chaos should be controllable, and the chaos should not affect the overall situation.

When is this time?
It's now!

"It's a pit." Zhao Yuxiao sighed, and even explained it to the two subordinates.


"Isn't Master Zhang too hurt?" Taoist Lu Feng and Fairy Qirui said speechlessly.

"You mean that he knows that once he abdicates, the great figures in the various planes of the heavens will definitely move around, but he doesn't dare to destroy the existing alliance of the heavens and the trade structure of the planes?" Taoist Lu Feng couldn't help asking. road.

"It's more than that. Once Master Zhang retreats, there may not be anything wrong with the Ziyu World. However, other high-level planes such as the Immortal Realm and the Charm Realm must have something to do with each other for their own interests! Because when Master Zhang is here, everyone will give the Master face, and will not There was a big fight between the Immortal Realm and the Charm Realm."

"But once you abdicate, those big bosses will not be merciful anymore. Once a large world entrance appears in a certain fairyland, it will probably be a big battle! And in this case, Ziyu World is the most It's stable." Fairy Chery couldn't help but said.

"I dare say that the great figures of the heavens are both scared and excited, especially the immortals and demons from the four planes and the first plane." Fairy Qi Rui added.

Zhao Yuxiao nodded.

The four planes have long wished for this.

It is estimated that only those in the middle and lower fairy world and the enchanted world are really in a hurry.

"But isn't there Zhang Wenjun? There are also the five permanent members of the plane, and the joint army of the plane." Taoist Lu Feng was puzzled. "You mean Zhang Wenjun can't control the situation?"

Taoist Lu Feng took a deep breath after he figured it out.

This is simply misfortune.

One abdicated, directly disrupting more than 200 planes in the heavens, and then hid himself to develop.

It's too bad, Master Zhang, how can you be so bad, you are my idol!

Didn't you say that the heavens and planes should coexist peacefully, seek common development, and establish a new order?

Why are you like this?
Taoist Lu Feng is about to collapse.

"You, I told you to stop messing around with Lao Song and Lao Zhao." Zhao Yuxiao looked at Taoist Lu Feng dumbfounded.

Those are old fritters.

A weak person, a Dragon Immortal Realm whose strength ranks last in more than 200 planes in the heavens, and his master said that he wanted to maintain peace together?
He said that he hoped that all the heavens, no matter immortals, mortals, monsters, monsters, or monsters, could love each other equally. He said that he meant it from the bottom of his heart. Do you believe this, Lu Feng?
I heard Daoist Lu Feng say in surprise, 'You mean Zhang Wenjun can't control the situation? ', Zhao Yuxiao laughed even harder.

"Control the situation? Why do they want to control the situation? It's not in the Ziyu World, and it's too late for them to watch the excitement." Zhao Yuxiao looked at Daoist Lu Feng and asked dumbfoundedly.

Taoist Lu Feng was taken aback when these words came out, Fairy Qi Rui also burst out laughing.

"Hey, I hope Zhang Wenjun can be a good person, don't be like his father." Zhao Yuxiao sighed.

"My lord, I think it's not just that. This abdication is also a great opportunity for Zhang Wenjun." Fairy Chery said again.

"Well, this is probably all Zhang Daoyou's calculation. When the world is in chaos, Zhang Wenjun can not only sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but also invite Zhang Wenjun and Ziyu World to mediate, and let Ziyu World intervene in the middle and lower levels and even the top plane. More and more often."

"These are all political legacy. As long as Zhang Wenjun operates well and manages well, he can definitely gain huge influence and prestige without damaging the interests of Ziyu World at all!"

"And Ziyu World can be more active on the stage of the heavens, as a mediator. You must know that when Zhang Jiangang was in office, the heavens wished that he would not interfere in anything." Zhao Yuxiao said, and at the same time, the future has already appeared in his mind. The young marshal is swaying horizontally and horizontally on the stage of the heavens, and the scenes are only talking.

"Ah? Can't it??" Taoist Lu Feng asked hastily.

"Why not." Fairy Chery had already spoken first.

"For example, next year we have plane 73. If something happens to us, who do you think we can turn to besides Ziyu World to help mediate? Every plane in the heavens wants to eat us." Fairy Qi Rui said.

"Well, when the time comes, it will be Zhang Wenjun who will say something nice for us. The immortals in our hometown will be grateful. Don't forget that all the network communications and media rights of the All-Heaven Alliance are all in Ziyu In the hands of the world."

"The Alliance of Heavens has also been in operation for a while, and many weak planes have become accustomed to solving problems by voting. This is the most ridiculous and saddest thing." Zhao Yuxiao sighed.

Don't you think it's scary to entrust the fate of one's own plane clansmen to the votes in the hands of other plane immortals or even demons, and entrust it to others or even enemies.

And the saddest thing is that after Zhang Jiangang abdicated, No. 73 Immortal World, a middle-level plane, is such a plane that cannot control one's own destiny!

"A plane, a country and a nation, after all, you still have to rely on yourself. Rely on others? Maybe someone else will sell you at any time, just like Zhang Jiangang now." Zhao Yuxiao sighed with a little sadness in his heart. road.

No, I have to talk to Zhang Daoyou before he abdicates.

Zhao Yuxiao clenched his fist even more.In any case, he wanted to fight for something for his hometown, and get through the chaotic period as safely as possible.

And just when Zhao Yuxiao was thinking about this.

"My lord, Longteng Immortal Territory sent an invitation letter, saying that Yu Zhang is the main one to see you." A fairy subordinate from the No. 73 representative office came in, holding a letter in his hand.

"We got the news that all the representatives of the middle and lower planes among the more than 200 planes have also received the letter. But they meet at eleven o'clock, and we meet at ten o'clock." While talking, the subordinate handed the letter to Zhao Yuxiao.

"The representatives of the other four planes will meet in the afternoon."

Seeing this, Zhao Yuxiao was taken aback. He didn't expect Zhang Jiangang's invitation letter to come just as soon as he had this idea.

At the same time, Zhao Yuxiao had a bad feeling!

He felt that Zhang Jiangang's meeting with himself was okay, but the meeting with the representatives of the lower and middle planes was probably not well-intentioned!
At this moment, he suddenly remembered a European country in exile on the No. 1 plane Earth.

That country that likes to play disgusting, vicious offshore balancing strategies and digging pits and mines, that sunset country that was once called the global shit-stirring stick by all countries in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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